Attachment 20161229153324-200.p





This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20001229-00764 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                              FECIMELT   S:      Ni )fi? 20
                                     Before TheNS
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        — 8 20                             IO       COMMISSION
 JAN|                   FEDERAL COMMUNICAT

International Bure
In the Matter of                                                     ITC—ASG—20001229—00764
                                                                         wiReLessvill, INC.
                                ; ns
Application of Price Communicatio               PRiCE COMMUM ications
Wireless VIII, Inc., Assignor
and Cellco Partnership, Assignee —
for Assignment of International
Section 214 Authorization                           )

                          APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENT OF

        Cellco Partnership ("Celleo") d/b/a Verizon Wireless and Price

Communications Wireless VIII, Inc. (“Pfice”) (collectively, "the Applicants"),

hereby request Commission consent pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.18(e)(3) of the

Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3)), for the assignment to Cellco of an

international Section 214 authorization to be held by Price. The assignment

will occur pursuant to a transaction in which Price will contribute certain

cellular and associated point—to—point microwave assets to Cellco. A detailed

description of the transaction afid its public interest benefits is attached to this

application and has been filed as part of the applications to assign the related

cellular and microwave licenses from Price to Cellco.


      The following information is submitted in accordance with Section

63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3)), and the

applicable paragraphs thereunder.

      a.    Names, Addresses and Telephone Numbers

            Assignor:    Price Communications Wireless VIII, Inc.
                         45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 3201
                         New York, NY 10020
                         (212) 757—5600

            Assignee:    Cellco Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless
                         180 Washington Valley Road
                        Bedminster, NJ 07921
                         (908) 306—7304

            Corporate Organization

            Price is a Delaware corporation.

            Cellco is Delaware general partnership.

            Contact Persons for Correspondence

            Assignor:   Lawrence Roberts
                        Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
                         1500 K Street, NW, Suite 450
                        Washington, DC 20005
                        (202) 508—6600

            Transferee: John T. Scott, III
                        Vice President and Deputy General Counsel
                              —— Regulatory Law
                        1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                        Washington, DC 20004—2595
                        (202) 624—2582;

                        after January 1, 2001
                        1300 I Street, NW
                        Suite 400 West
                        Washington, D.C. 20005

                                      — 9 _

                         (202) 589—3760

      d.      Description of Section 214 Authorizations

      Cellco holdsinternational Section 214 authority to provide international

switched andprivate—line services as a facilities—based and resale carrier,

pursuant to Sections 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the rules, between points in the

United States and foreign points in connection with Cellco‘s provision of

commercial mobile service.! Price will hold international Section 214 authority

to provideinternational service pursuant to [Sections 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2)] of

the rules.?

   1 See File Nos. ITC—214—19960422—00159 (switched resale), ITC—214—
19960924—00461 (limited global facilities—based); ITC—214—1996—1008—00504
(switched resale); ITC—94—275 (switched resale). Cellco also holds a controlling
interest in PrimeCo Personal Communications, L.P. ("PrimeCo") which, along
with certain PrimeCo affiliates, is authorized to provide service pursuant to
Section 63.18(e)(2) of the rules. File Nos. ITC—214—19961004—00492, ITC—214—
   2 See File No. ITC—214—20001221—00730, (filed Dec. 19, 2000). The
International Bureau is processing this and related applications for initial

       €.    By this and other simultaneous filed applications, Cellco

seeks authority to acquire, by assignment, the international Section 214

authorizations held by Price pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the

Commission‘s rules.

       £.    Not applicable

       g.    Not applicable

       h.    Equity and Directors

       The ultimate 10 percent or greater interest holders in assignee Cellco are

Verizon Communications, Inc. ("Verizon") and Vodafone Group Plc ("Vodafone").

      Verizon Communications, Inc.
       1095 Avenue of the Americas
       New York, NY 10036
       Principal Business: Telecommunications
       Citizenship: Delaware (U.S.) Corporation
       Percentage Held: 55 percent indirect interest

      Vodafone Group, Plc
      The Courtyard
       2—4 London Road, Newbury
       Berkshire RG14 1JX
       Principal Business: Wireless, Competitive Fixed and Satellite
             Telecommunications Services
       Citizenship: United Kingdom
       Percentage Held: 45 percent indirect interest

      There are no interlocking directorates between Cellco and a foreign


      i.     Affiliations with Foreign Carriers

      Applicant Cellco hereby certifies that it is affiliated with foreign carriers

in the countries described below.

