FCC Request to Surre

PETITION submitted by Reycom LLC

Reycom LLC Surrender of Section 214 International


This document pretains to ITC-214-20150708-00171 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                              Before the
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                            w nn n n n e N m N
Reycom LLC.
Application for authority pursuant                                               File No.:
to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, for global authority
to operate as an international
facilities—based and resale carrier

Reycom LLC., (hereafter called "Applicant") hereby requests approval by the Federal
Communications Commission ("Commission") for the Surrender of Authority pursuant to 47
U.S.C. § 214 et. al.    The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.71 and

47 C.FR. § 63.19 of the Commission‘s Rules, in support of Applicant‘s request for

47 C.F.R.§ 63.71 (a) Statement:

Carrier Name:                          Reycom LLC.
File No.:                              ITC—214—20150708—00171
Carrier Address:                       2276 NW 82nd Ave, Doral, FL 33122
Geographic Service Area(s):            None
Description of Service(s):             Telecommunications
Notices to Customers:                  Pursuant to 47 C.F.R.§ 63.71 (a)(5)(i) and
                                       47 C.F.R. § 63.19

Reycom LLC. is non—dominant with respect to the services being discontinued. No end—user
customers are currently served by the Carrier at this time under ITC—214—20150708—00171.
Reycom LLC was unable to launch or begin to offer its services as anticipated and has now
elected to surrender its authority and close the company in its entirety. As of this date, no end—

users have been served by Reycom LLC since the grant of authority by the Commission on July
31, 2015.

47 C.F.R. § 63.19 Compliance:
Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.19, Reycom LLC is required to give notice to all affected customers
of the planned discontinuance at least 60 days prior to its planned action. No customers have
been served by July 31, 2015 and therefore Reycom LLC is in compliance with 47 C.F.R. §


Regulatory Fee Liability Statement:

Reycom LLC. has not petitioned for Bankruptcy Protection under U.S. Federal or State
Bankruptcy Protection, and does not intend to do so within the next consecutive ninety (90)
calendar days.   Reycom LLC. certifies, by and through their undersigned corporate officer, that

it has made arrangements to pay regulatory fees outstanding to the Commission and has
reviewed the FCC Fee Filer system to identify regulatory fees outstanding in order to deactivate
its FCC 499—A Filer ID.. Reycom LLC will continue to reach out and pay to the Commission‘s
Sub—agencies and Assigns administering and collecting Regulatory fees for the Commission,
including for payment of Universal Service Fund Contributions, Telecommunication Relay

Service   Fee, North    American Number Plan        Contributions,   Local Number Portability
Administration Contributions and the FCC ITSP Fee, if any is applicable to Reycom, LLC.

Nonetheless, Reycom LLC states that it understands that delinquent telecommunication
contributors/debtors fall under the Commission‘s "red light rule" and that the red light rule
requires the Commission to withhold action on applications and other requests for benefits when
the Entity applying for or seeking benefits is delinquent in non—tax debts owed to the
Commission, and to dismiss such applications or other request if the delinquency is not resolved.
Reycom LLC furthermore states that it understands that the failure to pay all outstanding

regulatory fees may result in either withhold of action or dismissal of this application by
the Commission.

Reycom LLC. hereby certifies that it has notified and submitted a copy of this application to the
Secretary of Defense; to the state PUCs; and the governors of the states in which service will be

affected, as required by law and regulation based upon Reycom LLC‘s service and service areas,
which is the State of Florida.


In conclusion of the foregoing Request, Reycom LLC. certifies that all of the information in this
application is accurate and correct.     For these reasons, respectfully requests that the Commission grant
Surrender of the company‘s International Section 214 Authority.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Reycom LLC.

                        By: /s/   Christian Vargas         /s/

                        Name Mr. Christian Vargas

                        Title: CEO, Reycom LLC.

Date: April 29, 2016

By and through Regulatory Counsel,

                                       Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
                                       MALDONADO LaAW
                       hi J            2850 Douglas Road, Suite 303, Coral Gables, FL 33134
                       lV l_J          Tel: 305—477—7580 Fax: 305—477—7504 Toll—Free: 1+ (877) 245—6326

Document Created: 2016-04-29 15:39:15
Document Modified: 2016-04-29 15:39:15

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