Attachment Attachment 2

This document pretains to ITC-214-20160719-00190 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                        Attachment 2
   List of Owners of 10% or More Equity Interest in IPLAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INC.
                                       (“IPLAN U.S.”)

   Question 14

   The name, address, citizenship and principal businesses of any person or entity that
   directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the applicant, and the
   percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the nearest one percent). The
   applicant shall also identify any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. (47 C.F.R.
   § 63.18(h))

          IPLAN U.S. is 100% owned by NSS. The members of IPLAN U.S.’s board of directors
          are Damián Maldini, Renato Monacelli and Francisco Cecchini, all of whom are also
          members of NSS’s board of directors.

Name           Address              Citizenship/         Principal Business         Percentage of
                                    Place of             Type                       Equity Owned
                                    Incorporation                                   Directly in the
NSS            Reconquista          Argentina            Telecommunications         100%
               865, 2nd Floor
               Buenos Aires

          NSS has two equity holders that own a 10% or more indirect equity interest in the

Name             Address                Citizenship/           Principal          Percentage of
                                        Place of               Business           Equity Owned
                                        Incorporation          Type               Indirectly in the
IPLAN LLC        Reconquista 865,       Delaware, USA          Holding            65.3%
                 5th Floor                                     company
                 Buenos Aires
Daniel Nofal     Reconquista 865,       Argentina; France Investor                14.0%
                 2nd Floor
                 Buenos Aires

          In turn, IPLAN LLC has two equity holders that own a 10% or more indirect equity
          interest in the Applicant. Because of his equity interest in NSS, Daniel Nofal has an
          aggregate indirect equity interest in the Applicant that totals more than 10%. In addition,
          all of the members of IPLAN LLC other than IPLAN LS HOLDINGS LLC have agreed to

          vote their interests in IPLAN LLC in accordance with the instructions given by Daniel
          Nofal, giving Daniel Nofal effective voting control over 39.3% of IPLAN LLC):

Name                 Address                Citizenship/        Principal          Percentage of
                                            Place of            Business           Equity Owned
                                            Incorporation       Type               Indirectly in
                                                                                   the Applicant
IPLAN LS             140 Intracoastal  Delaware, USA            Holding            39.6%
HOLDINGS LLC         Pointe Drive,                              company
                     Suite 410
                     Jupiter, FL 33477
Daniel Nofal         Reconquista 865, Argentina;                Investor           20.8%*
                     2nd Floor         France
                     Buenos Aires

          * Daniel Nofal owns a direct 10.4% equity interest in IPLAN LLC which is equivalent to a
          6.8% indirect equity interest in the Applicant. This indirect equity interest, combined with
          his 14.0% direct equity interest in NSS, gives him an aggregate 20.8% indirect equity
          interest in the Applicant. As described above, all of the members of IPLAN LLC other
          than IPLAN LS HOLDINGS LLC have agreed to vote their interests in IPLAN LLC in
          accordance with the instructions given by Daniel Nofal, giving him effective voting control
          over 39.3% of IPLAN LLC, which is equivalent to effective voting control over a 25.6%
          indirect equity interest in the Applicant and which, combined with his 14.0% direct equity
          interest in NSS, gives him effective voting control over an aggregate 39.6% indirect
          equity interest in the Applicant.

          Lawrence F. DeGeorge, through a series of directly and indirectly wholly owned
          subsidiaries, owns an indirect equity interest of 35.7% in the Applicant.

Name                 Address             Citizenship/           Principal          Percentage of
                                         Place of               Business           Equity Owned
                                         Incorporation          Type               Indirectly in
                                                                                   the Applicant
Lawrence F.          140                 USA                    Investor           35.7%
DeGeorge             Intracoastal
                     Pointe Drive,
                     Suite 410
                     Jupiter, FL

   Question 15 – 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(d)

   A statement as to whether the applicant has previously received authority under Section
   214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories of facilities and services


authorized (i.e., authorized to provide international switched services on a facilities

       IPLAN U.S. has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the Act.

Question 15 – 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3)

If applying for authority to acquire facilities or to provide services not covered by
paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section, the applicant shall provide a description of
the facilities and services for which it seeks authorization. The applicant shall certify that
it will comply with the terms and conditions contained in §§63.21 and 63.22 and/or 63.23,
as appropriate. Such description also shall include any additional information the
Commission shall have specified previously in an order, public notice or other official
action as necessary for authorization.

       IPLAN U.S. notes that it is applying for Global Resale Authority. However, because
       IPLAN U.S. responded “all international points except Argentina” for Question 7, the
       international Section 214 instructions require the company to provide the information
       required by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3).

       IPLAN U.S. plans to resell, on a non-common carrier basis, international
       interconnections for transparent local area network services (data center, interconnected
       VoIP, and cloud services) which could have origination and termination points within the
       U.S. (intrastate or interstate), originating in the U.S. and terminating in a foreign point, or
       vice versa (international), or origination and termination points in foreign countries
       (foreign-to-foreign). In addition, and also on a non-common carrier basis, IPLAN U.S.
       plans to resell the interstate and international interconnected VoIP telecommunications
       services of other carriers. In both cases, IPLAN U.S.’s business model involves the sale
       of wholesale services to U.S. or non-U.S. businesses, which U.S. or non-U.S businesses
       will then sell telecommunications services to the final, end-user customers.

       IPLAN U.S. does not yet have business partners for its proposed services. To provide its
       resale services, IPLAN U.S. intends to develop relationships with telecommunications
       companies inside and/or outside the United States, such as Verizon, Sprint, IBASIS,
       TATA, and Telecom Italia. IPLAN U.S. will lease the fiber services necessary for its
       resale business, and will buy and sell wholesale interconnected VoIP services, from
       telecommunications providers like these.

       IPLAN U.S. certifies that it will comply with the terms and conditions contained in 47
       C.F.R. §§ 63.21 and 63.22, and/or 63.23, as appropriate.

Question 15 – 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(g)
Where the applicant is seeking facilities-based authority under paragraph (e)(3) of this
section, a statement whether an authorization of the facilities is categorically excluded as
defined by §1.1306 of this chapter. If answered affirmatively, an environmental
assessment as described in §1.1311 of this chapter need not be filed with the application.

       Not applicable.


Document Created: 2016-07-19 09:12:25
Document Modified: 2016-07-19 09:12:25

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