Argentina                  CTI Compania de Telefonos del Interior S.A.; CTI Norte
                           Compania de Telefonos del Interior S.A.
Australia                  Vodafone Australia
Austria                    tele.ring
Canada                     BCT.Telus Communications, Inc.; Quebec—Telephone;
                           Clearnet Communications Inc.
Dominican Republic         Compania Dominicana de Telefonos ("CODOTEL")
Egypt                      MisrFone
France                     FLAG Telecom Holdings Limited ("FLAG")
Germany                    Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH/D2; Arcor and
Gibraltar                  Gibraltar NYNEX Communications, Ltd.
Greece                     Panafon
Hungary                    Vodafone Hungary
Italy                      Omnitel; Infostrada; FLAG Telecom Ireland Limited
Japan                      GTE Far East (Services) Limited; FLAG
Malta                      Vodafone Malta             '
Mexico                     Grupo Iusacell, S.A. de C.V.
Netherlands                Libertel; FTIL
New Zealand                Vodafone New Zealand
Portugal                   Telecel
Singapore                  FLAG Telecom Singapore ("FTS")
Spain                      Airtel
Sweden                     Europolitan
United Kingdom             Vodafone; FTIL
Venezuela                  Compania Anonima Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela

        j—    Destination Markets

        Cellco hereby certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any destination

market, and does not control a foreign carrier in any destination market.

        Cellco hereby certifies that it provides international telecommunications

services to the following destination markets identified in paragraph (i) above in

which Vodafone and/or Verizon controls a foreign carrier: Argentina, Australia,

Austria, Canada, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Gibraltar,

Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Malta, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand,

Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela.

                                         — 5 _

       k.     Competition Issues

       All the destination markets identified in paragra    ) above are WTO

Member countries.

       1.     Reselling Services of Unaffiliated U.S. F     ties—Based

       The Commission has previously determined tha:        co, as an authorized

international carrier subsidiary of Verizon (formerly B     lantic), is entitled to

nondominant treatment on all international routes pu:       at to Section

63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s rules, except as to the     es to the Dominican

Republic and Venezuela. However, as previously dete:        »d bythe

Commission, pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the ru.      sellcois subject to

non—dominant regulation for purposes of services prov       to the Dominican

Republic and Venezuela and agrees to continue to con        with the reporting

requirements of Section 43.61(c) of the rules.} Cellco      not serve Gibraltar

on a facilities basis.

      m.     Non—Dominant Classification

      The foreign carriers affiliated with Cellco byvirti   Vodafone‘s 45

percent ownership interest —— those in Australia, Austria, Egypt, Germany,

Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain,

  3 See In re Application of GTE Corporation and Bell Atlantic Corporation
Transferee, for Consent to Transfer Control ofDomestic and International
Sections 214 and 310 Authorizations and Application to Transfer Control of a
Submarine Cable Landing License, CC Docket No. 98—184, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, FCC 00—221, € 422, n.953 (rel. June 16, 2000) ("Bell
Atlantic—GTE Order").

Sweden, and the United Kingdom —— are all either mobile wireless carriers or

competitive wireline carriers, each of which has far less than 50 percent market

share in the international transport and the local access in their respective

countries; moreover, Cellco only provides resold international services to these

destinations. Therefore, and as the Commission has already determined,

Cellco is entitled to non-dominanf treatment on all of these routes pursuant to

Sections 63.10(a)(3) and (a)(4) of the Commission‘s rules.*

      Cellco is also entitled to non—dominant regulation on those affiliated

routes where its parent company Verizon holds indirect ownership interests ——

Argentina, Canada, Dominican Republic, Japan, Gibraltar, Mexico, and

Venezuela.     The Commission has already determined that Verizon and its

international subsidiaries —— including Celleo —— qualify for non—dominant

classification on all of these routes for the resale of unaffiliated facilities—based

carriers‘ international switched services.5 As Cellco will continue to provide

international service pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the rules, and would

acquire no additional foreign carrier affiliations by virtue of the transaction

  4 See 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.10(a)(3), (4); see also In re Applications of Vodafone
AirTouch, Plc, and Bell Atlantic Corporation for Consent to Transfer of Control or
Assignment ofLicenses and Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order,
DA 00—721, € 18 (WTB/IB rel. March 30, 2000); File Nos. FCN—NEW—20000831—
00048, FCN—NEW—20000608—00036.
  ° See Bell Atlantic—GTE Order, § 406—422.

