Application Form [pdf]

Application - FCC In


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to ITC-214-20130602-00147 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                  Before the
                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIO             S COMMISSION
                                             Washington, D. C.

In the Matter of                                   )
Section 63.71 Application of                       )
Verbal Telecard Inc. db/a VTC                      )                File No.
To Discontinue Local and Long Distance Services    )

                                      Petition to Discontinue Service

Verbal Telecard Inc. d/b/a VTC ("Verbal Telecard") hereby requests, pursuant to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) Rule, Section 63.71 0 the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), to
discontinue service. Verbal Telecard is a non—dominant cor munications service provider in the State of
NewYork. It is a company organized underthe laws ofthe State of New York and it has a Certificate of
Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the telecomstate level regulatory agencyin New York,
(the NewYork Public Service Commission), for authority t provide telecomservices in the State of New
York as a reseller and facilities based provider. Verbal Tele ard used the authority to provide US to
International, International to US and International to Inter ational calling services in the form of prepaid
calling cards sold to consumers in the State of New York. A s of December 31. 2015, Verbal Telecard
stopped selling any newproducts or services. As of October 1, 2016, all of the company‘s prepaid calling
card products reached their listed expiration dates. As such, the company currently does not have any
customers since the listed expiration dates on its products e pired. So, Verbal Telecard decidedto file for
the cancellation of its CPCN with the New York State Publi ic Service Commission and cancelled its FCC
499 Filer ID. It is submitting this filing to surrender the FC ? 214 authorization that was granted by the
FCC to it on June 21. 2013. In support ofthis request of Ve bal Telecard, for authorization to discontinue
service and for the surrendering ofits FCC 214 authorizatio n, the following information is submitted
pursuant to the FCC Rule, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.71.

B       The name, address and telephone number ofthe app licant:
        Attention: Tanveer Shairy, President
        50 Main Street, Suite 1000
        White Plains, NY 10606
        Telephone: 347—502—9053

        Correspondence concerning this application should      e sent to:
        Alonzo Beyene, Consultant to Verbal Telecard
        Industry Assurance Consulting, Inc.
        6303 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 400, Miami, FL 3. 3126
        Phone: (786)—505—1862

2.      Date of planned service discontinuance:
        May 20, 2017 with a 30—day notice having been     o perly provided to the affected customers
        per FCC and New York State Public Service C(%mission rules on January 9, 2017. The
        notice states that consumers who wish to object ave no later than 15 days after the
        Commission releases public notice of the proposé d discontinuance to file comments with the

        Points of geographic areas ofservice affected:       St ate of NewYork

        Brief description of the type of service affected:          Long Distance Services

        Brief description ofthe dates and methods of noticg to all affected customers:

        Dated January9, 2017, Verbal Telecard sent let rs to customers via the distributors
        through whom its prepaid calling card services v rere sold, to notify customers of Verbal
        Telecard‘s intent to discontinue providing servicy , effective May20, 2017. The letter was
        prepared in compliance with the FCC Rule, Sec ion 63.71 of the Code of Federal
        Regulations (C.F.R.). As such, it provided the cu stomers at least 30—daynotice. The letter
        was also prepared in compliance with R14—2—11 7 of the New York Corporation
        Commission rules on Application to Discontinue service.

6.      Non—dominance of the carrier with respect to the se vice being discontinued:
        Verbal Telecard is a non—dominant carrier with espect to the services it proposes to

       In accordance with Section 63.71(a) of the Feder al Communications Commission rules,
       Verbal Telecard has mailed a copy of this applic ation to the Governor of the affected state
       (the State of New York), to the affected State pu blic utility commission (the NewYork State
       Public Service Commission) and to the Special A ssistant for Telecommunications for the
       Secretary of the Defense.

       Circumstances of Discontinuance
       As of December 31, 2015, Verbal Telecard stopp ed selling any new products or services. As
       of October 1, 2016, the company‘s prepaid calli      card products reached their listed
       expiration dates. As such, the companycurrently does not have any customers since the
       listed expiration dates on its products expired.    rbal Telecard no longer has customers or
       sales, so it felt that dissolution of the companywas the most expedient wayto proceed.

       Pursuant to the Federal Communications Comntission Rule regarding 47 C. F. R. Section
       63.71, Verbal Telecard understands that this ap lication will be automatically granted on
       the 31st day after the Public Notice is released,       ith no Commission notification to Verbal
       Telecard, unless the Commission has notified the companythat the grant will not be
       automatically effective.

                                                                   Verbal Telecard

Alonzo Beyene, Consultant to Verbal Telecard
Industry Assurance Consulting, Inc. (IAC)
6303 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 400, Miami, FL 33126
Phone: (786)—350—2702

                                               Exhibit A
                    State Utility Regulatory Agency and State Governor Service List

Office ofthe Governor of New York
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

New York State Public Service Commission
Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess
Secretary to the Commission
New York State Public Service Commission
Empire State Plaza
Agency Building 3
Albany, NY 12223—1350

Department of Defense
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Defense
Attn: Special Assistant for Telecommunications
Washington DC 20301

Document Created: 2017-03-20 21:43:45
Document Modified: 2017-03-20 21:43:45

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