AmericaNet LOA Signe

PETITION submitted by U.S. Department of Justice

Letter of Agreement


This document pretains to ITC-214-20140522-00160 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Uit Chiet,Science and Technology Policy and Law Unit
Federal DursauofInvestaation
935 Pennsyvania Ave, NW
Ioom 7350
Washingion, Do 2053
      Re: Pending applieation by Arterica Net Communication, LC (*Ameriea Nor®)for
          borisation under Section 214 ofthe Communications Actof1934as amended
      (PCC l mumber FTC214—20140522—00160).
Deae UnitChicf
       "This Leter ofAgreement(LOA® o "Agreement") outines the commitments being
made by Ameria Netto th Faderal Bureau ofInvesiation (*FBI), which is ar ofthe U.S.
Depuriment ofJisice D01n onerto address national securiy, aw enforeement, ind
publi safty concems uied withregand to America Net‘s application to th Federl
Communicatiors Commission (°FCC or "Commission) equesting authorit to provideglobal
or imited globlficlltes—basd serviceor lobal o imited.lobal resale srvies between the
U.S. and llaubaried poin(47 CR 5§ 6,18e¥(1)and (@(2)) under Section 214 othe
Cormmunicatiors Actof 1934, as amended.
        Americs Nt a Floida corpontion is afMlited with Ameriea Net Ltda., (ANL)
a foreizn carrier (VoTP) provider that offers telecom services in Brazil. America Net
intendsto offerintemational VolP erninationservces between the US and all thorized
intermational pints. America Net i headquartred at 8333 NW 83" SreetSute413, Doral.
Blorda 316.
        Americe Netacknowledaesthattypesofservice it may offe, inclutingfiitiis—based
services o ntermannected Voice over Infemet Procol(VolP)servicesar covend by the
Communications Assistanc fo LawEnforeement Act CCALEA®), 47 U.8.C.$ 1001—1010,
and ts implementingregulations. Should America Ne offer telecommunicatlonservices that
are subjlectto CALEA, America Ne wil implement a solution osolutins for ly
suthorin lectonic surveillance fr uch service n compliace with CALEA and ts
implementingregiltions and willcomply with llcout orders and other legal pocessfor
liwhily authorzed elecronc suveillance
        Irior to offering telecommunicatin serviees that ar aubject o CALEA, America Net
willrovide FB! wit report on the status ofts implementation oflawfulinersption
eapabliies,inludingth status fts compllance wth CALEA every ninety(90)days unilthe
time that America Ne has fill implemented aw—nterception capubilites

         Anrie Nt may use aUS. Trged TirtPary otsoursingpurrertomplenent is lwiut

       Upon eompletion ofthe developmentf s lawul ntrseption capabliies, America Net
willequesthatthe FBLsend ts CALEA Implementtion Unito conducta CALEA compliance
testOnce compiianee ts is schadaled. America Ne will provide natice ofth scheduled
. Ameriea Ne will conti o maitai such lawiht inereepion capabilites for the
dantionofh tm it provides services subject to CALEA. America Netalso ageestatitwill
comly withal otherstaties, regulations, and requirementsregardig electronicsurvellance.
        America Netagrees to maintain poit ocontct in the US, rofeably a US citzenor
Laniful PermanentResident, t reseive service ofprocesforUS resords and to support US law
enforcement agencies‘lafil requests for assitance and survellnce needs. This point of
contit wllbe provided to the FBLa least 20 days pio t thedate that America Netbegins to
provideservicessubjectto CALEA.
        America Ne alsoagrees thatforal customerbilingrecords, subscriber information, and
y oherelated information used, rocessed.or maintaina in t ontinary couse ofbusiness
relating o telecommmunicatios servics offernd in t U.S.(U.5.Recordo Amerca Net will
stor ithr originals or copis in the U.S. America Netfrther agrees that is designated law
enforeement point ofconact willhave acces to, and wll makesuchrecords available promptly
and in any event no laterthin fivebusinessdays, in the U.S. in response tolawiul U.3, rocess?
For these parposes,US. Recards shall include information subjec to disclosur t a US.
Eederalo tate governmental etity under he proceduresspecifed in Setions 2703(@) and (3)
and Section 2709 ofTite 18 ofthe US.Code. America Net also aurees o ensre thatUS.
Records ar not made subject o mandatoy destuction under any frsign laws.
        Ameria Net agreesthat it will ot,directlo ndleet, isclose or pernit disclosire of
oraccess o U.S. Recards, domesi communications, o any infomation (ncluding the content
ofcommunications) petiningtoa wiretap o elecrnic suvellance order,pentap onter,
subpoena, or other lawl demand by U.S. law enforeement ageneyfor US. Records or
Iawhily authorized lecrani survellance in esponseto egal rocess o a request on balfof
a nor—U. povemment, wthout s saissingall perinent requirements ofU.S,law and
obsainingthe express writn cansentafD0orth authorizaon ofa cour ofeompetent
ustt in the U.S. The term "nor—US. overnment" means any goverment, inclading an
identifed represemative, agent,component or subdivsion thereat, tht is nota local, sute,or
federal govemmentin the US, Any such equests orlegal processsubmited by a nonU.S.
governmentto Americ Net shull e refered to DOJ as soon as possible, an in o eventlter
than ivebusinessdays aflersuch request o legal rocess s received byoknown to America
Net, unlssth disclosire ofthe request o lepal process would b n volaton of.. law or an
arder ofa court ofthe US.
        America Ne rees that in th event the commitments stfot in his eterarebrcached,
FBT may request n additon to any othr remedy availblea law or equty,thatthe FCC
TX inpasc eadetcomnnaghenhkhCALAInslennnton Unt (455)                                           %
           oo n sepnode oesc Ametca No‘ oter dtes t onply wit an apliatl PCC
ueeauca @as
*h smenenanirpiintonrepringe
rotufenent                   s ind oc ofscronts nctuingbt nt inied o
infencnt tie surge anpruseton ofChaoact rupreay Newert Infommior

modify, conditon,revoke, canse, terminate, orrender null nd void anyrelevantense, meit,
or othr authoriation grnted bythe FCC to Amerca Net or my successo—n—intrest. Nothing
hereinshalbconsied o b a waive by AmercaNet of orlimiation on is ightto oppose
or comment on any such reques.
        Nothing in this ete ntedad to xcuse America Ne rom ts obliaionstocomply
with any and all pplicblelegl requirements and America Noinclutingany and all apicable
statutes, rulations, equirementso orders
       America Ne understands that,upon execution ofhis eterby anauthorized
sepessenttive oattomey for AmericaNot, DOJ shall notify the FCC tatithanoobjection to
the FCC‘s grant ofits upplation.
       ‘The Company can send all notices parsuant t hi eter to:
Unit Chict Sience and Technology Polcyand Law Unit
Foderal Burcau ofInvestipaton
935 Pemnsylvana Ave, NW
Reom 7350
Washington, Do 20835
       Coartsy lectronic capies ofall notice and communicaons should also b seat t
Jonathan Frenkeo the FBH(at jonuthanfrenkeis hio)

                                          Nané         Gen
                                          Tite: CountyMumger

                                          Por America Net Communicaion, LLC

Document Created: 2015-02-20 13:15:34
Document Modified: 2015-02-20 13:15:34

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