Attachment 20170801140341-060.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20130718-00195 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


James Ball
Innongmuntonnommmemmeemrermemreommemmmmmmmdmemsmimemdmmmdiommodmmnmmmmus                   mm                ces     neses

From:                                                   David Krech
Sent:                                                   Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:29 PM
To:                                                     Cassanelli, Jennifer (NSD) (
Ce:                                                     James Ball; George Li; Adrienne Downs
Subject:                                                FW: ForumTel LLC —— ITC—214—20130628—00179

We finally heard back from (soon to be former) counsel for ForumTel.

Given this, we will send our routine letter to the applicant giving them two weeks to respond or we will dismiss the

From: Joanna Wallace []
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10:49 AM
To: David— Krech
Ce: Adrienne Downs; George Li
Subject: RE: ForumTel LLC —— ITC—214—20130628—00179


1 reached out to contacts at ForumTel a final time and I was unable to reach anyone. We are officially withdrawing from
representation due to an inability to communicate with the client. Can you let me know what we should do to disassociate
from the 214 application? We have no authority to withdraw the application or take any other action on the application on ®
behalf of ForumTel.



Joanna G. Wallace, Esq.
Marashlian & Donahue, LLC
The CommLaw Group
Office Tel: 703—714—1317
E—Fax: 703—714—1330
E—Mail: |

From: Joanna Wallace
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:54 AM
To: ‘David Krech‘
Ce: Adrienne Downs; George Li
Subject: RE: ForumTel LLC —— ITC—214—20130628—00179


I apologize for the delayed response. 1 reached out to ForumTel several times to confirm that | have their authority to
withdraw the application and I have not heard back. 1 will reach out again and will let you know if I get a response.



Joanna G. Wallace, Esq.
Marashlian & Donahue, LLC
The CommLaw Group
Office Tel: 703—714—1317
E—Fax: 703—714—1330
E—Mail: |

From: David Krech []
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 5:50 PM
To: Joanna Wallace
Co: Adrienne Downs; George Li
Subject: RE: ForumTel LLC —— ITC—214—20130628—00179


Did I miss your response?


From: David Krech
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 9:08 AM
To: Joanna Wallace (
Cc: Adrienne Downs; George Li
Subject: ForumTel LLC —— ITC—214—20130628—00179

Hi Joanna,

We understand from DOJ that you had told them that ForumT¢           | L   _C w     as going to withdraw its international section 214
application —— ITC—214—20130628—00179. We have not receive           |&    1y nc    tice that the application was being withdrawn. Can
you please confirm whether the application was withdrawn, an         |s    and i    s a copy of the withdrawal letter, or that ForumTel
LLC still wishes to obtain the 214 it applied for? (I recognize tt   at    yo 1 i   nay have sent the withdrawal and it got lost in the
FCC and never reached us.)

Thank you,


Adrienne Downs

From:                            James Ball
Sent:                            Wednesday, March 19, 2014 12:03 PM
To:                              Adrienne Downs
Ce:                              David Krech; George Li
Subject:                         FW: ForumTel application no. ITC—214—20130628—00179

On IBFS, do we just dismiss withdrawn applications?

From: Saul Bienenfeld []
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:09 AM
To: James Ball
Subject: ForumTel application no. ITC—214—20130628—00179

Dear Mr. Ball
Please be advised that I am the attorney for Forum Tel. Forum Tel is no longer in business. Please withdraw the

Saul Bienenfeld
450 Seventh Ave.
Suite 1408
New York, NY 10123

Geomwe Li

From:                            George Li
Sent:                            Wednesday, August 14, 2013 4:13 PM
To:                              ‘‘
CC:                              ‘‘; James Ball; David Krech; Adrienne Downs
Subject:                          te: Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—21 (comments due by August 14, 2013)

Thank you Rick.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Sofield, Richard (NSD) []
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 03:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: George Li
Co: Shaifer, Marilyn (NSD) <>
Subject: RE: Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—21 (comments due by August 14, 2013)

Team Telecom requests that the following matters be removed from streamline:

ForumTel LLC

Viettel American Corporation

Thank you.

From: Adrienne Downs
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 3:24 PM _
To: ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
"‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; "‘ (‘; ‘IP—
FCC@®‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘Hagar, Richard (richard.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV)‘; ‘Brown, Caroline (NSDY‘
Co: George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff
Subject: Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—21 (comments due by August 14, 2013)

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—21 (comments due by August 14, 2013)

Adrienne Downs
International Bureau, FCC
(202) 418—0412

                             Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554

                                             March 18, 2014

Mr. Shai Bar—Lavi
ForumTel LLC
350 NE 24 Street, Unit 104
Miami, FL 33137

RE: File No. ITC—214—20130628—00179

Dear Mr. Bar—Lavi:

Our records indicate that your international section 214 application (File No. ITC—214—
20130628—00179) remains pending at the Commission awaiting completion of review by the
Executive Branch. We forwarded the application to the Executive Branch agencies on July 25,
2013. On August 16, 2013, the Commission removed your application fromstreamlined
processing pending Executive Branch review.‘

We have been informed by the Executive Branch agencies that you may intend to withdraw the
application. We have contacted your legal counsel who has withdrawn from representation of
ForumTel LLC having made repeated efforts to communicate with ForumTel and received no

Please confirm no later than March 31, 2014 that you intend to pursue your application and have
responded to Executive Branch information requests. Failure to so advise us will subject your
application to dismissal without prejudice under Sections 1.748(a) and 63.51(b) of the
Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.748(a), 63.51(b).


                                                            oomes J\,@W
                                                           ames L. Ball
                                                         Chief, Policy Division
                                                         International Bureau

‘ Public Notice Report No. TEL—016308
2 Letter to Secretary, Federal Communications Commission from Joanna Wallace, Marashlian &Donahue, LLC,
dated March 12, 2014.

Document Created: 2019-07-03 16:38:00
Document Modified: 2019-07-03 16:38:00

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