Attachment 20170817085618-170.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20140508-00152 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                Federal Communications Commission
                                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Internationa Bu :au
                                                                                    E—mail:   Jaries
                                                                                              Geprg :.L
                                                                                              (202) 18 1462
                                                                                              (202) 18 2824 (fax)
                                                                                              May 2 ), 2014
                                                                                              Rei: E 3 2 )14—14

Dougles ay                       (2( 2) 647—583 5               Christc »her Hemn erlein      (202) 821885
Shawn B. Zoc ley                 (2( 2) 282—8489                Jonath: n McHi Je             (202) : 95. 5656
Edward T Ha id                   (2( 2) 514—2464                Richar: Sofielc               (202) 2 33— 0702
Robert Gc ‘ms i                  (3( 1) 225—6115                Sean [ es nond                (202) — 56 6068

Re:         lec on 214 .Ap »lic ations

            ~o nments )w : . une 18, 201

Dear Sit or Madam:

          ‘le   ise review t]    e1    ollowing ap ilic ations and aIvise is 1      hether you ha‘‘e iny national
security, la\   / enforceme      it,   foreign policy cr trade conc ns by N         oon June 18, i 014, because we
are prep re     . to take acti   n     on these iapy lic; tions. Eleciro 1ic fil    d (e—file) a »pl ca tions are able
to be vic we    1 by access      ng    www.fec.gc v/i )fs and search ng by          the file aunb:r.

ITC—T/ 2—       0140507—(        01 48 (e—file)
Telecor N       orth Amer:       sa Inc. holds i ate rnational se ction 214 authoriz:tions ITC—214—
200310 1—       )0499. A 1       ev : entity, a C an adian corp pr; ticn r amed Kano wh.og ming Ltd.
(KRL)vil         acquire a :     0%% ownershi) i. applicant. T ie fou nders of Applicint, Messrs.
Jean Oc tts shalk and F er e Andrieu, ea :h of whom v ill coitinue to hold 25% of
Applics at.

ITC—214—, 0140508—001 i2 (e—file)
Mobal Co:1 imunications Inc.‘s application for authority to provide Resale Service
between the United States and permissible international points. Two citizens of the
United Kingdom each of whom owns 50% of the applicant.

ITC—214—20140522—00160 (e—file)
America Net Communication LLC‘s application for authority to provide Facilities Based
and Resale Service between the United States and permissible international points.
Applicant is 100% owned by a citizen of Brazil.                               '

ITC—214—20140527—00162 (e—file)
ClickHere Telecom Ltd.‘s application for authority to provide Facilities Based and Resale
Service between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
located and incorporated in Yemen, and 100% owned by a citizen of Yemen.

        The above listed applications will be placed on Accepted for Filing Public Notice
to be release on June 6, 2014, and will be eligible for auto—grant on June 20, 2014.

                    If we do not hear from you by Noon June 18, 2014, we will assume that you do
             not have any concerns witl the above listed applications and these applications will be
             auto—granted on June 20, .014 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


                                                           Ceorge L:, Deputy Chief, Pelicy Division

George Li

From:                           Adrienne Downs
Sent:                           Thursday, May 29, i 01 1 2:10 PM                                          -
To:                             ‘edward.hand@usd 3j.¢ ov ‘; ‘cheimmer eir‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘Christopher.Siefker @izf » ; ‘Marilyr‘;
                                ‘Tyrone.Brown@ust oj. 10 /; ‘Bri‘;
                                ‘Shawn.Cooley@HC .DI1S. Gov‘; TTislecom@uscdloj gov‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘alex.daman@dhs.g ov‘ UJnarne Orgman@usd 3j.qgov‘; ‘‘;
                                "Jonathan_McHale@us ‘r.eop.gev‘; ‘Riche‘;
                                ‘glenn.kaminsky@h 1.d‘; ‘dale.barr@hq.c hs gov‘; ‘‘; ‘IP=
                      ‘; ‘kris tin.‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘mark.meconnell@t sdoj.c ov‘; ‘roabart.s.gormar.civ@‘;
                                ‘caroline.brown@usdo .gov‘; ‘H agar, Richard (richarcl.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV)‘
Coe:                            George Li; David Krech; S 1san OConnell, Howard Griboff; James Ball
Subject: —                      Cover Letter Reference Eti 2014—14 (comments by June 18, 2014)
Attachments:                    Executive Branch 2014—1«..docx

Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—14 (comments by June 18, 2014)

Adrienne Downs
Policy Division
International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-05-21 17:14:28
Document Modified: 2019-05-21 17:14:28

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