Attachment 20170817105321-787.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20140716-00202 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                           E— aail   Jam es.3al
                                                                                     (202) 4 18— 462
                                                                                     (202) 4 18— :82 1 (fax)
                                                                                     July 24, 2(14
                                                                                     Ref: EB 2( 14 20

Douglas May                (202) 647—5835              Christo her He n »rle n       (202) 432— 885
Shawn B. Cooley            (202) 282—8489              Jonatha 1 McHele              (202) 395— 165 5
Edward T. Hand             (202) 514—2464              Richarc Sofield               (202) 233— 1702
Robert Gorman              (301) 225—6116              Sean C esmon i                (202) 456— 1063

Re:        Section 214 Application

           Comments Due: August 13, 2014

Dear Sir or Madanm:

           Please review the following apr lic iticn and ad ise us wietlier you have a1 y national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy c trade cone: rns by Njo1. August 13, 2 )1«!, because
we are prepared to take action on this ay plisat.on. Elec tronic fil ed (e—file) applic: tions are able
to be viewed by accessing www.fee.go ;/i| fs and sear ‘hing by the: file nuniber.

ITC—214—20140%16—00202 (e—file)
011 Now Technologies, LLC‘s applizsation for autt ority to orc vide Facilitie ;—Eased and
Resale Service between the United Stat :s and pern issible i ite national poirts. Applicant
is 50% owned by a citizen of Russia F.deration.

        The above listed application will be placec. on Acczp ed for Filing Piblic Notice
to be release on August 1, 2014, and w 11 e eligib e for aw o—;rant on August 15, 2014.

       If we do not hear from you by Noon Aug ist 13, .014, we will assume that you
do not have any concerns with the above listed applicaticn and this application will be
auto—granted on August 15, 2014 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


                                                       George Li, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

George Li

From:                           Adrienne Downs
Sent:                           Thursday, July 24, 2014 4:09 PM
To:                             ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘maydo‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; Zassanelli, Jennifer
                                (NSD) ( (;
                                ‘Shawn.Cooley@HQ.DHS.Gov‘; ‘‘; ‘Siobhan.‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Jennifer.R‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘sdesmon‘; ‘IP —
                                FCC@®‘; ‘‘; ‘john.delmore@ic.fbi.g ov‘; ‘ttwg@ eo gov‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘Hagar, Richard (richard.hagar@HQ DHS.GOV)‘
Ce:                             George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James 3all; Kathleen Collins
Subject:                        Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—20 (comments by August 13, 20 14)
Attachments:                    Executive Branch 2014—20.docx

Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—20 (comments by August 13, 2014)

Adrienne Downs
Policy Division
International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-05-25 16:20:25
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 16:20:25

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