Attachment 20170801144157-883.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20130709-00182 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


            Granted                  JUL262 13
                                        Policy Div '|on             Streamlined     ITC—STA—20130718—00196
 pes                                 International                                  1B2013001569
 AkGs ..                                                            LONG LINES WIRELESS LLC
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_Stated bellow,                     REQUE!    FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY

              Long Lines Wireless, LLC(th     "Applicant"), is a Tier—3 CMRS provider operating primarily in rural
     areas of northwestern lowa, but al:      in portions of Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota. On July 2,
     2013, Applicant applied for an auth      ization pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214 to provide telecommunications
     .services between the United States      id international locations. (FCC File No. 1B2013001423.)

             As more fully set forth bele      so as not to inconvenience Applicant‘s subscribers by terminating
     their current international calling ci   ibility, Applicant nowrequests special temporary authority ("STA")
     to continue originating and terr         iating international wireless services during the pendency of
     Applicant‘s international 214 app        ition. . The STA would continue until the Commission resolves
     Applicant‘s underlying internationa      14 application,. In support of this request, Applicant states:

            1.   Applicant is a direc         wholly—owned subsidiary of Long Lines Communications, LLC

             2. Until February 2011, /        wlicant was a direct wholly—owned subsidiary of Long Lines, LLC
     ("Long Lines"}, a provider of wirelin    roice video, and data services in roughly the same geographic area
     as the Applicant. Long Lines is          self a direct wholly—owned subsidiary of Communications and,
     therefore, until February 2011, Af        cant was an indirect subsidiary of Communications. In February
     2011, Applicant was moved from u         er Long Lines to become a direct subsidiary of Communications as
     part of a process to separate the wi     ‘ess and wireline operations of Communications and, ultimately, to
     sell the wireless operation.

             3. Long Lines, and its pred: ‘ssors, has held an international 214 authorization for many years.
     While Applicant was a direct subsid.«y of Long Lines, Applicant originated and terminated wireless calls
     between the United States and international locations pursuant to the Long Lines authorization. When
     Applicant ceased being a direct subsidiary of Long Lines in February 2011, Applicant‘s management
     failed to apply for a separate international 214 authorization and, since that time, Applicant has
     originated and terminated international wireless calls without proper authorization.

            4. On or about July 2, 2013, in connection with negotiation of a potential sale of the Applicant,
     Communications discovered that the Applicant had failed to apply for an international 214 authorization
     when it was moved for under Long Lines;. An application for the international 214 authorization was
     filed later that day. Communications is nowmonitoring the situation and will ensure that the Applicant
     remains in compliance with the Commission‘s rules going forward.

 Mle         5.   The Applicant acknowledges that the grant of this STAwill not prejudice any action the
     Commission may take on the underlying international 214 application. Applicant further acknowledges
     that this STA can be modified or revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                          I MANIZ2 PPNICC IAMOCI ECC   117

xoloielelalataletetatetetatok —COMM . JOURNAL— seleicieiatelatoletetetalolototetetek: DATEJUL—26—2013 seleteiok T IME: 16 20. stetetataleletok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                             START=JUL—26 16:19                            END=JUL—26 16:20

            FILE NO.=~6B4

   STN        COMM,              ONE—TOUCH~               STRTION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                    PAGES                 DURATION
   NO.                             ABBR NO.

   221            OK            #                         HTL2ZTIRTZET                                                                            902002                00:00:47

                                                                                                                —INTERNAT IONAL BUREAU                             *

Holololefololololetolololelololelelololeletelelleleleleletetetatalatek —INTL BUREAU                       — slololofok —                    202 418 2824— solstototolololok

                                          INTERNATIONAL BUREAU

                                                                  FAX SHEET
                                                           Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
         Thisfacyimile tranymizzign it intended qnlyfor the addressee shown briow, it may ¢ontain informatton that is privileged, confidential ar otherwige protected
         from disclogure, Any review, di           on or use ofthis tr            pr its       by persons other than the addressee is strictly prohibited, Ifyou have
         reckived this tronsmission in error. pleose notify us immediarely by relephone and mail the original ta us at the Federal Communications Commizsion,
         driernational Bureau, 445 12" Street $ W., Room 7—4625, Washington, DC 20554

                                             pare: tlaul1s
                     a                       FROM:              QQQ;% Li                                      h

            TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418—__________
                                                   TO:          M;k@ 55!555;94

                            Fax NUMBER: T/A—37)~—27237

          TELEPHONE NUMBER: 410 ~44 Lb — 8360
       SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Long Lines Ubireless LLG
            CA            —~4                       —      60                       —     314—460!3MA7OG—0618 a


Document Created: 2019-05-03 12:28:05
Document Modified: 2019-05-03 12:28:05

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