Attachment 2

This document pretains to ITC-214-20161219-00355 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     Attachment 2


Audian, Inc. ("Audian" or "Applicant"‘) provides the following information required by
47 CFR § 63.18(d)—(j) with respectto its Application for Authority to provide
international telecommunications services:

       (d)    Audian has not previously received Section 214 authority from the

       (e)    Audian is applying for authority to operate as a facilities—based carrier
              pursuantto the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1), of the
              Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18 (e)(1), and as a resale carrier
              pursuantto the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2) ofthe
              Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.18 (e)(2). Audian requests authority
              to serve all countries permitted under a grant of global authority. As
              evidenced by the certification provided in Attachment A, Audian will
              comply with the terms and conditions contained in Sections 63.21, 63.22
              and 63.23 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.21—23.

       (®     At this time, Applicant does not seek authority to provide service not
              referenced under paragraph (e) of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s
              Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(c).
       (g)    Audian will use previously authorized facilities to provide the services
              requested by the Application. Consequently, Audian is categorically
              excluded from environmental assessment pursuant to Section 1.1306 of
              the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

       (h)    With regarding to ownership, the following people and entity hold 10% or
              more of an ownership interest in Audian:

              Name:                  Brandon Bazemore
              Business Address:      11232 120th Ave NE,
                                     Suite 206
                                     Kirkland, WA 98033
              Citizenship:           U.S.
              Ownership Interest:     35%
              Principal Business:   Communications

Name:                    Brett Alston
Business Address:        11232 120th Ave NE,
                         Suite 206
                         Kirkland, WA 98033
Citizenship:             U.S.
Ownership Interest:      25%
Principal Business:      Communications

Name:                   Janae M. Smith
Business Address:        11232 120th Ave NE,
                         Suite 206
                         Kirkland, WA 98033
Citizenship:             U.S.
Ownership Interest:      15%
Principal Business:      Communications

Name:                   Audian, Inc.
Business Address:        11232 120th Ave NE,
                         Suite 206
                         Kirkland, WA 98033
Citizenship:             Washington LLC
Ownership Interest:      25%
Principal Business:     Communications

No other person or entity can assert a 10% or more ownership interest in

As evidenced by the certification attached hereto as Attachment A, Audian
is not affiliated with a foreign carrier.

M   As evidenced by the certification attached hereto as Attachment A, Audian
    does not seek to provide international telecommunications service to any
    destination where: (1) Audian is a foreign carrier in that country; (2)
    Audian controls a foreign carrier in that country; (3) any entity that owns
    more than a 25% interest in Audian, or controls Audian, controls a foreign
    carrier in that country; or (4) two or more parties own,in the aggregate,
    more than 25% of Audian and are parties to,or the beneficiaries of, a
    contractual relationship that affects the provision or marketing of
    international basic/lelecommunications services in the United States.
      1A          4
       UMELI          L       uttl—i 0(90         [2 + [4* It
    Janae M. Smith        _         I            DATE
    Audian, Inc.
    11232 120th Ave NE
    Suite 206
    Kirkland, WA 98033
    Telephone: (425) 629—1221

Document Created: 2016-12-19 12:02:54
Document Modified: 2016-12-19 12:02:54

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