VTA Telecom Section

Section 1.65 Notification submitted by VTA Telecom Corporation

VTA Telecom Sec. 1.65 Letter


This document pretains to ITC-214-20130718-00195 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                         September 10, 2018


Ms. Marlene Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12" Street, S.W., Room TW—A325
Washington, DC 20554.

        Re: VTA Telecom Corporation
            Section 1.65 Update to Pending International Section 214 Application
            (FCC File No. ITC—214—20130718—00195)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        VTA Telecom Corporation ("VTA Telecom" or the "Applicant"), by counsel, hereby
provides this update to the above—referenced application for authority to provide international
facilities—based and resale service (the "Application") pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), and Section 63.18(e) of the
Commission‘s rules. The Application, originally filed on July 18, 2013, is updated to reflect the
following information.

        Company Contact:

       Long Hoang Nguyen
       1551 McCarthy Blvd, Suite 210
       Milpitas, California 95035

        Mr. Long replaces the original contact person, Quang Huy Bui, who was President of
VTA Telecomin July 2013 and signed the Application. VTA Telecom notes that it is not clear
that Mr. Bui‘s departure from VTA Telecom, from which he was placed on paid administrative
leave in December 2016 and terminated as an employee in May 2017, required an affirmative
update to the Application. His signature was a mere ministerial act, fully effective and complete
at the time of filing, and evidencing the Applicant‘s authorization of the filing and certification

                           2001 L STREET NW, SUITE 400 | WASHINGTON, DC 20036
                       TEL 202.429.8970 | FAX 202.293.7783 | WWW.LERMANSENTER.COM

               Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 I_            September 10, 2018
      S ‘      Page —2—

of the facts contained therein. His contact information, providing a name and address for future
FCC communications, was not a substantive part of the Application upon which any decision
regarding grant of authority might have been premised, and it remained effective as a means of
reaching the Applicant despite the changes in Mr. Bui‘s relationship to the company.

        Moreover, at the time of Mr. Bui‘s departure from VTA Telecom, and Mr. Nguyen
Hoang Long‘s resumption of his role as President, the Application was in deferred status at the
request of Team Telecom. During that period, there was no likelihood that the Commission
would take any action on the Application, at least until the Team Telecom review process was
resolved. VTA Telecom reasonably inferred that no minor updates in the Application were
required, at least until that process ran its course.

       Nonetheless, the Applicant is now filing this Section 1.65 statement updating its contact
information contemporaneously with the submission of its response to an August 10, 2018 FCC
inquiry letter.‘ That response explains fully the facts and timing concerning Mr. Bui‘s

        To the extent necessary, the Applicant requests a waiver of the requirement under Section
1.65 of the Commission‘s Rules that applicants provide "corrected information" within 30 days
of any event that renders "the information furnished in the pending application ... no longer
substantially accurate and complete in all significant respects." 47 C.F.R. § 1.65(a). Mr. Bui, the
prior contact, was no longer an active company employee after December 2016, when he was
placed on administrative leave, and he was dismissed from the company five months later. Thus,
if the contact information had significance with respect to the consideration of the Application, it
should have been reported as early as January 2017. As detailed above, however, this changed
information by itself was not a substantive part of the application, and the delay in its reporting
therefore should not be considered material. Indeed, to the extent this information is considered
relevant at all, the absence of an update to remove Mr. Bui‘s name from the Application placed
VTA Telecom in a more unfavorable light than the affirmative disclosure of his changed status
reflected here and in its contemporaneously—filed response to the inquiry letter. As noted there,
Mr. Bui was terminated from his position with the Applicant prior to his guilty plea to a single
felony count of violating of U.S. export control law, and accordingly was no longer a party to the
Application at that time.

‘ See Letter from Stephen E. Coran and David S. Keir, Counsel to VTA Telecom, to Veronica Garcia—
Ulloa, Telecommunications and Analysis Division, FCC, FCC File No. ITC—214—20130718—00195 (dated
Sept. 10, 2018).

            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
I_          September 10, 2018
     S '    Page —3—

        Should there be any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned

                                                    Respectfully submi

                                                    Counsel to VTA Telecom Corporation

cc: Denise Coca
    Veronica Garcia—Ulloa

Document Created: 2018-09-10 16:14:38
Document Modified: 2018-09-10 16:14:38

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