Attachment 20170727144656-470.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20130226-00053 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                            Federal Communications Commission                    ¢
                                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

Internatonal Bur :au
                                                                                E—mail:   ,lan
                                                                                          (20%       ) 4 .8—1462
                                                                                          (202       ) 4 .8—2824 (fax)
                                                                                          Mai        ch 7, 2013
                                                                                          Eef         El} 2013—06

Hillary Mc rga i           (30; )   2225—6113               Douglas May                   (20%       )   617—5835
Shawn B. 2oo ey            (20..)   232—8489                Christopher Her imerlein      (20%       )   432—1885
Edward T. Hand             (20.)    5::.4—2464              Jonathar McHa e               (202       )   305—5656
Richar 1 Sc fiel 1         (20;)    233—0702                Matthew Benst:in              (20%       )   3::4—5422
Sean Desnord               (20..) 4556—6068

Re:        Geciot. 214 Appliciticn

           Coraments Due: Vlarch 27, 2013

Dear sir or Maiam:

           T‘leise review the following applicetio as and advis: u: whether you l avs any national
security, lav» et fforcement, foreign policy 01 triide concerns by Noon March 27, 2013, because
we ar: p: ep:iired to take actin on these applications. Electoric filed (e—file, applications are
able to t e viewed by acces sing ibfs and searching by thie ‘file mumber.

ITC.—21.1—201.30204—00048 (e—file)
IP Networl: America LLC‘s application fo: authority to provide facilitissbased and
resale service:; between the United States and permiss: ble: internaional points. Applicant
is 100% ovned by a citiz :n of Mexico.

ITC.—214—201,30226—00053 (e—file)
Procom Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilitiss—based ard : esale services
between the United States and permissil>le internationail points. Two c tizsens of Mexico
each of whom owns 50% of the applicaat.

ITTC—214—20130221—00063 (e—file)
Speed Telco LLC‘s application for authority to provide resale services between the
United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 80% owned by a citizen
of Somalia.

ITC—ASG—20130228—00067 (e—file)
Application for the assignment of certain assets from WQN, Inc. (holder of ITC—214—
20090416—00200) to BTS Global, LLC (BTS Global). BTS Global was formed to
provide international prepaid calling card services and operates pursuant to the
international section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20010921—00482, holds by its parent,
MTS Group, Inc. (BTS Group).


                    Two citizens of Spain, each of whom holds ultimate 50%
                                                                             indirect interest in BTS Global.
                    Applicants note that this ownership has been reviewed by
                                                                             Team Telecom in connection
                    with the application, ITC—T/C—20120725—00186.
                                                                  See letter from Jennifer Rockoff, dated
                    October 9, 2012.

                    If we do not hear from you by Noon March 27, 2013,
                                                                            we will assume that you do not
                    have any concerns with the above listed applications and
                                                                             the applications will be auto—
                    granted on March 29, 2013 per Commission‘s rules,
                                                                          47 C.F.R. § 63.12.

                    The following applications were dismissed by Chief,
                                                                         Policy Division, International
                    Bureau on March 5, 2013, pursuant to sections
                                                                       1.748(a) and 63.51(b) of the
                    Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR 1.748(a), 63.51(b), for
                                                                           failure to respond to the
                    Commission‘s request for information.

                ITC—214—20110819—00268                                   Nuxat Inc.

                ITC—214—20120201—00022                                   Summa Communications, LLC

                ITC—214—20120508—00125                                   VoIP Carrier Telecom, Inc.

                ITC—T/C—20120612—00152                                   Airtel USA Inc.

George Li                                   aaumne                                             onl

From:      _:                         Adrienne Downs
Sent:           |                     Thursday, March 07, 2013 4:46 PM              ol               |              .
Tz?                                   ‘‘"; ‘‘; ‘Morgan, Hillary J CIV (US);
                                      ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
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                                      ‘‘; ‘‘; .                    .    ,
                                      ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; 2
                                      ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘IP—
                            ‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
Ce:                                   George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Jennifer Prime;
                                      Alexis Johns
Subject:                              Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—6 (comments due by March 27, 2013)
Attachments:                          Executive Branch 2013—06.doc

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—6 (comments due by March 27, 2013)

Document Created: 2019-05-25 11:33:21
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 11:33:21

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