Attachment Attachment 3 signed

This document pretains to ITC-214-20120801-00193 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


   6.   Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees to ensure that such Records are not made subject to mandatory
        destruction under any foreign laws and that the location of the U.S. Records storage location will be
        provided to Department of Justice.

   7.   Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit
        disclosure of or access to such Records or domestic communications or any information (inclusive of
        communication content) pertaining to a wiretap order or electronic surveillance order, pen/trap order,
        subpoena or other lawful demand by a U.S. law enforcement agency for such Records or lawfully
        authorized electronic surveillance, to any person ifthe purpose ofsuch disclosure or access is to respond
        to the legal process or request on behalf of a non-US government @g!--jirs! satisffing the
        requirements of U.S. law and obtaining the express written consent of Department of Justice, or the
        authorization of a court of competent jurisdiction in the United States.

   8.   Teledirek Global Corp. fi.nther a_grees that the term "non-US govemment" shall include any
        govemment, agent, component or suMivision thereof that is not a local, state or federal government in
        the United States or of the United States, and, any such requests of legal process submitted by a non-US
        govemment to Teledirek Global Corp. shall be referred to the Department of Justice no later than five
        (5) business days after such request or legal pro@ss is recei       or known to Teledirek Global Corp.,
                                                                       in violation of U.S. law or an Court Order
        of a court of competent  jurisdiction within the

I declare under the penalty of perjury that             ng is true and correct:

                                                                        Date: July 13,2012

        Name Mr. Paul Ruddy

        Title: Director of Teledirek Global Corp.

                                             Before the
                              FEDERAL COMMUMCATIONS COMT{ISSION
                                       Washington, D.C.20554

In the Matter of

Teledirek Global Corp.

Application for authority pursuant                                         File No.: ITC-214
to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, for global authority
to operate as an international
facilities-based and resale carrier

                                      A   pplication Attachment              III   .
                                               (Affrdavit of Assurances)

I,   Paul Ruddy Mentor, director and 50% shareholder of Teledirek Global Corp. make the following
assr.rftrnces to the Federal Communication Commission and to the United States Department of Justice to address
any concerns of national security, law enforcement, and public safety with regard to this application to the
Federal Communications Commission for authority to provide global facilities-based and resale services to all
international points, not excluded by the Commission, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended.

Teledirek Global Corp. is a Florida corporation that herein seeks authorization from the Commission to provide
intemational global or limited global facilities-based authority, and global or limited global resale authority (47
C.F.R. g 63.1S(eXl) and $ 63.18(e{2)) to all intemational points under Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended. As a part of this applicatiorL Teledirek Global Corp. herein agrees that:

      1.   Teledirek Global Corp. shall comply with all applicable lawful interception statutes, regulations, and
           requirements, including the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) and
           underlying regulations, and to all lawful court orders or other lawful process(es) for authorized
           electronic surveillance.

      2.   To the extent required, Teledirek Global Corp. shall implement a solution that meets the capability
           requirements of CALEA and its implementing regulations, and will provide the Department of Justice
           with a report on the status of such implementation within sixty (60) days of the grant of its lnternational
           Section 214 Authority.

      3.   Tetedirek Global Corp. shall designate a lawful United States Citizen residing in the United States as its
           point ofcontact for any and all law enforcement agencies.

      4.   Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that, for all customer billing records, subscriber information, and
           any other related information used, processed, or maintained in the ordinary course of business relating
           to telecommunications services offered in the United States, Teledirek Global Corp. shall store either
           originals or copies of originals (Records) within the United States and make such records available in
           response to any lawful U.S. process.

      5.   Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that such Records shall include information subject to disclosure
           to a U.S. Federal or state govemmental entity under the procedures specified in Sections 2703(c) and (d)
           and Section 2709 ofTitle l8 of the United States Code.

Document Created: 2019-04-21 09:32:07
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 09:32:07

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