with Price, Cellco remains subject to nondominant regulation on all

international routes pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(4).°

        n.    Special Concessions

        Cellco certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions

directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.

international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the

foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

        0.    Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification

        Cellco hereby certifies, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of

the Commission‘s Rules, that no party to this application is subject to a denial

of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of


        p.    Streamlined Processing

        This application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.12). As discussed above, the

Commission has already determined, as to the foreign carrier affiliations that

result from both Verizon‘s 55 percent and Vodafone‘s 45 percent ownership

   6 As noted above, Cellco is also authorized to provide facilities—based services
pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission‘s rules. To the extent that
Cellco were to provide facilities—based international services, the Commission
has already determined that Celleo is subject to non—dominant regulation on
those routes in which Verizon—controlled carriers are subject to dominant
carrier regulation, namely the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. Id. q 420—

that Cellceo is entitled to non—dominant treatment." This application is

therefore subject to streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(1)(i)—

(iv) of the Commission‘s rules.                 ®


          For the reasons set forth above, the public interest, convenience and

necessity would be furthered by grant of this application, and the Commission

should consent to the assignment to Cellco of various international Section 214

authorization held by Price.

                                    . Respectfully submitted,

Price Communications Wireless VIII, Inc. Cellco Partnership

By: MF'                                             By:   sB TA
           awrence Roberts           h                    John T. Scott, III
          Partner                                         Vice President
          Davis Wright Tremaine LLP                       and Deputy General
          1500 K Street, NW                           _   Counsel —— Regulatory Law
          Suite 450                                       Cellco Partnership
         Washington, DC 20005                             d/b/a Verizon Wireless
         (202) 508—6600                                   1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                                                          Washington, DC 20004—2595
                                                          (202) 624—2582

December 28, 2000

      7 See 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.10(a)(3), (a)(4).

                                                                       FCC FORM 603
                                                                          EXHIBIT 1
                                                                         PAGE 1 OF 3

                      DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION

       This application requests the Commission‘s consent to assign certain cellular
radiotelephone licenses (and any associated point—to—point microwave licenses) from
entities that are ultimately controlled by Price Communications Corporation
("PCC"), to Celleo Partnership ("Celleo"). The call signs for the licenses are set forth
on the application.

       Cellco is a general partnership, which is ultimately owned by Verizon
Communications Inc. ("Verizon Communications") and Vodafone Group Ple.
("Vodafone"). Information as to Celleo‘s ownership is provided in Exhibit 2 to this
application and in Celleo‘s Form 602, which is on file with the Commission.
Vodafone‘s minority, indirect, non—controlling interest in the partnership, and its
qualifications (as a foreign corporation) to hold indirect ownership interests in
common carrier licenses have been previously authorized by the FCCunder Section
310(b)(4) of the Communications Act.! Neither Vodafone nor any of its foreign
subsidiaries hold any direct ownership interests in any commoncarrier licenses. No
changes have occurred in Vodafone or Celleo‘s foreign ownership. Accordingly,
Cellco requests the Commission find that no new foreign ownership issues are
raised by this filing and extend the previous section 310(b)(4) authorization to the
licenses in this application.

       The transaction will involve three steps. First, the licenses will be
contributed by eachcurrent licensee, through intermediate subsidiaries, to Price
Communications Wireless, Inc. ("PCW"), a wholly owned subsidiary of PCC. This
will be a pro forma assignment because each licensee and intermediate subsidiary is

1 See In re Applications of Vodafone AirTouch Ple and Bell Atlantic Corporation,
For Consent to the Transfer of Control or Assignment of Licenses and
Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00—721 at © 19 (Intl. and Wir.
Tel. Burs., rel. Mar. 30, 2000); FCC Public Notice, "International Authorizations
Granted," Report No. TEL—00174, DA No. 99—3033 (IB and WTB, rel. Dec. 30, 1999);
In re AirTouch Communications, Inc., Transferor, and Vodafone Group, Plc.,
Transferee, For Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses and Authorizations,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red 9430, 9 (WTB 1999).

                                                                       FCC FORM 603
                                                                          EXHIBIT 1
                                                                         PAGE 2 OF 3

presently ultimately controlled by PCC. In step two, PCW will assign the licenses
to Celleo in return for a partnership interest in Cellco. At the conclusionof these
two steps, Cellceo will become the licenseeof the subject stations.? In step three,
Verizon Wireless Inc. (VWI") will acquire PCW, in exchange for VWI common stock.

