Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-214-20140404-00114 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             ATTACHMENT 1

                Application of Ring2 Communications LLC For Section 214 Authority
                               to Provide International Resold Services

       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section
63.18 of the Commission’s rules, 1 Ring2 Communications LLC (“Ring2”) seeks Commission
authorization for it to provide international telecommunications services on a resale basis
between the United States and all international points (except any points on the Commission’s
exclusion list).

Answer to Question 9

         Ring2 requests streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission’s
rules. 2 As further discussed below, Ring2 has foreign carrier affiliates in the United Kingdom
and in Hong Kong, which are member countries of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”).
Moreover, Ring2 qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance on the international routes
between the United States and the United Kingdom and Hong Kong because its foreign carrier
affiliates are not monopoly providers of communications services, and they lack 50 percent
market share in the international transport and local access markets in the United Kingdom and
Hong Kong.

Answer to Question 11

        Ring2 responds to the questions and certifications set forth in Sections 63.18(i) through
(m) of the Commission’s rules as follows:

          (i)      Ring2 certifies that it is not a foreign carrier, but that it is affiliated with foreign
                   carriers in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

          (j)      Ring2 certifies that it seeks authority to provide international resale services
                   between the United States and the foreign countries listed in subsection (i) above.
                   Ring2 is affiliated with its parent company Ring2 Communications Limited,
                   which is authorized to provide service in the United Kingdom. Through its parent
                   company, Ring2 also is affiliated with Ring2 (HK) Limited, which has a limited
                   service-based operator license to provide teleconferencing in Hong Kong.

          (k)      The United Kingdom and Hong Kong are members of the WTO. In addition,
                   Ring2 Communications Limited lacks market power in the United Kingdom and
                   Ring2 (HK) Limited lacks market power in Hong Kong.

          (l)      Not applicable.

    47 U.S.C. § 214; 47 C.F.R. § 63.18.
    47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


       (m)    Ring2 requests non-dominant status on the international routes between the
              United States and the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. Its affiliates in the
              United Kingdom and Hong Kong are not monopoly providers of communications
              service in their respective markets. Its foreign affiliates also lack 50 percent
              market share in the international transport and the local access markets on the
              foreign end of each international route. Accordingly, pursuant to Section
              63.10(a)(3), Ring2 is presumptively classified as non-dominant on the
              international routes between the United States and the United Kingdom and Hong

Response to Question 12

        As noted above in response to Question 11, Ring2 seeks authority to provide international
resale services between the United States and the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.


                                        ATTACHMENT 2

           Application of Ring2 Communications LLC For Section 214 Authority
                          to Provide International Resold Services

Answer to Question 14

        Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission’s rules, the individuals and entities that
directly or indirectly hold a ten percent or greater interest in Ring2 Communications LLC
(“Ring2”) are as follows:

Direct Interest:

       Name:                   Ring2 Communications Limited
       Address:                First Floor, 78 Kingsland Road
                               London, England E2 8DP
       Citizenship:            United Kingdom
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications
       Percent Held:           99% interest in Ring2 1

Indirect Interest:

       Name:                   Adara Ventures SICAR
       Address:                20 Bvd. Emmanuel Servais
                               L-2535 Luxembourg
       Citizenship:            Luxembourg
       Principal Business:     Venture Capital
       Percent Held:           34% in Ring2 Communications Limited

       Name:                   Andrew Scott
       Address:                2 King Edward Parade
                               Devonport, North Shore City
                               0624, Auckland, New Zealand
       Citizenship:            United Kingdom and New Zealand
       Principal Business:     Investor; trustee of The Scott Family Trust
       Percent Held:           23% of Ring2 Communications Limited

 Pimco 2711 Ltd (“Pimco”), which is a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Ring 2 Communications
Limited, holds the remaining 1% interest in Ring2. Pimco is a holding company organized under the laws
of the United Kingdom and has the same address as Ring2 Communications Limited.


        Name:                   The Scott Family Trust 2
        Address:                P.O. Box 32560
                                Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand
                                Devonport, North Shore City
        Citizenship:            New Zealand
        Principal Business:     Trust
        Percent Held:           12% of Ring2 Communications Limited

No other entity or individual holds a 10 percent or greater direct or indirect interest in Ring2.

        Ring2 has no interlocking directorates with foreign carriers (except interlocking
directorates with companies within the Ring2 group of companies).

Response to Question 15

     Ring2 responds to questions set forth in Sections 63.18(d), (e)(3) and (g) of the
Commission’s rules as follows:

        (d)     Ring2 has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the
                Communications Act.

        (e)(3) Because Ring2 does not seek authority to acquire facilities or to provide services
               that are not covered by Sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s
               rules, subsection (e)(3) is not applicable.

        (g)     Because Ring2 does not seek facilities-based authority under Section 63.18(e)(3)
                of the Commission’s rules, subsection (g) is not applicable.

  Trustees of the Scott Family Trust include Andrew Scott, Rhonda Scott, and Axiome Trustee Limited.
Primary beneficiaries of the Scott Family Trust include Jake Scott, Jessica Scott and Joshua Scott. The
above listed members of the Scott family have dual United Kingdom and New Zealand citizenship, with
the exception of Joshua Scott who is a citizen of the United Kingdom. Axiome Trustee Limited is a
company organized under laws of New Zealand. Its principal business is serving as trustee, and its
address is P.O. Box 32-560, Devonport, Aukland 0744, New Zealand.


Document Created: 2014-04-03 11:20:13
Document Modified: 2014-04-03 11:20:13

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