Attachment 20170817164726-107.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20140522-00160 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


  Streamlined   ITC—STA—20141107—00295                                '                                                   ROY 13 2014
 AMERICA NET COMMUNICATION LLC                                                      dates                                  Policy Diviston

fle . \Te       14 ~—Zoudf             ?-ZA"*W%"                                    W@Tw}fi I—B
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        ~                    +                            v                         signature (}W’és L\\V}fl all
                                                              Before the                  exz2Y¥2 Abee, & 1, Zolf
                                 ]     ERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSEON Agel teaut O¢tnodl12{79$
                                             Washington D.C. 20554  @ h olHong oC<TA .

  In the)       sr of:                                         )
  Ameri         et Communi             m LLC                   )
  And                                                          )
                                                               J                File No. ITC—214—20140522—00160
  Applic:       i for Special 1        orary                   J
  Author        > Offer Intern         ial Services            )
  Pursua         Section 214 |         3                       )
  Comm:         itions Act of          , as Amended            )


  Americ         <let Commu            ion LLC ("America Net") by its attorneys, hereby requests an
  extensi         of     Specis        Temporary         Authority         to   temporarily        provide       international
  telecon       nications set          s and to operate pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §—214, as amended (herein
 called>          ‘STA Extens          Application"), while application is being contemporaneously sought
  by the         jderal Comm           ations Commission (the "Commission") for permanent Authority
  pursua        ection 214 o           > Communications Act of 1934, as amended and codified under 47
  U.S.C.        l4 et. al.(The         t"). In support of this request, America Net states as follows:


  America Net is a small—sized Florida limited liability company that desires to provide
  international long distance calling services to end—user consumers within the United States and
  Internationally. On May 21, 2014 America applied for streamline International authority to
  operate pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214 under File ITC—214—20140522—00160. On May 30, 2014,
  America Net applied for and was granted special temporary authority to provide services
  between U.S. and Brazil with expiration of that authority on August 11, 2014. On August 11,
  2014, America Net applied for and was grénted special temporary authority to provide services
  between U.S. and Brazil with expiration of that authority on October 31, 2014. In the time since
  the issuance of the STA, America Net has received questions from Team Telecom and responded

  1|P a g e   Requ:st for Special Temporary Authority from FCC International Bureau for File No. ITC—214—20140522—00160

solotololololelalelotetoletet    —COMM. JOURNAL— seleiaielstelelateletelotaletteteiek DATE NOVU—1 3—201.4. s#elatelok. T IME: 14 20. solatataloletck

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                                START=NQU—13 14:18                            END=NOU—13 14:20

             FILE NO.=@11

   STN         COMM.             ONE—TOUCH~               STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                       PAGES                DURATION
   NO.                             ABBR NO.

   021               OK          &                        913054777504                                                                               0229002                 B@:01:13

                                                                                                                   —INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                              —

solololololelololelefeloleleloleloleloletalolalalateleletetatatetetelek —INTL BUREAU                         — sololoiok ——                   202 418 2824— solmicietolsioiok

                                                                                                                                         D               D

                                             INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                    Policy Division

                                                                    FAX SHEET
                                                           Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
           This fa    Ile it      for   is   ded onlyfor the   addressee   shown below. 1t moy contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwase prateeted
          from disclosure. Anyreview, distemination or use ofthis tranxmisston or us contents bypersons other than the addressee is strictly prohiblted. Ifyou have
          rectived this transmission in grror, please notify us immediately by telephone ond mail the originalio us at the Federal Cormmunications Cominizzion,
          Jniernationat Bureau. 445 12" Streat . W., Room 7—4625, Washington, DC 20554

                                             DATE:                          f

                      s                      FROM:_                  L220 5X                            #A L
              TELEPHONE NUMEBER: 209 418 Y 6 2.
                                                   r10: EdAword Maildenado
                                FAX NUMBER:                    "yakn.‘¥3 73 . "7‘745‘5*7{

            TELEPHONE NUMEER:                                                                    s *I9 §A¥3
        sprcrtar NsTRUCTIONS:                                      Amerea» Nat: Zovemutlentas, El&z
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Document Created: 2019-05-25 19:52:22
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 19:52:22

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