Attachment Hablax 214 Petition

This document pretains to ITC-214-20180104-00004 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                            )
Hablax, Inc.                                                )
Application for authority pursuant                          )     File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                       )
Communications Act of 1934,                                 )
as amended, for global authority                            )
to operate as an international                              )
facilities-based and resale carrier                         )

                           APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY
Hablax, Inc., (hereafter also called “Applicant” or “Hablax”) hereby requests authority,

pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214

et. al. (1982), and Section 63.18 of the Federal Communication Commission's (hereafter called

“Commission”) Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, to request global or limited international resale

services between the United States and international points, except any international points not

authorized by the Commission and updated from time to time on the Commission’s Exclusion

List. Hablax, Inc. is a U.S. company organized under the laws of the State of Florida to

provide international telecommunications services. Hablax has not previously applied for

Authority from the Commission. Upon grant of authority Hablax will serve customers

throughout the United States. By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public

interest, convenience and necessity by promoting competition in the international services

market. Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering

prices. Thus, the public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to Hablax

Therefore, in support of this application, Hablax, Inc. respectfully submits the following:

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                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                  )
Hablax, Inc.                                                      )
Application for authority pursuant                                )     File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                             )
Communications Act of 1934,                                       )
as amended, for global authority                                  )
to operate as an international                                    )
facilities-based and resale carrier                               )

                             Application Attachment I.
                                (Information pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.12)

The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.12 of the Commission’s
Rules, in support of Hablax, Inc.’s request for authorization:

In Response to Question 9 of the FCC 214 Application:

Hablax, Inc. respectfully requests streamline processing pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.12 and
certifies that:
            1. It is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination market it seeks authority
               to serve;

            2. It has no affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or
               private line services Hablax seeks authority to resell, either directly or indirectly
               through the resale of another reseller’s services;

            3. It does not seek authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to a
               country for which the Commission has not previously authorized the provision of
               switched services over private lines.

            4. The Commission has not informed Hablax, in writing, that this Application is not
               eligible for streamlined processing.

In Response to Question 10 of FCC 214 Application:   Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.
In Response to Question 11 of FCC 214 Application:   Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.
In Response to Question 12 of FCC 214 Application:   Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.
In Response to Question 13 of FCC 214 Application:   Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.

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                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                )
Hablax, Inc.                                                    )
Application for authority pursuant                              )    File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                           )
Communications Act of 1934,                                     )
as amended, for global authority                                )
to operate as an international                                  )
facilities-based and resale carrier                             )

                           Application Attachment II.
                                (Information pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.18)

The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.18 of the Commission’s
Rules, in support of Hablax, Inc.’s request for authorization:

47 CFR § 63.18(a): The name, address and telephone number of the Applicant is:

       Name:                           Hablax, Inc.
       Address:                        307 North Royal Poinciana Blvd.
       State, City, Zip Code:          Miami Springs, FL 33166
       Telephone:                      (305) 600-5530 ex 0

47 CFR § 63.18(b): Hablax, Inc. is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of

48 CFR § 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

       Name:                           Mr. Fidel Garcia, President
                                       Hablax, Inc.
       Address:                        307 North Royal Poinciana Blvd.
       State, City, Zip Code:          Miami Springs, FL 33166
       Telephone:                      (305) 600-5530 ex 0

       With a copy to Contact:         Edward A. Maldonado, Esq. Regulatory Counsel for Applicant
                                       MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                       LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD A. MALDONADO, P.A.
                                       2850 Douglas Road Suite 303
                                       Coral Gables, Florida, 33134
                                       Tel: (305) 477-7580 ext 214 Fax: (305) 477-7504

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In Response to Question 14 and 15 of the FCC 214 Application:

47 CFR § 63.18(d): Hablax has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the Act.

47 CFR § 63.18(e):       Not Applicable. At this time, Hablax seeks no other authorization
available under Section 63.18(e). Hablax requests global or limited resale Section 214 authority
pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the Commission's
Rules. Applicant is not applying for authority to acquire facilities or to provide services not
covered by paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of Section 63.18. Applicant is not seeking facilities-
based authority under paragraph (e)(1) of Section 63.18.

47 CFR § 63.18(g): Not Applicable.

47 CFR § 63.18(h): In support of this certification, the name, address, citizenship and principal
business of the shareholders of Hablax that control ten percent (10%) or more of are as follows:

               Name:                         Mr. Fidel Garcia, President and sole shareholder
               Address:                      307 North Royal Poinciana Blvd.
               State, City, Zip Code:        Miami Springs, FL 33166
               Telephone:                    (305) 600-5530 ex 0
               Citizenship:                  United States Citizen
               Ownership Percentage:         100%
               Principal Business:           Software and Communication Services

47 CFR § 63.18(i): Hablax, Inc. herein certifies that it is not affiliated with any dominant
foreign facilities-based carriers or US dominant carriers.

47 CFR § 63.18(j): Hablax, Inc. certifies that it does not seek to provide international
telecommunication services to any destination country for which any of the following are true:

       1. Hablax is a foreign dominant carrier in that country; or
       2. Hablax controls a foreign dominant carrier in that country; or
       3. Any such entity that owns more than twenty-five percent (25%) of Hablax. or that controls
          Hablax or controls a foreign dominant carrier in that country.

47 CFR § 63.18(k):    Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.
47 CFR § 63.18(l):    Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.
47 CFR § 63.18(m):    Not Applicable to Hablax, Inc.

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47 CFR § 63.18(n): Hablax, Inc. herein certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the
future to accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration
with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign countries the
company is authorized to serve.

47 CFR § 63.18(o):      Hablax, Inc. herein certifies that no party to this application has been
denied federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


In conclusion of the foregoing, Applicant Hablax, Inc. herein certifies that all of the information
in this application is accurate and correct. For these reasons, respectfully requests that the
Commission grant this application under applicable streamline processing.

                       Respectfully submitted,

                       By: /s/ Fidel Garcia /s/
                       Name: Mr. Fidel Garcia
                       Title: President of Hablax, Inc.

By and through their Attorney:

                                  /s/_ Edward A. Maldonado__/s/
                                  Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
                                  MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                  2850 Douglas Road Suite 303, Coral Gables FL 33134
                                  Tel: 305-477-7580 Fax: 305-477-7504 Toll-Free: 1+ (877) 245-6326

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Document Created: 2017-12-18 11:48:16
Document Modified: 2017-12-18 11:48:16

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