Voiamo.Petition to a

LETTER submitted by Foreign Investment Review Staff

Petition to Adopt


This document pretains to ITC-214-20120821-00208 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Voiamo US Inc                   )   File No. ITC-T/C-20120821-00208
Application for authorization under Section      )
214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as        )
amended                                          )

                           PETITION TO ADOPT CONDITIONS TO
                            AUTHORIZATIONS AND LICENSES

           The Department of Justice (DOJ) (the Agency) submits this Petition to Adopt

Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses (Petition), pursuant to Section 1.41 of the

Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) rules.1 Through this Petition, the

Agency advises the Commission that it has no objection to the Commission approving the

authority sought in the above-referenced proceeding, provided that the Commission

conditions its approval on the assurance of Voiamo US Inc to abide by the commitments

and undertakings set forth in the November 14, 2012 Letter of Assurances (LOA), which is

attached hereto. In the above-referenced proceeding, the Applicant petitioned the

Commission for authority to provide global or limited global resale authority (Section

63.18(e)(2) to all international points under Section 214 of the Communications Act of

1934, as amended.

           The Commission has long recognized that law enforcement, national security, and

public safety concerns are part of its public interest analysis, and has accorded deference

to the views of other U.S. government agencies with expertise in those areas. See In the

    47 C.F.R. § 1.41.

Matter of Comsat Corporation d/b/a Comsat Mobile Communications, etc., 16 FCC Rcd.

21,661, 21707 ¶ 94 (2001).

       After discussions with representatives of the Applicant in connection with the

above-referenced proceedings, the Agency has           concluded that     the   additional

commitments set forth in the LOA will help ensure that the Agency with responsibility for

enforcing the law, protecting the national security, and preserving public safety, can

proceed appropriately to satisfy those

responsibilities. Accordingly, the Agency advises the Commission that it has no objection

to the Commission granting the application in the above-referenced proceeding, provided

that the Commission conditions its consent on compliance by Voiamo US Inc with the


Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Richard C. Sofield
Richard C. Sofield
U.S. Department of Justice
Director - Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division
600 E Street, NW, Suite 10000
Washington, D.C. 20004

November 19, 2012

14 November 2012
                                                                                200, Lexington Avenue
                                                                                     New york city
                                                                                        NY 10016
Lisa Monaco
                                                                                     TEL: +1 914 482 4941
Assistant Attorney General
National Security Division
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

Email: ttelecom@usdoj.gov

Dear Ms Monaco,

Re:    Pending application by Voiamo US Inc for authorization under
       Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
       FCC ITC-214-20120821-00208

This letter outlines the commitments made by Voiamo US Inc (Voiamo) to the US
Department of Justice (DOJ) in order to address national security, law enforcement, and
public safety concerns raised with regard to Voiamo’s application to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) for authority to provide facilities-based and resale
services to all international points under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended.

Voiamo is a new US corporation seeking an authorization from the FCC to provide global
or limited global resale authority (Section 63.18(e)(2)) to all international points under
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Initially, Voiamo plans to
provide data-only Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) services to its clients.
Eventually, Voiamo also plans to offer voice services.

Voiamo confirms that before it offers any such voice services (regardless of method of
delivery), it will notify DOJ, at the address listed above, and will answer all technical,
business, and personnel questions to DOJ’s satisfaction before offering any such
services. Voiamo understands that, upon successful review by DOJ, this letter may be, by
mutual consent, terminated or amended to allow Voiamo full exercise of global or limited
global resale authority as granted by the FCC.

Voiamo further agrees that it will promptly notify DOJ, at the address listed above, before
it seeks to commence the sale (or resale) of any type of communications services not
described in this letter, or if there are any other material changes in any of the facts as
represented in this letter.

Voiamo confirms that it will comply with all applicable lawful intercept statutes, regulations,
and requirements, including the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
           Voiamo US Inc. Incorporated under the law of the State of Delaware with company number 0408800.
                     Registered Office: Suite 808, 1220, N. Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801.


