Attachment 20170207142609-140.p





This document pretains to ITC-ASG-19990312-00219 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                              MR    oRaLP :ik*
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                                        Before the
                       FEDERA! , COMMUNICA TIONS COMMI SSION
                                  Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of
                                                                    PreForm: .             TC—ASG—19990312—00219
North American Commun: catio1 s, Inc.
                                                                    NC RTH Al {ERICAN CONV MUNICATIONS, INC.
and TeleBeam, Incorporated,                              l‘ile No

Application for Assignment of
Authorization Under
Section 214 of the Commu nicati ns                                     date:              MAY 1 — 1999
Act of 1934, as Amended
                                                                       auth rrizedBy:: MA .SCM q _2 >
To: Chief, International Bureau

                                                     PLICATION       } Zage :z Giersccer_—___
                                                '      ~| signs {m‘;”ff: Vauey chairmes Gewcép
         North American Commu iications, Inc. ("NAC") and T TeBe: m, Incorpo. 'afe'g

("TeleBeam") (jointly, the "App icant:"), hereby request autho rity o1 the Faderal

Communications Commis:ion (° FCC" or "Commission"), pursuant 10 Section 2 .4 of the

Communications Act of 15 34, 4‘ U.S. 2. § 214, and Section 62.18(e) (5) of the C »mmission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(5), f)r the assigriment of NAC‘s Section 214 authorization from

NAC to TeleBeam. This assigntient viill occur as part of a transaction whereby NAC is

transferring all operating assets t> TeleBeam. The transaction is desuribed fully below.

         Grant of this Application will sarve the public interest, convenience and necessity. This

assignment will allow the Applicants to manage their telecommunications operation more

efficiently, permitting greater investment in facilities, customer services and technological



                              recharclos           MAR 121999
                                      Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of
North American Communications, Inc.
and TeleBeam, Incorporated,                         File No. _________

Application for Assignment of
Authorization Under
Section 214 of the Communications
Act of 1934, as Amended

To: Chief, International Bureau


        North American Communications, Inc. ("NAC") and TeleBeam, Incorporated

("TeleBeam"") (jointly, the "Applicants"), hereby request authority ofthe Federal

Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission"), pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(5), for the assignment of NAC‘s Section 214 authorization from

NAC to TeleBeam. This assignment will occur as part of a transaction whereby NAC is

transferring all operating assets to TeleBeam. The transaction is described fully below.

         Grant of this Application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. This

assignment will allow the Applicants to manage their telecommunications operation more

efficiently, permitting greater investment in facilities, customer services and technological




         A.     North American Communications, Inc.

         NAC is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealthof

Pennsylvania withits principal office in State College, Pennsylvania. NAC engagesin the

provision oftelecommunications products and services. NAC is a nondominant carrier and holds

an authorization under Section 214 to provide resold international communications services as

granted in File No. ITC—90—030; DA 90—157, released February 8, 1990.

         B.     TeleBeam, Incorporated

         TeleBeam is a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the state of Delaware

with its principal office in State College, Pennsylvania. Approval of an Assignment of a Section

214 authorization is currently under consideration by the Commission at File No. ITC—92—267.

That Assignment is from National Telephone Exchange, Inc. to TeleBeam, and further

information regarding that Assignment is provided in that file.


         NAC has been operating as a wholly owned subsidiary of TeleBeam. In order to simplify

its corporate structure, TeleBeam is entering into a transaction under which TeleBeam is

acquiring all of the operating assets of NAC, and pursuant to which TeleBeam is the single,

surviving, regulated, telecommunications carrier and public utility regulated by the FCC.

         During the pendency of this Application, NAC‘s customers will continue to be served by

NAC under its tariffed rates. Upon Commission approval of this Application, TeleBeam will

commence the provision of service to NAC customers, but will continue to charge these

DSH:15527.1                                     2

customers NAC‘s present rates, and NAC will file for abandonment or discontinuance of the

provision of public utility service.

         Approval of this transaction is in the public interest. There will be no adverse impact on

existing service to subscribers. TeleBeam hasa successful record of providing

telecommunications services in Pennsylvania through its wholly owned subsidiaries NAC and

Smart Choice Long Distance, Inc. and is in the process of consolidating its operationof its

operating subsidiaries into the parent company, including pursuing all necessary state regulatory

approvals for each consolidation. The transfer of assets of NAC and the assignment of its

Section 214 Authorization is a component of this general plan of consolidation.

         The transaction will be transparent and seamless to all affected customers. There will be

no impairment or interruption of service to subscribers as a result of this acquisition.


         Pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s Rules, the Applicants set forth the

following information:

         (a)    The name, address and telephone number of Applicants are:

                Ara M. Kervandjian
                TeleBeam, Incorporated
                467 East Beaver Avenue
                State College, PA 16801
                (814) 238—0000 Phone
                (814) 234—4821 Fax

                Ara M. Kervandjian
                North American Communications, Inc.
                467 East Beaver Avenue
                State College, PA 16801
                (814) 238—0000 Phone
                (814) 234—4821 Fax

DSH:15527.1                                       3

         (b)   NAC is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
               Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

               TeleBeam is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of

         (c)   Correspondence concerning this Application should be addressedto:

               For NAC:

               Ara M. Kervandjian
               North American Communications, Inc.
               467 East Beaver Avenue
               State College, PA 16801
               (814) 238—0000 Phone
               (814) 234—4821 Fax

               with a copy to:

               Alan Kohler, Esquire
               Jeanine Schleiden, Esquire
               Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis—Cohen LLP
               212 Locust Street, Suite 300
               Harrisburg, PA 17101
               (717) 237—7160 Phone
               (717) 237—7161 Fax

               For TeleBeam:

               Ara M. Kervandjian
               TeleBeam, Incorporated
               467 East Beaver Avenue
               State College, PA 16801
               (814) 238—0000 Phone
               (814) 234—4821 Fax

               with a copy to:

               Alan Kohler, Esquire
               Jeanine Schleiden, Esquire
               Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis—Cohen LLP
               212 Locust Street, Suite 300
               Harrisburg, PA 17101
               (717) 237—7160 Phone
               (717) 237—7161 Fax

DSH:15527.1                                    4

         (d)      NAC is a nondominant carrier and holds an authorization under Section 214 to
                  provide international switched voice service by the resale of the international
                  switched voice service set forth in AT&T‘s Tariffs FCC Nos. 1 and 2, RCI‘s
                  Tariff FCC No. 1, US Sprint‘s Tariffs FCC Nos. 1 and 2 and Metromedia‘s Tariff
                  FCC No. 2 between the U.S. and international points listed in those tariffs as
                  granted in File No. ITC—90—030. Under the terms of the transaction, this
                  authorization will be assigned to TeleBeam. Approval of an Assignment of a
                  Section 214 authorization from National Telephone Exchange, Inc. to TeleBeam
                  is currently under consideration by the Commission at File No. ITC—92—267.

         (e)(5)   Applicants request authority pursuant to the termsand conditions of § 63.18(e)(5)
                  of the Commission‘s Rules for the assignment of NAC‘s international Section 214
                  authorization to TeleBearmn as part of the transaction described above in which
                  TeleBeam will acquire ownership andcontrol of NAC‘s assets.

         (£)      No response required.

         (g)      No response required.

         (b)      (1)    TeleBeam hereby certifies that it does not have an affiliation with a
                         foreign carrier within the meaning of § 63.18(h)(1) of the Commission‘s

                  (2)    Information regarding the principal shareholders of TeleBeam is provided
                         in Exhibit A, attached.

         i)       TeleBeam hereby certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions
                  directly or indirectly fromany foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.
                  international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on
                  the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and
                  will not enter into such agreements in the future.

         )        The Applicants hereby certify that no party to this application, as defined in 47
                  C.F.R. § 1.2002(b), is subject to denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section
                  5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.C.S. § 853(a).

         (k)      The instant application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section
                  63.12, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 because TeleBeam does not have an affiliation with a
                  foreign carrier within the meaning of Section 63.18(h)(1)(1).



         Accordingly, the Applicants respectfully request that the Commission permit the

assignment of authorization described herein.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             NORTH AMERICAN
                                             COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                a M. Kgfvandjian


                                                       ‘, Incorporated
                                                         eaver Avenue

Dated:        2 k


                                             EXHLIBIT A

           The ten percent or greater shareholders of TeleBeam, Incorporated is as follows:

                  Ara M. Kervandjian            29.6%
                  P.O. Box 442
                  State College, PA 16804

                  Hrach Kervandjian             12.6%
                  222 Haymaker Circle
                  State College, PA 16801

                  Henry D. Sahakian             14.9%
                  180 Haymaker Circle
                  State College, PA 16801

        Ara M. Kervandjian, Hrach Kervandjian and Henry D. Sahakian are all United States

       Additional information about TeleBeam‘s business and stockholders is available upon

Document Created: 2019-04-20 23:45:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 23:45:46

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