      The transaction will not occur unless aninitial public offering ("IPO®) is
completed for VWI. Following the completion of all three steps, VWI will own PCW,
and PCW will own an indirect minority ownership interest in Cellco. Verizon
Communications will continue to hold ultimate control of Celleo throughits rights
to elect a majority of the board of directors of VWI.

      This application raises no issues under the Commission‘s spectrum caprule,
47 CFR § 20.6. The majority of the cellular systems are located in markets in
which Cellco currently holds no interests in CMRS licenses. Several of the cellular
systems are located in RSAs which overlap the Jacksonville, Florida MTA, in which
Cellco holds a PCS 30 MHz license. The combined spectrum will thustotal 55 MHz.
Under the spectrum cap rule, 47 CFR § 20.6(a), as applied to rural service areas, a
single entity is permitted to hold up to 55 MHz of cellular and PCS spectrum in
overlapping markets. Finally, the cellular system located in the Panama City,
Florida MSA overlaps with the Jacksonville, Florida MTA. The combined spectrum
will total 55 MHz. Under the spectrum cap rule, 47 CFR § 20.6(c)(1), significant
overlap, resulting in a violation of the spectrum cap, occurs when at least 10 percent
of the population of the PCS licensed service area for the counties contained therein
is located within the CGSA of the cellular system. The Panama City MSA is
comprised of just one county, Bay County. Based on the most recent available
decennial census figures, only six percent of the population of the Jacksonville MTA
is located within the Panama City MSA. Accordingly, Celleo will be in compliance
with the rule.

      Grant of this application will serve the public interest because it will enable
customers in these markets to have access to the large array of wireless voice and

2 As discussed above, PCW will engage in a series of pro forma consolidations prior
to consummation of the ultimate transaction. At this time, it is not possible to know
whether the applicants will ultimately require authority either to transfer control of
the licensee or to assign the licenses. Accordingly, at the direction of Commission
staff the applicants request alternative consents to assign the licenses or transfer of
control of the licensees.

                                                                         FCC FORM 603
                                                                           PAGE 1 OF 1
                             EESPONSE TO QUESTION 73
               Tt e £ .pplican is part of Verizon Wireless, a national commercial wireless
carrie‘. Verizcn Nt eless is »w ied and controlled, ultimately, by a partnership between
Venz n Co mmurt ic: tions Inc . (‘‘Verizon") and Vodafone Group Ple (*Vodafone").‘
Veriz n, a Deliaw are Corpor: ti0 1, owns 55% of this partnership; Vodafone. a company
org an zed under tae aws of tie United Kingdom, owns 45%. Control of this partnership
is ves ed in a Fogrd of Represer tatives, which in turn is controlled by Verizon. In sum,
Veriz )n is tie mijor ty owner a id possesses sole affirmative control of the partnership
and Verizon Wirdless. Voda‘ore‘s minority, indirect, non—controlling interest in the
paitnerslup ard i:s cualificatior s (as a foreign corporation) to hold indirect ownership
intre ts in coram on carrier l ce:ises have been previously authorized by the FCC under
Serticn }1((b (4; of the Con minications Act." Neither Vodafone nor any of its foreign
subsiciaiie: hcld an: direct c wr ership interests in any common carrier licenses. No new
forzign cwnershr> is sues are raised by this filing.

        ‘Bell Atlantic Corporation changed its name to Verizon Communications Inc. in
September, 2000; Vodafone AirTouch Ple changed its name to Vodafone Group Ple in
July, 2000.

        *See In re Applications of Vodafone AirTouch Plc and Bell Atlantic Corporation,
For Consent to the Transfer of Control or Assignment ofLicenses and Authorizations,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00—721 at © 19 (Intl. and Wir. Tel. Burs., rel. Mar.
30, 2000); FCC Public Notice, "International Authorizations Granted," Report No. TEL—
00174, DA No. 99—3033 (Intl. Bur., rel. Dec. 30, 1999); In re AirTouch Communications,
Inc., Transferor, and Vodafone Group, Plc., Transferee, For Consent to the Transfer of
Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red
9430,   9 (Wir. Tel. Bur., 1999).

Document Created: 2019-04-17 19:47:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 19:47:22

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