Attachment 20161222101448-480.p





This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20000210-00092 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                       hcCAXq #O0que—uuG—I

                                                                      Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC
ll   Arent FOX                                                        1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                                                      Washington, DC 20036—5339
     ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                                 Phone 202/857—6000
                                                                      Fax     202/857—6395

                                                                      Sana D. Coleman
     July 18, 2000

     Magalie Roman Salas                                   JUL 18 2009                       RECE IVED
     Secretary                                       Prognat commuscanions Conmesige
     Office of the Secretary                              eprice of ts secaemay                JUL      8 20
     Federal Communications Commission                                                         yuL 1           00
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room TW—A 325                                                  Telecom Division
     Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                  International Bureau

     RE:     Withdrawal ofApplication and Requestfor Refund ofApplication Processing Fee—
             In the Matter of Application of Millennium Optical Networks/North America, Inc.
             ("MONNAIT") and Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc. ("Sphera") for Authority Pursuant to
             Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, to Assign Authorization to
             Provide Global Facilities—Based and Resale Telecommunications Services

     Dear Ms. Salas:

             On July 6, 2000, Millennium Optical Networks/North America, Inc. ("MONNAI") and
     Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc. ("Sphera"), (collectively, the "Joint Applicants") filed the
     above—captioned Application with the Federal Communications Commission (the "Commission")
     (copy enclosed). Since that time, the Joint Applicants have concluded that their proposed
     transaction is properly designated as a pro forma assignment pursuant to Section 63.24(a)(5) of the
     Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R §63.24(a)(5). Accordingly, the Application is not subject to the
     requirements of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18, and the Joint
     Applicants hereby withdraw the Application. The Joint Applicants, however, do intend to comply
     with the notification requirements specified in Section 63.24(b) of the Commission‘s rules, 47
     C.F.R. §63.24(b).

             The Commission does not require a filing fee for pro forma assignments, and accordingly,
     the Joint Applicants request a refundof the application fee in the amount of $780. See 47 C.F.R.

     WASHINGTON, DC                  NEW YORK                         RIYADH                          BUCHAREST

I|I Arent Fox

  Magalie Roman Salas
  July 18, 2000
  Page 2

         Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact the undersigned.

                                               Respectfully submitted,
                                               _ /           ) j
                                            2,,%na AJ (btmen
                                               Sana D. Coleman

  ge:   George Li (via facsimile)
        Managing Director, FCC (via messenger)
        Thomas Koltis          (via U.S. postal service)
        Ryan Scott             (via U.S. postal service)
        Douglas G. Bonner (via inter—office mail)
        Helen E. Disenhaus      (via U.S. postal service)


                                     Before the
                                         Wa ihington, D .C. 20554             iz A* 7 303
                                                               ons 23         d 97 000C

In tt e Maiter of                                       )
MIJ.LEN NIUNI OPTTICA . NE‘ CWO @iKS/                   )
NOiTH AMEUCA, INC                                       )
                                                        )      File No. ITC 2000—
        and                                             )
SPFE ERA OPT [CAL NET WOE KS NA., NC.                   )
App licaticn for Authority P     irsuar t to            )
Sect on 214 of t 1e Co:nmur      icatio as Ac           )
of 1)34, a ; Amended, to As      sign / uthor zation1   )
to P: ovide Glob i1 Fac lities   Based| and ) lesale    )
Tele somir unica:ions Servic     3s                     )

                                         JOINT APPLICAT ON

        Millenni im Optical Networks/N orth America, Inc. ("MONNAI") and Sphera Optical

Netzorks N.A., Inc. (" Sphe a"), (:olleciively eferr:d to ; s the "Applicants"), by their

undersigned cor nsel and pu suant to Se :tion :14 of the C ommunications Act of 1934, as

amended, 47 U.S.C. §214, s nd Se stion 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§63.18(e)(3), hereby request approval of the assignment (the "Assignment") whereby the Section

214 authorization granted by this Commission to MONNAI on March 17, 2000 under File No.

ITC—ASG—2000210—00092 (the "Section 214 Authorization") will be assigned to Sphera.

       As fully described herein, approval of the Assignment will permit Sphera to realize

significant economic and marketing efficiencies which will enhance its ability to provide high

quality, low cost telecommunications services and to compete more effectively in the

international telecommunications marketplace. Accordingly, grant of this Application will

benefit the public interest. In support of this Application, Applicants submit the following


       A.      Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc.

       Spherais a privately held Delaware corporation having its principal place of business in

New York, New York. Sphera is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of MONNAI. Sphera does not have

any subsidiaries at this time. Following the Assignment, Sphera will have sufficient technical,

financial, and managerial resources to operate as a global facilities—basedand resale carrier of

international telecommunications services. Uponapproval by the Commissionof this Section

214 Application and the closingof the Assignment, (a) MONNAI personnel that provide the

telecommunications services authorized under the Section 214 Authorization will be employed

by Sphera, (b) the physical assets of MONNAI that are necessary to provide the

telecommunication services authorized under the Section 214 Authorization will be transferred to

Sphera, (c) and Sphera will receive, as a result of the Assignment, working capital.

