SUPPLEMENT submitted by Thales USA, Inc.

Supplement-Int'l Section 214 Authorization


This document pretains to ITC-214-20140408-00126 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                                    Washington, DC 20006—1238

                                                                                                                    Tel: 202 303 1000
                                                                                                                    Fax: 202 303 2000

April 15, 2014
Federal Communications Commission
Secretary‘s Office
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Supplement to International Section 214 Authorization Application of Thales USA, Inc.,

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Thales USA, Inc., by its counsel, hereby supplements its above—referenced Application to
obtain an international Section 214 authorization by providing: (1) revised responses to Questions 12
and 14 of the Application, and (2) a signed verification as to the contents of the Application.

       Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this application.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                                m                              es
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                                                    Thomas Jones               _~            )                  A

                                                    Michael G. Jones \——~~
                                                    Daniel R. Bumpus
                                                    Counselfor Thales USA, Inc.


                 NEwWYORK   WasSHINGTON     PaRIS       LONDON    MILAN       RomE       FRANKFURT   BRUSSELS
                               in alliance with Dickson Minto W.S., London and Edinburgh

                          Supplement to International Section 214 Authorization Application
                                                       Thales USA, Inc. (FRN: 0021083316)
                                                        File No.: ITC-214-INTR2014-00674
                                                                              April 15, 2014

                            SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT 1

Revised Answer to Question 12

As explained in response to Question 14, the French State, Dassault Aviation, S.A., and Groupe
Industriel Marcel Dassault (“GIMD”) indirectly own more than 25 percent of the Applicant.
Having consulted publicly available information, the Applicant has not been able to identify a
foreign carrier that is controlled by either the French State,1 Dassault Aviation, S.A., or GIMD.2

       Although the French State at one time owned a controlling interest in France Telecom,
       now called Orange SA, this is no longer the case. The French State currently owns
       (together with the Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement) 27 percent of the equity in Orange
       SA, and it has the right to appoint only 3 of the 14 members of the company’s board of
       As discussed in footnote 1 of the Supplement to Attachment 2, GIMD is a private holding
       company owned by the Dassault family. The percentages of the equity and voting rights
       held by the owners of GIMD are not public. Serge Dassault is Chief Executive Officer
       and Chairman of GIMD. Having consulted publicly available information, the Applicant
       has not been able to identify a foreign carrier that is controlled by Serge Dassault.

                          Supplement to International Section 214 Authorization Application
                                                       Thales USA, Inc. (FRN: 0021083316)
                                                        File No.: ITC-214-INTR2014-00674
                                                                              April 15, 2014

                            SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT 2

Revised Answer to Question 14

The name, address, citizenship, and principal business of each ten-percent or greater direct and
indirect shareholder of Thales USA, Inc. are set forth below.

Thales USA, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Thales SA.

The following are ten-percent or greater equity owners of Thales SA:

Name:          TSA SA, wholly-owned by the French State
Address:       45 rue de Villiers, 92200 Neuilly sur Seine
Citizenship: France
Principal Business: Holding company
Percentage of Equity Owned (nearest one percent): 27%
Percentage of Voting Rights Owned (nearest one percent): 37%

Name:          Dassault Aviation, S.A.
Address:       9, Rond-Point de Champs-Elysées Marcel-Dassault
               75008 Paris, France
Citizenship: France
Principal Business: Aviation
Percentage of Equity Owned (nearest one percent): 26%
Percentage of Voting Rights Owned (nearest one percent): 29%

By virtue of its 51% ownership interest in Dassault Aviation, S.A., Groupe Industriel Marcel
Dassault (“GIMD”)1 is a ten-percent or greater indirect owner of Thales SA:

Name:          Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault
Address:       9, Rond-Point de Champs-Elysées Marcel-Dassault
               75008 Paris, France
Citizenship: France
Principal Business: Holding company
Percentage of Equity Indirectly Owned of Thales SA (nearest one percent): 26%
       GIMD is a private holding company owned by the Dassault family. The percentages of
       the equity and voting rights held by the owners of GIMD are not public. Serge Dassault
       is the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of GIMD. Having consulted publicly
       available information, the Applicant has not been able to identify any owner of GIMD
       that is a ten-percent or greater indirect owner of Thales SA.

Percentage of Voting Rights Indirectly Owned of Thales SA (nearest one percent): 29%

By virtue of its 46% ownership interest in Dassault Aviation, S.A., Airbus Group2 is also a ten-
percent or greater indirect owner of Thales SA:

Name:          Airbus Group
Address:       P.O. Box 32008
               2303 DA Leiden The Netherlands
Citizenship: France
Principal Business: Aviation
Percentage of Equity Indirectly Owned of Thales SA (nearest one percent): 12%
Percentage of Voting Rights Indirectly Owned of Thales SA (nearest one percent): 13%

       Having consulted publicly available information, the Applicant has not been able to
       identify any owner of Airbus Group that is a ten-percent or greater indirect owner of
       Thales SA.


                              Berman     Family                       2126440953                        p.1
Apr   15   14   03:46p

                                      Supplement to International Section 214 Authorization Application
                                                                   Thales USA, Inc. (FRN: 0021083316)
                                                                     File No.: ITC—214—INTR2014—00674
                                                                                         April 15, 2014


                  By signing below, I hereby certify that the information regarding Thales USA, Inc. in its

           International Section 214 Authorization Application, File No. ITC—214—INTR2014—00674, as

           modified by the supplement to that Application filed on April 15, 2014, is true and accurate to

           the best of my knowledge.

           Thales USA, Inc.

           Howard Diamond
                                                                Dae: Mafl/
           Thales USA, Inc.
           2733 South Crystal Drive
           Suite 1200
           Arlington, VA 22202

Document Created: 2014-04-15 18:04:36
Document Modified: 2014-04-15 18:04:36

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