
LETTER submitted by U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division

Request to revoke


This document pretains to ITC-214-20140319-00096 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                            U.S. Department of Justice

                                                            National Security Division

 Foreign Investment Review Staff                            Washington, D.C. 20004

                                                            March 15, 2018

By E-File

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 l2th St. SW, Room TW-B204
Washington, DC 20554

Re:            Routetrader, Incorporated, Holder of International Authorization ITC-214-20140319-
               00096 (DA 15-348, March 11, 2015).

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        The Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(“FBI”), notifies the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) of the inability of the
authorized holders of the above-identified authorization, Routetrader Incorporated
(“Routetrader”), to comply with the FCC’s terms in granting such authorizations. Given
such inability, DOJ and the FBI, with the concurrence of the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security and the U.S. Department of Defense, request that the FCC terminate, declare null
and void and no longer in effect, and/or revoke Routetrader’s international authorization
in the above-referenced matter.

         Prior to Routetrader receiving control of the authorization in FCC file number ITC-
214-20140319-00096, DOJ and the FBI expressly conditioned their non-objection to
Routetrader receiving the authorization on “the Commission condition[ing] its approval on
the assurance on the February 15, 2015 Letter of Assurance (“LOA”). (See, Attachment A
at 1, (Petition to Adopt) (March 11, 2015.) On March 11, 2015, the FCC granted
Routetrader’s application on the express condition that Routetrader comply with that LOA.
(See Grant of Authority dated March 11, 2015, Public Notice No. DA 15-348, available at: This Grant of
Authority stated:

                     A failure to comply and/or remain in compliance with any of the
                     commitments and undertakings shall constitute a failure to meet a
                     condition of the authorization and thus grounds for declaring the
                     authorization terminated without further action on the part of the

         On August 23, 2017, following unsuccessful attempts to reach Mr. Andrew Jacobs,

former Chief Executive Officer for Routetrader, DOJ sent an electronic correspondence to
Routetrader’s former counsel, Ms. Jane Wagner, to determine if Routetrader had begun
operations and become compliant with the Communications Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act (CALEA), 47 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq. (See Attachment B, Email
correspondence with Routetrader.) On August 25, 2017, Ms. Wager emailed three
individuals at Routetrader: (1) Mr. Neil Kitcher (, (2) Mr.
Harry Bellew (, and (3) Mr. Mathieu Smeed
( (See id.) According to Ms. Wagner’s later email of
August 25, 2018, her emails retuned as undeliverable, whereupon she attempted to reach
Routetrader through its sales and accounts email addresses ( and (See id.) On the same day, Mr. Philip Owen, the Chief
Financial Officer of Routetrader Limited, the sole shareholder of Routetrader, emailed Ms.
Wagner to state: “Routetrader Inc ceased trading in March of this year [2017], it has closed
its registered office and has net liabilities. Andrew Jacobs has left the business and is not a
director or officer of either Routetrader or Routetrader Inc.” (Id.) On September 15, 2017,
Mr. Philip Owen emailed DOJ and stated the following:

           The letter was brought to my attention by a Ms Jane
           Wagner from The Comm Law Group. I responded to her
           on 25th August and asked her to inform yourself that
           Routetrader Inc had ceased trading in March of this year,
           she agreed to respond to you but I apologise since you have
           not received the communication. I am therefore anble [sic]
           to respond directly.

           I am the CFO of Routetrader Limited, a UK incorporated
           and resident company which was the shareholder of
           Routetrader Inc. I am not connected with Routetrader Inc
           other than as the CFO of the shareholder. Routetrader Inc
           ceased trading in March with net liabilities. It has no
           activity of any kind either in the US or elsewhere and has
           not filed as far as I am aware anything with the FCC. It has
           no officers or employees and is unable to make any further



       In light of these developments, DOJ and the FBI request(s) that the FCC terminate and
declare null, void, and no longer in effect the International Section 214 authorization issued to
Routetrader, file number ITC-214-20140319-00096.


                                                      SANCHITHA JAYARAM
                                                      Chief, Foreign Investment Review Staff
                                                      National Security Division
                                                      United States Department of Justice

                                                              ___s/_________     _______
                                                      Elisabeth Poteat
                                                      Attorney Advisor
                                                      Foreign Investment Review Staff
                                                      National Security Division
                                                      U.S. Department of Justice
   cc:     Denise Cocoa
           Chief, Policy Division
           International Bureau
           Federal Communications Commission
           David Krech
           Associate Chief, Policy Division
           International Bureau
           Federal Communications Commission
           Francis Gutierrez
           Federal Communications Commission
           Cara Grayer
           Federal Communications Commission

           Mr. Phil Ludvigson
           U.S. Department of Homeland Security
           Foreign Investment Risk Management

           Mr. Leo Jacobs
           U.S. Department of Defense

           Loyaan Egal
           Deputy Chief for Telecom
           Foreign Investment Review Staff, National Security Division
           U.S. Department of Justice
            Amy Weber
            Section Chief
            Analysis Section II

Counterintelligence Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation


Document Created: 2018-03-16 14:29:41
Document Modified: 2018-03-16 14:29:41

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