TPO Sect. 1.65 Suppl

Section 1.65 Notification submitted by The People's Operator USA, LLC

Rule Sect. 1.65 Filing Supplement


This document pretains to ITC-214-20141219-00324 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Michael H. Pryor
T: +1 202 776 2339

                                                  March 11, 2015


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

        RE:        ITC-214-20141219-00327

Dear Mrs. Dortch

        This letter supplements the Rule 1.65 filing submitted on behalf of The People’s Operator
USA, LLC on March 10, 2015. That filing identified the five beneficiaries of Andrew
Rosenfeld’s estate and the percentage of The People’s Operator plc (“TPO plc”) that each is
anticipated to own upon completion of the administration of his estate. This supplemental filing
provides the information required by section 63.18(h) of the Communications Act with respect to
these individuals. Each is a citizen of the United Kingdom and each will own 11.2 percent of
TPO plc.

        Name:                       Juliet Georgina Lucy Rosenfeld
        Principal Business:         Psychotherapist
        Address:                    16 Park Square East
                                    London, NW1 4LH
                                    United Kingdom
        Telephone:                  +44 (0)7939 565 502

        Name:                       James Oliver Rosenfeld
        Principal Business:         Real Estate Investment Analyst
        Address:                    Apartment 1, Paramount House
                                    168 Wardour St.
                                    London, W1F 8ZX
                                    United Kingdom
        Telephone:                  +44 (0)207 451 4496

  1299 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW, SUITE 700, WASHINGTON, DC 20004-2400 T: (202) 842-7800 F: (202) 842-7899 WWW.COOLEY.COM

Marlene H. Dortch
March 11, 2015
Page Two

         Name:                      Matthew Harry Rosenfeld
         Principal Business:        Real Estate Investment Analyst
         Address:                   Apartment 1, Paramount House
                                    168 Wardour St.
                                    London, W1F 8ZX
                                    United Kingdom
         Telephone:                 +44 (0) 207 220 2500

         Name:                      Joanna Sarah Rosenfeld
         Principal Business:        Actress
         Address:                   19 Broadlands Road
                                    London, N6 4AE
                                    United Kingdom
         Telephone:                 +44 (0) 208 347 6949

         Name:                      Naomi Rebecca Rosenfeld
         Principal Business:        N/A
         Address:                   19 Broadlands Road
                                    London, N6 4AE
                                    United Kingdom
         Telephone:                 +44 (0)208 347 6949

         A copy of this letter will be sent to Team Telecom.

                                                                 Michael Pryor

cc:      David Krech, FCC (via email)
         Bermel Paz, Team Telecom (via email).

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  1299 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW, SUITE 700, WASHINGTON, DC 20004-2400 T: (202) 842-7800 F: (202) 842-7899 WWW.COOLEY.COM

Document Created: 2015-03-11 17:13:55
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 17:13:55

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