Attachment Attachment 2

This document pretains to ITC-214-20141219-00324 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      ATTACHMENT 2

Section 63.18(h): The name, address, citizenship and principal businesses of any person or entity
that directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the Applicant, and the
percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the nearest one percent). The Applicant
shall also identify any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

The following entities own 10% or more of the Applicant

       The People’s Operator Holdings Limited (“TPO Holdings”)
       40 Underwood Street
       London N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 2072516648
       Ownership: 100%
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Citizenship: England and Wales

The following entities own 10% or more of TPO Holdings

       The Peoples Operator plc (“TPO PLC”)
       40 Underwood Street
       London, N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 2072516648
       Ownership: 100%
       Principal Business: Holding Company

The following entities/persons own 10% or more of TPO PLC

       Andrew Ian Rosenfeld
       Bond House
       19-20 Woodstock Street
       London W1C 2AN
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 7667821125
       Ownership: 56.11%
       Principal Business: Investor/Entrepreneur

No other entity directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of TPO USA.

Interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. The following officers and/or directors of the
Applicant are also officers and/or directors of TPO PLC, which indirectly controls TPO UK, a
non-dominant, wireless reseller in the United Kingdom.

       Andrew Ian Rosenfeld
       40 Underwood Street
       London N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Citizenship: UK

       Mark Alexander Epstein
       35 Chelmsford Road
       London, E18 2PW
       United Kingdom
       Citizenship: UK

       Jimmy Donal Wales
       140 Island Way #294
       Clearwater Beach, Florida 33767
       Citizenship: USA

       Matthew Christopher Lea
       116 Fawe Park Road
       London, SW15 2EQ
       United Kingdom
       Citizenship: UK

       There are no other interlocking directorates.

63.18(d)       The Applicant has not previously received Section 214 authority.

63.18(e)(3)    Not applicable.

63.18(g)       Not applicable.

Document Created: 2014-12-19 17:27:02
Document Modified: 2014-12-19 17:27:02

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