CIN Supplement.12.28

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Cuba International Network, LLC

CIN Supplement Letter (12/28/15)


This document pretains to ITC-214-20151111-00266 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.



December 28, 2015                                                                                                                                                 Elizabeth B. Sandza
                                                                                                                                                                  202.626.9091 (direct)

Adrienne McNeil, Esq.
Telecommunications & Analysis Division.
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re: Application ITC—214—20151111—00266

Dear Ms. McNeil:

This will supplement the FCC 214 license application of Cuba International Network, LLC (CIN),
application # ITC—214—20151111—00266.

In response to your questions:                                Mr. Barry Pasternak is the 100 % owner of the applicant, Cuba
International Network, LLC. His home address is 2158 Nova Village Drive, Davie, Florida 33317. Mr.
Pasternak is a U.S. citizen.

It might also be helpful for you to know that CIN intends to use its FCC 214 license to send content
between Cuba and the U.S. once the FCC removes Cuba from its Exclusion List. CIN has also filed
applications for a Cuba OFAC license and for a BIS export license. CIN is a proposed technical producer
of television and Internet content. It has applied to export two state of the art mobile production studios
to Cuba for its own use. If granted the OFAC license, it will make itself available to major U.S. and
foreign content distributors such as U.S. networks, to shoot sporting and cultural events in Cuba and
transmit its footage to editing platforms in the U.S.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions
you may have.

Very truly yours,

Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP

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Elizabeth B. Sandza

                      700 11th Street, NW, Suite 400 + Washingion, DC 20001 «+ p 202.626,7660 «+ £202.628.3606
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Document Created: 2019-04-19 14:21:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 14:21:35

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