       B.      Millennium Optical Networks/North America, Inc.

       MONNAI is a privately held Delaware corporation headquartered in New York, New

York. MONNAI is authorized to provide international switched voice services between the

United States and permissible ifiternational points as an international facilities—based and resale

carrier. Further information regarding MONNAI was submitted in File No. ITC—ASG—2000210—

00092 and is therefore, already a matter of public record at the Commission, and Applicants

request that it be incorporated by reference herein.


       Pending the consent of the shareholders of MONNAI, which consent is expected to be

obtained on or about July 7, 2000, MONNAI and certain investors (collectively, the Investors)

have agreed to enterinto a Purchase Agreement pursuant to which MONNAI will issue to the

Investors approximately 24,900,000 shares of its authorized but unissued preferred stock, which

stock can be converted into common stock (collectively, the Additional Stock), in return for the

Investors payment to MONNAI of approximately $68,000,000. Upon completion ofthe sale of

the Additional Stock, MONNAI will have issued 28,916,667 of its 50,000,000 authorized shares

of preferred stock and 19,000,000 of its 100,000,000 authorized shares of its common stock.

       The sale of the Additional Stock to the Investors will provide MONNAI withthe

additional working capital that Sphera may draw upon to enhance Sphera‘s ability to provide

uninterrupted quality and cost effective and competitive telecommunications services to its


       As a wholly owned subsidiary of MONNAI, Sphera will have sufficient technical,

financial, and managerial resources and theability to provide the telecormmunication services as

fully under MONNAT‘s Section 214 Authorization. Those services currently being provided by

MONNAI will continue to be offered by Sphera pursuant to the MONNAI tariffs currently on file

with the Commission. A team of well—qualified telecommunications managers comprised, in

part, of existing MONNAI peréonnel will lead Sphera. The transfer of MONNAT‘s Section 214

Authorization to Sphera, therefore, will be virtually transparent to the customers of MONNAL.


       Consummation of the proposed tran sactio: 1 will serve the public interes : in promoting

competition anong providers 0:‘ local and i iterex shange telecomm inications s srvices by

combining the financial resources and complementary imnanagerial skills ind ex seriet ce of

MONNAI and Sphera in providing telecom nunications services to the public. MON NAI :ind

Sphera anticipatethat the contenplated Assignment will result in a comp any better equipp2d to

accelerate its growth as a compstitive telecommuiications service provicer. The As:signm snt

will permit MONNAI and Sphera to manag s thei1 telecommunications operations more

efficiently, thereby enhancing their operatic nal flexibility and effic:ency. Thes : enhincements

will benefit customers of each carrier nationwide by offering better services at compititive

prices. Accordingly, the proposed Assignir ent w 11 benefit the public intarest ty enabling

MONNAI and Sphera to offer competitivel; priced services in the J.S. t iterstete and

international marketplace.


       In support of Applicants‘ request for authc rization, the following inforniation is sut mitted

pursuant to Section 63.18 (e)(3) of the Commission‘s rules and regulations, 47 C.F.R.


       (a)      The name, address and telephone number of Applicants are:

                Millennium Opfical Networks/
                North America, Inc.
                200 Madison Avenue, Suite 502
                New York, New York 10016
                Telephone:     (212) 683—1011
                Facsimile:    (212) 683—6966

       Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc.
       200 Madison Avenue, Suite 502
       New York, New York 10016
       Telephone:         (212) 683—1011
       Facsi mi e:        (212) 683—5966

(b)    MOP N. \I is & ec rporation organiz:d and existing under the lawss of the state of
       Dela vaie.

       Sphe ‘a is a corpc ration orgarized iind. existing underthe laws of the state of
       Dela vae.

(c)    The 1 anie, titls, ; ddress and telephone number of the contact to whom
       corre ;pc ndence ( oncerning tais ap »lication should be directed to:

       MO) N. \I ancd S ohera:

       Thor ias Koltis, 1 sq.
       200 14alison Av »nue, Suite 502
       New Y¥crk, New York 10016.
       Telep hcne:     (212) 683—1011
       Facsi mie:      (2 12) 683—6966

       with a c opy to:

       Dou;   las G. Bon er, Esq.
       Sana   D. Colemaii, Esq.
       Aren   : F )x Kintn r Plotkin & Kahn PLLC
       1050    Comnectict t Avenue, NW
       Was!   in ston, D.C‘. 20036—5339
       Tel:       (202) 85 —6000
       Fax:      (202) 85:—6395

       The Commission is requested to direct any inquiries concerning this application to
       Douglas G. Bonner, Esq. and Sana D. Coleman, Esq.

(d)    MONNAI has authority to provide global facilities—based and resale services
       pursuant to Section 214 under File No. ITC—ASG—2000210—00092. Sphera does
       not have Section 214 authorization.

(e)—(f) No response required.

