Attachment 20170803111530-970.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20131022-00278 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                            Washington, D.C. 20554

Internationa. Bureau
                                                                                            E—mail:   Jarres
                                                                                                      Ge prg Li@feo.goy
                                                                                                      (202) 418—1462
                                                                                                      (202) 418— 2824 (fax)
                                                                                                      Ociober 3 0, 2013
                                                                                                      Rel: E3 2 )13—31

Douglas May                         (202)   |   47—5835               Chiistc    sher He mmerlein     (202)   482—1885
Shawn B. Couley                     (2C2)   :   82—3489               Jon ith:   a McHle              (202)   395— 5656
Edward T. Hand                      (2€2)   :   14—2464               Mathe      v Bern: fein         (202)   3 24— 5422
Richard Sofield                     (2€2)   :   .33—9702              Rot ert    Sor nat              (301)   225—5116
Sean Desmond                        (202)   «   56—5068

Re:        Sectic a 214 Applicati on

            Comt ietr ts Due: No eniber 20, 2 01.}

 Dear Sir or Mida n:

          Please        re    iew the foll w ing applications and aIvise i s whether y ju have : my national
 security, law e       nfc    reement, fo1 sign policy or t ade: cone ns b: Noon Nov»:mbe: 2 ), 2013,
 because we ar         : p;   epared to ta:e :iction on the e sppic:tions. Klectronic filed te—lile)
 applications i        re     able to be v ewied by acces:iiny; w wy fcc.g »w/ibfs and searchir g by the file

  ITC—214—20 30 930—00267 (e—file)
  Totum Inc.‘s ipf lication for at thority to provide resale s »rvice betweea the United States
  and permissi»le internation il points. Applicant is ocated in Toron:o, Canida. Two
© Canadian cc mjpanies, eack of whom owrs 10% o grea‘er of the applicant. Please note
  that on July : 9, 2013, the E secutive branch Agenc ies withdrew their reque: t to defer
  action, statin ; t] at they have r o objection to the domesst: c application for the transfer of
 control of G1 »bal Conference Partner to Iotu:n Lic WC Docket No. 12—329 (See the letter
 from Kristin Taylor, U.S. Department of l ustice}.

 ITC—214—20131017—00275 (e—file)
 Telecom Services Network LLC‘s application for authority to provide facilities based and
 resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Two
 citizens of India, each of whom owns 50% of the applicant.

 ITC—214—20131022—00278 (e—file)
 Amaysim USA Inc‘s application for authority to provide facilities based and resale
 services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
 100% owned by an Australian company, which is 47% owned by a German company
 and 11% owned by a Malta company.

                                                                                              do riot
          If we do not hear frora you by Noo: . November 20, 2013, we will assume that. you
          have any concerns with the above 1 sted applications and these applications will be
          granted on November 22, 2013 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


                                                               (Georgs Li, Deputy Chief, Policy Jivision

George Li
                                                rommmmmmmmms dows ooo Somel neood fooe en foool Com on memienen ioms eaad

From:                           Adrienne Dowr ;
Sent:                           Wednesday, Oc :ober 30, 2013 2:58 PM
To:                             Veronica Garcie »Ulloa; ‘edv‘; ‘themraer eir‘;
                                ‘maydc@state.c ov‘; ‘Christe pF‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘Tyrone.Brown@‘ ‘B‘;
                                ‘‘; T Te ac » ; ‘Siok ha‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘Jo: nn ».COngmen@usdoj.geyv‘; ‘matthk‘;
                              . ‘ v‘; jiv chiale@ustr.goy‘; ‘Ric 1ard.s‘;
                                ‘glenn.kaminsky@hq.dhs.g w‘; ‘dale. barr@hq.dt‘ ‘s‘; ‘IP—
                      ‘; ‘kristin.tayle r@ usdoj.gew‘; ‘jolin. delmo e(Pic‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘mark.meconnell@usdoj.go /; ro »ert.s.3o ‘mein.civ@m ;
                               ‘ ‘; ‘Magar, Richard (richard.F agar(@HQ:DHS.GOV)®
Ce:                            George Li; David Krech; Sus an OConne I; Hovear 1 Criboff: Ja nes Ball
Subject:                       Cover Letter Reference EB : 013—31 (co.nments ue by November 20, 2013)
Attachments:                   Executive Branch 2013—31.¢ oc

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—31 (comments due by November 20, 2013

Adrienne Downs
International Bureau, FCC
(202) 418—0412

Document Created: 2019-11-10 05:21:18
Document Modified: 2019-11-10 05:21:18

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