2018 0116 (7) Nichol

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Nicholville Telephone Co., Inc.

Nicholville Telephone Company, Inc., Supplement


This document pretains to ITC-214-20171229-00234 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                              Nicholville Telephone Company, Inc.
                                        FRN 0004314480

             Application for Authority to Provide Resale Service in Accordance with
             Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2)

                       ITC-214-20171229-00234, filed December 29, 2017

                 International Section 214 – Supplement to Application
                                         January 16, 2018

The Application filed by Nicholville Telephone Company, Inc. (the “Applicant”), on December
29, 2017, indicated that, while Nicholville Communications, Inc. (“NC”), held an ownership in-
terest in the Applicant, NC is also a wholly owned subsidiary of the Applicant.

Upon further review, prompted by an inquiry from Commission staff concerning the ownership
structure, it has been discovered that the Application was inadvertently incorrect in attributing to
NC any ownership interest in the Applicant. In November 2017, the Applicant received an in-kind
dividend from NC, consisting of shares of the Applicant that had previously been held by NC. As
a result, NC no longer holds any stock of the Applicant, nor does NC have any ownership interest
in the Applicant. NC continues to be wholly owned by the Applicant.

The following chart depicts current ownership interests of at least 10% in the Applicant. No other
individual or entity has a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in the Applicant.

         Ruth M. Lucas                David A. Haynes and               Derrick and Carrie
         (U.S. Citizen)                 Ann B. Haynes                         Lucas
                                         (U.S. Citizens)                 (U.S. Citizens)*

                   38.04%                          21.74%                         16.30%

                             Nicholville Telephone Company, Inc.

    * Derrick and Carrie Lucas reside at 20 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901.

Document Created: 2018-01-16 18:51:45
Document Modified: 2018-01-16 18:51:45

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