CereTel 6319 Intl Ap

NOTICE submitted by CereTel Incorporated

63.19 Notice of Partial Discontinuance


This document pretains to ITC-214-20150310-00064 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


   T EL EC 0O M M U NIC A T 1O NS                A T T O R N E Y S

   W OW W . TE LE COO M L A W Y E R S . C O M

   DirEct (410) 929—2912

   December 23, 2016


   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   Office of the Secretary
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

   Re:    Discontinuance of Certain International Services

   Dear Mrs. Dortch:

   CereTel Incorporated ("CereTel"), pursuant to Section 63.19 of the Commission‘s Rules, submits
   this notification of the partial discontinuance of international service provided pursuant to its
   International Section 214 Authorization ITC—214—20150310—00064. CereTel will discontinue
   telecommunications services associated with the calling card brands set forth in Attachment 1
   effective February 28, 2017. Services associated with the calling card brands set forth in
   Attachment 1 are offered throughout the United States. CereTel does not have the addresses of the
   customers that use the affected services.

   Commencing January 27, 2017 and continuing through February 27, 2017, CereTel will provide
   the discontinuance notice attached as Exhibit A on its calling card platform for customers using the
   calling card brands set forth in Attachment 1.

   Any questions about the foregoing response may be directed to the undersigned.

         ——                     —

   Thomas M. Lynch

   ce: Chief, International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission

   700 Melvin Avenue, Suite 1       Telephone:   (410) 349—4990
   Annapolis, Maryland 21401        eFax:        (443) 926—0574

                                                                   Attachment 1
                                                            Discontinued Brands

200 Minute                           Free
3D                                   Global Tone
5 Continents                         HD
5 Continents STi                     HIP
800                                  Inter Connect
Express                              Invencible
A27Z,                                La Chispa
Accent                               La Fuente
African Life                         La Masa
African Queen                        La Potente
Alebrije                             La Salsa
Agui                                 Lalala CVT
Asia                                 Los Temerarios
Aventon                              Los Temerarios STI
Beto                                 Loteria
Beto Dia                             Love
BIG                                  MA Central
Bonita (not Bonita Centro America)   Mi Carnal Cellular
Box                                  Mi Carnal De Dia
Canal                                Mi Carnal Gold KDI
Canal NW                             Mi Carnal Gold SAC
Canal STI                            Mi Chica Latina
Card                                 Mi Ciudad
Central                              Mi Patria
Chicago Plus                         Mi Pueblo
Chulita                              Monster
Clarito                              Muchacho
Con Todo                             Mucho Mexico
Cool                                 Mundo STI
Da Bomb                              Orale Amigo CVT
Digame Gold                          Pan Dulce
Digame Pinless                       Panic
Digame USA (not Digame Futbol)       Pedro Infante (not El Idolo or ATM)
Dura Mas                             Pelota CVT
Edge                                 Platinum
El Capitan                           Plus Card
El Machin                            Prime
Eroika                               Prime CVT
Eroika Celular                       Puro Latino STi
Europe                               Que Pasa
Explorer                             Que Pues
Extreme                              Radar Movil
Family                               RICO

Sale   Bien              Te Quiero
Sale   Bien CO           Toro Loco
Sale   Bien FL           Total
Sale   Bien STi          Tu Region Centroamerica
Solid                    Vai
Spice                    World
STI 800 Kare             XOI
STI Full                 XOI CVS
STi National             XXL
STI Pinless (original)   Z.
Tattoo                   Zig Zag
Tattoo K                 Zig Zag New

                                                                                           Exhibit A
                                                                               Discontinuance Notice

The following notice will play in the platform (available in Spanish and in English) when one of
the discontinued brands is used:

"Services associated with the calling card you are using will be discontinued effective February 28,
2017. This card will operate according to its terms until that date. Please purchase a different
calling card with the STi brand for future calls. For more information, press 1."

[If 1 is not pressed, the system will continue with call processing.]

[After pressing 1]

"All calling cards throughout the United States of the kind you are using will be discontinued
February 28, 2017. Accordingly, such cards may no longer be used for interstate or international
calling as of that date. Calls within a state are already prohibited. The carrier for your service is
CereTel Incorporated with an address of 185 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Suite 115, Annapolis,
Maryland, 21401. CereTel Incorporated has filed a notice with the Federal Communications
Commission to reflect this discontinuance. The FCC will normally authorize this proposed
discontinuance of service unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a
reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public convenience and necessity is otherwise
adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should file your comments as soon as possible but
no later than 15 days after the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance.
You may file your comments electronically through the FCC‘s Electronic Comment Filing System
using the docket number established by the Commission‘s public notice for this proceeding or you
may address them to the Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition Bureau,
Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC, 20554 and include in your comments a reference
to the 63.71 Application of CereTel Incorporated. Comments should include specific information
about the impact of this proposed discontinuance upon you or your company, including any
inability to acquire reasonable substitute service."

Document Created: 2019-04-19 06:31:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 06:31:12

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