Attachment 20170817093508-940.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20140522-00160 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Streamlined           ITC—STA—20140530—00168                                                         Policy Dixies
               1B2014001016                                                                       vngrmatenal
AMERICA NET COMI " "YICATIONLECG——._                             data.......  <proun C
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                                               Eefore the
                                G"Ofl/IMUNICA¥ATION COMMISSION
                                   Washington D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of:                                 )
    America Net Co         aunication LLC             )
    And                                               )
                                                      )       File No. ITC—214—20140522—00160
    Application for &      ial Temporary              )
    Authority to Offe      iternational Services      )
    Pursuant to Secti      214 of the                 )
    Communications         tof 1934, as Amended       )


    America Net Com        aiication LLC ("America Net") byits attorneys, hereby requests Special Temporary
    Authority to temp}     (ly provide international tefec:ommunications services and to operate pursuant to 47
    U.S.C. § 214, s        mended (herein called the "STA Application"), while application is being
    contemporaneous!l      ought by the Federal Communications Commission (the "Commission") for
    permanent Author _ »ursuant Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended and codified
    under 47 U.S.C. § 214 et. al. (The "Act‘"). In support of this request, America Net states as follows:


    America Net is a small—sized Florida limited liability company that desires to provide international long
    distance calling services to end—user consumers within the United States and Internationally. Specifically,
    America Net intends to offer services as a reseller MVNO and a Reseller of Carrier service. America Net
    has previously applied for streamline International authority to operate pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214 in
    October of 2013. This filing was made as a self—application but staff of the company Due M
                                                                           issionbydelegated ____—
    with the Commission‘s procedures, the application was dlsmlssed\titie—
      thorityinDecember of 2013 America Net later became aware of the dismissal in April of 2014 and
    sought regu
              atorycounsel to re—apply for International Authority and this second application is anticipated
    to be removed from current streamline processing for review by Team Telecom because of America Net‘s
    foreign ownershin by a Brazilian national.!‘ America Net now anticinates its first set of triace auestions

George Li

From:                               James Ball
Sent:                               Thursday, June 12, 2014 1:27 PM
To:                                 Edward A. Maldonado (eam@maldonado—
Ce:                                 George Li; Adrienne Downs; David Krech
Subject:                            RE: In RE: The matter of America Net Communication, LLC. STA # ITC—STA—
Attachments:                        20140612130551.pdf


Attached is our action on the STA request filed on behalf of American Net Communications LLC. Note the limitations on
the grant reflect the basis for your STA request.

James L. Ball
Chief, Policy Division
International Bureau

From: George Li
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:14 PM
To: James Ball; David Krech; ‘‘
Subject: Fw: In RE: The matter of America Net Communication, LLC. STA # ITC—STA—INTR2014—01016

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Edward A. Maldonado [mailto:eam@maldonado—]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 01:37 PM
To: George Li
Subject: In RE: The matter of America Net Communication, LLC. STA # ITC—STA—INTR2014—01016

                         THE LAW OFFICE OF EDWARD A. MALDONADO, PA
                         MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                         800 Douglas Road Suite 149 Coral Gables, FI. 33134
                         Tel: 305—477—7580 Fax: 305—477—7504 Toll—Free: 1+ (877) 245—6326

Tuesday,                                                        June                                               10,
                 Coral Gables, FL

In RE: The matter of America Net Communication, LLC. STA # ITC—STA—INTR2014—01016

Dear George:

Document Created: 2019-05-30 19:53:12
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 19:53:12

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