Magna5 Llc (002).pdf

NOTICE submitted by Magna5 LLC

Magna5 LLC 63.24(f) Notification


This document pretains to ITC-214-20150605-00136 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


        Rem      LLP

                                                                                           Wayne D. Johnsen
                       August 31, 2017                                                     202.719.7303
PHONE   202.719.7000
                       Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                       Federal Communications Commission
                       445 12th Street, S.W.
                       Washington, D.C. 20554

                              Re:      Notification of Magna5 LLC Pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.24(f)

                       Dear Ms. Dortch:

                       Magna5 LLC ("Magna5," formerly known as X5 OpCo LLC), by counsel, files this
                       notification of a pro forma transfer of control pursuant to Section 64.24(f) of the
                       rules of the Federal Communications Commission's ("FCC" or "Commission").'

                       As described below, new intermediate holding companies have been inserted into
                       the ownership chain. Specifically, (i) NewSpring Holdings Fundco LLC, a
                       Delaware limited liability company ("NewSpring Fundco"), has been inserted into
                       the ownership chain between Magna5 Partners LLC ("Magna5 Partners") and
                       NewSpring Holdings LLC, and (ii) NewSpring Holdings Parallel Fundco, LLC, a
                       Delaware limited liability company (NewSpring Parallel Fundco"), has been
                       inserted into the ownership chain between Magna5 Partners and NewSpring
                       Holdings Parallel LLC. As a result, NewSpring Fundco holds a 70.6% equity
                       interest in Magna5 and NewSpring Parallel Fundco holds a 29.4% equity interest in
                       Magna5. The member manager of both NewSpring Fundco and NewSpring
                       Parallel Fundco is NewSpring Holdings Management Company LLC ("NSHMC"),
                       which currently controls Magna 5 as the non-member manager of Magna5 Partners,
                       LLC, and is also the managing member of NewS pring Holdings LLC and
                       NewSpring Holdings Parallel LLC. Because ultimate control of Magna5 has not
                       changed, the restructuring qualifies as a pro forma change of control. Other than
                       the insertion of the new holding companies, the changes will not result in any new

                              47 C.F.R. § 64.24(f).


        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
        August 31, 2017
        Page 2

        individuals or entities with a direct or indirect ten percent or greater equity
        ownership interest in Magna5. 2

        As required by Section 64.24(f)(2)(i), Magna5 provides below the information
        requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of Section 63.18 of the FCC's rules.

        63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of each applicant:

        Magna5 LLC
        1008 Western Ave.
        Suite 400
        Seattle, WA 98104
        Tel: 206.973.5865

        63.18(b): The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each
        corporate or partnership applicant is organized:

        The information responsive to this question is set forth in the response to Section

        63.18(c): The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer
        and any other contact points, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence
        concerning the notification is to be addressed:

        Company Contact
        Magna5 LLC
        c/o Joe O'Hara
        Chief Financial Officer
        5445 Legacy Drive
        Suite 180
        Plano, TX 75024

        2        It should be noted that NewSpring Holdings will hold more than 90% of the equity of
        NewSpring Fundco and New Spring Holdings Parallel will hold more than 90% of the equity of
        NewSpring Parallel Fundco. The remaining equity of each entity will be held by a new investor.
        Because that investor holds less than a 10% indirect equity interest in Magna5, no further
        information regarding the investors is required.


          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          August 31,2017
          Page 3

          Legal Counsel
          Wayne Johnsen
          Wiley Rein LLP
          1776 K Street, NW
          Washington, DC 20006
          Tel: 202.719.7303
          Email: wjohnsen(

           63.18( d): A statement as to whether the applicant has previously received authority
           under Section 214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories of
          facilities and services authorized (i. e.), authorized to provide international switched
          services on a facilities basis):

          Magna5 has previously received the following Section 214 authorizations:

          ITC- 214-19991019-00660

          63.18(h):   The name, address, citizenship and principal businesses of any person or
          entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the
          applicant, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the
          nearest one percent). The applicant shall also identify any interlocking directorates
          with a foreign carrier:

          The following entities hold a direct or indirect ten percent or greater equity
          ownership interest in Magna5 LLC and Magna5 RTC LLC:

                    The Company has previously notified the Commission that pursuant to Section 63.21 (h) of
          the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.21(h), X5 International LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of
          the Company, will operate pursuant to the Company's international Section 214 authorization, File
          No. ITC-214-20150605-00136. See Letter from Colleen King to Marlene H. Dortch, File No. ITC-
          214-20150605-00136 (filed May 31, 2016). X5 International LLC is now named Magna5
          International LLC.