         I further understand that the Prospectus must include:

           information which has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in
(CALEA) andaccordance  with the ASX
             its implementing       Listing Rules;
                                 regulations, andand
                                                   will comply with all court orders and other legal
process for lawfully authorized electronic surveillance. Voiamo agrees that before it offers the
above-referenced voice services, it will notify DOJ, at the address listed above, on the status of its
implementationis information
                  of lawful that investors and
                             interception      their professional
                                            capabilities,         advisors
                                                           including   the would
                                                                           statusreasonably require with
                                                                                  of its compliance
CALEA.        for the purpose of making an informed assessment of:

Voiamo agrees     (a) thattheit assets
                                    will not,    directly financial
                                            and liabilities,  or indirectly,      disclose
                                                                        position and           or permit
                                                                                       performance,     profitsdisclosure
                                                                                                                and losses of or
access to US Records,                domestic        communications,
                            and prospects of the Company; and                  or any    information        (including      the
content of communication) pertaining to a wiretap or electronic surveillance order,
pen/trap order, subpoena, or other lawful demand by a US law enforcement agency for US
                  (b) the rights and liabilities attaching to the securities being offered.
Records or lawfully authorized electronic surveillance to any person if the purpose of such
disclosure or access is to respond to the legal process or request on behalf of a non-US
4.     I consentwithout
government,          to the Prospectus           substantially
                                   first satisfying               in the form
                                                          all pertinent         of the draft Prospectus
                                                                             requirements        of U.S. law    attached
                                                                                                                   and obtaining
       to this written
the express      Responsibility
                              consent   andofConsent
                                                DOJ or    Certificate   and its lodgement
                                                             the authorization                 in finalofform
                                                                                       of a court               with the jurisdiction
in the US.      The Securities
       Australian      term “USand        Records”
                                              Investmentsmeans      customer billing records, subscriber
information, and any other related information used, processed, or maintained in the
ordinary course of business relating to telecommunications services offered in the US. US
RecordsIf after theinclude
            shall    issue of the      Prospectus, Isubject
                                    information         become aware       of any falsetooramisleading
                                                                   to disclosure             US Federal   statement   in, or
                                                                                                               or state
       omission    from,   the     Prospectus,    I reserve  my  rights  to withdraw
governmental entity under the procedures specified in Sections 2703(c) and (d) and     my   consent  and   to give
          2709 ofpublic  Titlenotice
                                   18 ofof the
                                             the withdrawal
                                                  US Code.andThe    of theterm
                                                                                    for the withdrawal.
                                                                                                government” means any
government, including an identified representative, agent, component or subdivision
6.         that is not
       I understand      thata if,local,   state
                                    after the       or federal
                                               Prospectus         government
                                                             has been    lodged withinthethe  US. Any
                                                                                            Australian        such and
                                                                                                        Securities   requests or
legal process
       Investments Commission and at any time while securities can be sold on the basis of the to the DOJ
                   submitted           by   a  non-US      government         to  Voiamo      shall   be    referred
as soonProspectus,
          as possible,         and aware
                        I become       in noofevent
                                                  any oflater   than five (5) business days after such request or
                                                          the following:
legal process is received by or known to Voiamo, unless the disclosure of the request or
legal process would be in violation of US law or an order of a court of the US.
         (1)       a material statement in the Prospectus that is false or misleading;
Voiamo agrees that in the event the commitments set forth in this letter are breached, in
       (2) to any
addition       a material
                   other omission
                            remedyfrom   the Prospectus;
                                     available   at law or equity, the DOJ may request that the FCC
modify, condition, revoke, cancel, or render null and void any relevant license, permit, or
other authorization
       (3)     significantgranted by the FCC
                           change affecting a mattertoincluded
                                                       Voiamo      or Prospectus;
                                                               in the any successor-in-interest.
                                                                                  or             Nothing
herein shall be construed to be a waiver by Voiamo of, or limitation on, its right to oppose
or comment on any such request.
         (4) the occurrence of any new circumstance that has arisen since the Prospectus was
             lodged and would have been required by sections 710 to 715 of the Corporations Act
Nothing in this letter is intended to excuse Voiamo from its obligations to comply with any
             2001 tolegal
and all applicable   be included in the prospectus
                           requirements            if it had arisen including
                                            and obligations,        before lodging
                                                                                           all applicable
statutes, regulations, requirements, or orders.
         I must give notice of the new circumstance to the Chairman of the Due Diligence Committee.
We understand that, upon execution of this letter by an authorized representative or
attorney for Voiamo, DOJ shall notify the FCC that it has no objection to the FCC’s grant
of Voiamo’s application.
Yours faithfully

Nigel Bramwell – Director, Voiamo US Inc

Nigel BramwellVoiamo US Inc. Incorporated under the law of the State of Delaware with company number 0408800.
                        Registered Office: Suite 808, 1220, N. Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801.


Document Created: 2012-11-19 13:35:48
Document Modified: 2012-11-19 13:35:48

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