     (g)   Not applicable.

     (b)   Sphera is a wholly owned subsidiary of MONNAI, therefore, MONNAI has a
           100% equity interest in Sphera. The following entities, through their direct
           ownership interests in MONNAI, indirectly haive a ten percent or greater interest
           in Sphera:

           NMillennium Optical Networks, Inc.
           200 Madison Avenue, Suite 502
           New York, NY 10016
           Indirect percent ownership; 33%
           Principal Business: Telecommunications
           Citizen: A New York Corporation

           Peter Tierney
           (through his interest in Millennium Optical Networks, Inc.)
           200 Madison Avenue, Suite 502
           New York, NY 10016
           Indirect Percent Ownership: 23%
           Principsll Business: Telecommunications
           Citizen: A U.S. Citizen

           Allan Quasha
           (through his interest in Millennium Optical Networks, Inc.)
           720 5th Avenue, 9th Floor
           New York, NY 10019
           Percent Ownership: 24%
           Principal Business: Investment
           Citizen: A U.S. Citizen

           Pequot Venture Partners, L.P.
           500 Nyala Farm Road
           Westport, CT 06880
           Percent Ownership: 17%
           Principal Business: Investment
           Citizen: a Delaware Limited Liability Partnership

           Sphera has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

)          See attached Certification.

G)         See attached Certification.

(k) — (m)      Not applicable.

(n)            By the attached Certification and as required by Section 63.18(n) of the
               Commission‘s rules, Sphera certifiss that, except as permitted by the
               Commission‘s Rules, directly or in directy frorn any foreign carrier or
               administration with respect t» traflic or 1evenue flov‘s betveen the U.;3. ind any
               foreign country which Sphera may be auchorized to serve nc it wi l not enter into
               such agreements in the futur:.

(0)            By the attached Certification and as required by 63.1 8(0) of tie TSomniission‘s
               rules, Sphera certifies that no party to this Appliciation, as delined in Seciions
               1.2001 through 1.2003 of the: Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ :.2 )01 —1.2003, is
               subject to a denial of Federa. bene its pursuant to Section 5301 of the Arti—Drug
               Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

(P)            Sphera submits that this Apr lication is eatitled to st eainlined processing for the
               following reasons: (1) grant of this Appl cation is in the publ c interest and will
               enbhance competition in the i iternational telecominu aications market; (2) Sphera
               is not affiliated with a foreig 1 carr er; (3) Sphera is not affilis tec! with a cominant
               U.S. carrier whose internatic nal svitched or private linzs services .Applicant seek:
               authority to resell; and (4) Sphera 1loes not seek to provide: syritched basi; service
               over private lines to a country for which the Commission i1as nct previot sly
               authorize the provision of svitched services over pr vare lines. Accordit gly,
               Applicant requests streamlined processinig of this Applicaion ir accorda 1ce with
               47 C.F.R. §63.12.

       As demonstrated in this Application, App icants submit tha ; the grar t of this Ap plication

will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. For the reasons spscifie1hsrein,

Applicants respectfully requests the Commission to gra it the instarit Appr lic ition ‘zia str:amlined


                          Respectfully submitted,

                      By: Wfl/ AQ d&/mmu
                       . Doilglas G. Bonner, Esq.
                         Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
                          Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC
                          1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20036
                          Tel:   (202) 857—6000
                          Fax: (202) 857—6395

                          Counsel for Millennium Optical
                          Networks/North America, Inc. and Sphera
                          Optical Networks N.A., Inc.

Dated: July 6, 2000


1    47 CFR 63.18(i). Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc. is not affiliated with any
     foreign carrier.

3.   47 CFR 63.18(j). Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc. does not seek to ;         vide
     international communication services to any destination country meeting        y of the
      conditions set forth in 47 CFR 63.18(j).

3:    47 CFR 63.18(m). Except as permitted by the Commission‘s Rules, as aa          ided
      from time to time, Sphera Optical Networks N.A., Inc., has not agreed t       —ccept
      any special concessions, as defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly (
      indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traff    >r
      revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign country which Sphera (         ical
      Networks N. A., Inc. may be authorized to serve and it will not enter inte    ich
      agreements in the future.

4.    47 CFR 63.18(0). No party to this Application is subject to a denial of F     sral
      benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988,          U.S.C.
      ! §53(a).

                              CERTIFICATION CONTINUED



       I, Tom J. Koltis, under penalty of perjury declare that I am the Assistant General Counsel
of Millennium Optical Networks North America, Inc ("MONNAI") and the person authorized to
make this certification on behalf of MONNAI and its wholly—owned subsidiary, Sphera Optical
Networks N.A., Inc. ("Sphera"); that I have read the foregoing statements attached hereto; and
that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

                                                              Tom i‘g@lt\is

Subscribed and\swom to me this    _4      day of July, 2000

     m     ' y   /h&;@fi
   ary Public            ¥
My co    'ssian expires:         7/2002

Document Created: 2019-04-20 10:08:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 10:08:05

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