Angel Revoke FCC Lic

LETTER submitted by U.S. Department of Justice

Letter Amending Original Request


This document pretains to ITC-214-20130429-00125 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


+                                                     U.S. Department of Justice

                                                      National Security Division

Foreign Investment Review Staff                       Washington, D.C. 2053

                                                      December 8, 2017

By Electronic Filing

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary of the Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission
445 l2th St. SW, Room TW-B204
Washington, DC 20554

          Re:       Angel Americas, LLC, Holder of International Authorizations ITC-214-
                    20010220-00085, ITC-214-20040618-00348, ITC-214-20020531-00293, and
                    ITC-214-20050315-00105 (File No. ITC-ASG-20130130-00035), ITC-214-
                    20031020-00495 (ITC-ASG-20130130-00037), ITC-214-20130429-00125, and
                    of domestic section 214 authority (DA No. 14-936 (June 27, 2014))

                    Angel Mobile, Inc., Holder of International Authorization ITC-214-
                    20131206-00337 (DA No. 14-1062 (July 25, 2014))

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        The Department of Justice (“DOJ”) hereby amends its January 21, 2016, request that the
Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) terminate, declare null and void and no
longer in effect, and/or revoke the above-identified domestic and/or international certifications
controlled by Angel Americas, LLC (“Angel Americas”) or Angel Mobile, Inc. (“Angel
Mobile,” and, together with Angel Americas, “the Angel Entities”).

       In the original letter regarding this topic the DOJ inadvertently omitted to include a file
number for a license controlled by Angel Americas, and consequently herein requests that the
Commission amend the DOJ’s original request to include the following file number: ITC-214-
20130429-00125. The DOJ requests termination, revocation, or declaration with respect to
Angel Americas’ control of that file number for the same reasons identified and discussed in the
January 21, 2016, request, attached hereto.

         Likewise, the DOJ also amends its original request due to a clerical error in referencing
the file number for Angel America’s license. Inadvertently, the DOJ’s original letter failed to
include one number in the appropriate file number for Angel Mobile’s license. Thus, the DOJ


hereby amends its original January 21, 2016, request to reference Angel Mobile’s control of file
number ITC-214-20131206-00337.

        Consequently, pursuant to this letter, the DOJ amends its original January 21, 2016,
request and asks that the Commission terminate, declare null and void and no longer in effect,
and/or revoke the above-identified international and domestic authorizations issued to the Angel
Entities for the reasons discussed in the January 21, 2016, request.

       Thank you for your consideration.


                                                    __s/Richard Sofield__________________
                                                    Richard Sofield
                                                    Principal Deputy Chief
                                                    Foreign Investment Review Staff
                                                    National Security Division
                                                    U.S. Department of Justice

cc:    Denise Cocoa
       Chief, Policy Division
       International Bureau
       Federal Communications Commission

       David Krech
       Associate Chief, Policy Division
       International Bureau
       Federal Communications Commission

       Francis Gutierrez
       Federal Communications Commission

       Cara Grayer
       Federal Communications Commission

       U.S. Department of Homeland Security
       Foreign Investment Risk Management

       U.S. Department of Defense

       Loyaan Egal
       Deputy Chief for Telecom
       Foreign Investment Review Staff, National Security Division
       U.S. Department of Justice


Document Created: 2017-12-08 18:40:20
Document Modified: 2017-12-08 18:40:20

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