Attachment Husker One Cancellat

Husker One Cancellat


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to ITC-214-20160112-00008 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Reason for Surrender

Interstate Cablevision Company, the holder of the subject International Section 214
Authorization for Global Resale (File No. 1TC-214-20160112-00008), and its parent company
Husker One, L.L.C. have been sold to FMTC-SWT, Inc., which, in turn, is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Farmers Mutual Telephone Company. The Wireline Competition Bureau has
granted its consent to the Domestic Section 214 Application seeking the subject transfer of
control in WC Docket No. 18-116.

Farmers Mutual Telephone Company and its existing affiliates already operate under an existing
International Section 214 Authorization for Global Resale (File No. ITC-214-20080728-00349).

Rather than transferring control of the subject International Section 214 Authorization of
Interstate Cablevision Company, it has been determined to cancel it and to provide global resale
service to Interstate Cablevision Company’s customers via the existing Farmers Mutual
Telephone Company global resale authorization.

Neither Farmers Mutual Telephone Company and its existing affiliates, nor Interstate
Cablevision Company -- either before or after cancellation -- originate a material amount of
resold international toll traffic. In fact, their total share of international toll traffic is far less than
one percent (1.00%) of the international toll services minutes or revenues.

Document Created: 2018-06-04 11:00:54
Document Modified: 2018-06-04 11:00:54

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