          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          August 31, 2017
          Page 4

          Equity Ownership of Magna5 LLC:

          Magna5 Holdings LLC
          c/o NewSpring Holdings LLC
          555 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 444
          Radnor, PA 19087
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 99% direct interest in Magna5 LLC

          Equity Ownership of Magna5 Holdings LLC:

          Magna5 Partners LLC
          c/o NewSpring Holdings LLC
          555 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 444
          Radnor, PA 19087
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 84.3% direct interest in Magna5 Holdings LLC; 83.46% indirect
          interest in Magna5 LLC4

          Equity Ownership of Magna5 Partners LLC

          NewSpring Holdings Fundco LLC
          555 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 444
          Radnor, PA 19087
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 70.6% direct interest in Magna5 Partners LLC; 59.5% indirect
          interest in Magna5 LLC

          NewSpring Holdings Parallel Fundco LLC
          555 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 444
          Radnor, PA 19087
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 29.4% direct interest in Magna5 Partners LLC; 24.8% indirect
          interest in Magna5 LLC

          4   MagnaS Partners also holds the remaining 1 % direct interest in MagnaS.


          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          August 31, 2017
          Page 5

          Equity Ownership of NewSpring Holdings Fundco LLC

          NewSpring Holdings LLC
          555 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 444
          Radnor, P A 19087
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 92.4% direct interest in NewSpring Holdings Fundco LLC; 55.0%
          indirect interest in Magna5 LLC

          Equity Ownership of NewSpring Holdings Parallel Fundco, LLC

          NewSpring Holdings Parallel LLC
          555 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 444
          Radnor, P A 19087
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 93.4% direct interest in New Spring Holdings Parallel Fundco LLC;
          23.1 % indirect interest in Magna5 LLC

          Equity Ownership of NewSpring Holdings LLC:

          Ohana Holdings, LLC5
          720 University Avenue, Suite 200
          Los Gatos, CA 95032
          Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Equity Interest: 40.2% direct interest in NewSpring Holdings LLC; 22.1 % indirect
          interest in Magna5 LLC

                    There have been no changes to the ownership structure ofOhana Holdings, LLC as a result
          of the restructuring. Further information regarding its ownership is on file with the Commission.
          See WC Docket No. 15-318.


        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
        August 31, 2017
        Page 6

        Equity Ownership of NewSpring Holdings Parallel LLC:

        Carbon Investments LLC6
        P.O. Box 5004
        Wichita, KS 67201
        Delaware Limited Liability Company
        Equity Interest: 98% direct interest in NewSpring Holdings Parallel LLC; 22.7%
        indirect interest in Magna5 LLC

        Except as reported herein, there are no other entities or individuals with a 10% or
        greater equity interest in Magna5 LLC.7

        As previously reported, Magna5 LLC is ultimately controlled by NewSpring
        Holdings Management Company LLC ("NSHMC"). NSHMC is a Non-Member
        Manager of Magna5 Partners LLC and a Member Manager of NewS pring Holdings
        Parallel Fundco, LLC, NewSpring Holdings Fundco LLC, NewSpring Holdings
        LLC and NewSpring Holdings Parallel LLC. NSHMC is a Delaware limited
        liability company with its address at 555 E. Lancaster Avenue, Suite 444, Radnor,
        PA 19087. NSHMC is managed by Walter P. Maner and James Ashton. Both of
        these individuals are U.S. citizens. Messrs. Maner and Ashton have an address at
        555 E. Lancaster Avenue, Suite 444, Radnor, PA 19087.

        6         There have been no changes to the ownership structure of Carbon Investments LLC as a
        result of the restructuring. Further information regarding its ownership is on file with the
        Commission. See WC Docket No. 15-318.
                But see supra notes 4-5.


          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          August 31,2017
          Page 7

          If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

          Respectfully Submitted,

          Wayne D. Johnsen
          Wiley Rein LLP
          1776 K Street, N.W.
          Washington, D.C. 20006

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
August 31,2017
Page 8

Making false, fictitious, or fraudulent certification may render the Applicant subject
to criminal prosecution under Title 18, United State Code, Section 1001, civil

Pursuant to Title 28 U.S.c. Section 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Executed this 31 st day of August, year of 2017.

x -------------------------------

                                                                   MagnaS Ownership

  ~-------------<                     NewSpring Holdings Managernent            L,                                                                  ~
                                               Company LLC

                                             Ohana Holdings, LLC*                                             Carbon Investments       LLC*
                                                  (Delaware)                                                         (Delaware)

                                                   40.2% Equity

                        2% Managing
                                                        I                                                                   I
                                L          NewSpring Holdings, LLC                                       NewSpring Holdings Parallel,         LLC
                                                 (Delaware)                                                        (Delaware)

                                                   92.4% Equity
                                                                                                                      93.4% Equity

                                                                                     Member                                                         Member
                                              NewSpring Holdings                     Manager
                                                                                                             NewSpring Holdings Parallel            Manager
                                                 Fundco, LLC                                                         Fundco, LLC
                                                  (Delaware)                                                         (Delaware)

                                                            70.6% Equity                                      29.4% Equuv

                                                                            MagnaS Partners LLC
                                                                            f/k/a XS Partners LLC

                                                                             84.3% Equity and voting

                                                                            MagnaS Holdings LLC
                                      1% Equrtv                                   (Delaware)
                                      and Voting                            f/k/a XS Holdings LLC

                                                                                99% Equity Voting
                                                                                  MagnaS LLC
                                                                                  (Delaware)                      ~
                                                                              f/k/a XS OPCo LLC

                                                                              100% Equity and Voting

                                                                           MagnaS International        LLC             ~             MagnaS RTC LLC
                                                                                 (Delaware)                                            (Delaware)

*See   we   Docket No. 15-318 for additional ownership information regarding the company.

Document Created: 2017-08-31 16:18:36
Document Modified: 2017-08-31 16:18:36

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