Attachment FCC 214 Petition

This document pretains to ITC-214-20120801-00193 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                 )
Teledirek Global Corp.                                           )
Application for authority pursuant                               )    File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                            )
Communications Act of 1934,                                      )
as amended, for global authority                                 )
to operate as an international                                   )
facilities-based and resale carrier                              )

                             APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY

Teledirek Global Corp., (hereafter also called “Applicant”) hereby requests authority, pursuant to

Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214 et. al. (1982), and

Section 63.18 of the Federal Communication Commission's (hereafter called “Commission”) Rules, 47

C.F.R. Section 63.18, to provide global or limited international facilities-based and resale services

between the United States and international points, except those international point not authorized by the

Commission and updated from time to time on the Commission’s Exclusion List. Teledirek Global

Corp. is a U.S. company organized in the State of Florida to provide international telecommunications

services.   Teledirek Global Corp. has no foreign affiliations. Teledirek Global Corp. will serve

customers throughout the United States. By granting this application, the Commission will serve the

public interest, convenience and necessity by promoting competition in the international services market.

Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering prices. Thus, the

public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to Teledirek Global Corp.

In support of this application, Teledirek Global Corp. respectfully submits the following:

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                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                    )
Teledirek Global Corp.                                              )
Application for authority pursuant                                  )    File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                               )
Communications Act of 1934,                                         )
as amended, for global authority                                    )
to operate as an international                                      )
facilities-based and resale carrier                                 )

                               Application Attachment I.
                                 (Information pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.12)

The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.12 of the Commission’s
Rules, in support of Teledirek Global Corp. request for authorization:

In Response to Question 9 of the FCC 214 Application:

Teledirek Global Corp. respectfully requests streamline processing pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.12
and certifies that:
            1. It is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination market it seeks authority to serve;

            2. It has no affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private
               line services Teledirek Global Corp. seeks authority to resell, either directly or
               indirectly through the resale of another reseller’s services;

            3. It does not seek authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to a
               country for which the Commission has not previously authorized the provision of
               switched services over private lines.

            4. The Commission has not informed Teledirek Global Corp. in writing that this
               Application is not eligible for streamlined processing.

In Response to Question 10 of FCC 214 Application: Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.
In Response to Question 11 of FCC 214 Application: Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.
In Response to Question 12 of FCC 214 Application: Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.
In Response to Question 13 of FCC 214 Application: Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.

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                                    Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                 )
Teledirek Global Corp.                                           )
Application for authority pursuant                               )    File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                            )
Communications Act of 1934,                                      )
as amended, for global authority                                 )
to operate as an international                                   )
facilities-based and resale carrier                              )

                            Application Attachment II.
                                 (Information pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.18)

The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.18 of the Commission’s
Rules, in support of Teledirek Global Corp. request for authorization:

47 CFR § 63.18(a): The name, address and telephone number of the Applicant is:

       Name:                            Teledirek Global Corp.
       Address:                         5801 West Hallandale Beach Blvd.
       State, City, Zip Code:           Hallandale, FL 33023
       Tel:                             (954) 404-6953

47 CFR § 63.18(b): Teledirek Global Corp. is a limited liability corporation organized under the laws
   of the State of Florida.

48 CFR § 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

       Name:                            Mr. Paul Ruddy Mentor, Director
                                        Teledirek Global Corp.
       Address:                         5801 West Hallandale Beach Blvd.
       State, City, Zip Code:           Hallandale, FL 33023
       Tel:                             (954) 404-6953

       With a copy to Contact:          Edward A. Maldonado, Esq. Regulatory Counsel for Applicant
                                        Maldonado Law Group
                                        Law Offices of Edward A. Maldonado, P.a.
                                        815 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 304
                                        Coral Gables, Florida, 33134
                                        Tel: (305) 477-7580
                                        Fax: (305) 477-7504

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In Response to Question 14 and 15 of the FCC 214 Application:

47 CFR § 63.18(d): Teledirek Global Corp. has not previously received authority under Section 214 of
the Act.

47 CFR § 63.18(e): Not Applicable. At this time, Teledirek Global Corp. seeks no other authorization
available under Section 63.18(e). Teledirek Global Corp. requests global or limited facilities-based and
resale Section 214 authority pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the
Commission's Rules. Applicant is not applying for authority to acquire facilities or to provide services
not covered by paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of Section 63.18. Applicant is not seeking facilities-
based authority under paragraph (e)(4) of Section 63.18.

47 CFR § 63.18(g): Not Applicable.

47 CFR § 63.18(h): In support of this certification, the name, address, citizenship and principal business
of the shareholders of Teledirek Global Corp. that control ten percent (10%) or more of are as follows:

                 Name:                               Mr. Paul Ruddy Mentor
                 Address:                            5801 West Hallandale Beach Blvd.
                 State, City, Zip Code:              Hallandale, FL 33023
                 Ownership Percentage:               50% (There are no interlocking directorates.)
                 Citizenship:                        Haitain Citizen1
                 Business:                           Telecommunications

                 Name:                               Mr. Charles Patrick Eveillard
                 Address:                            5801 West Hallandale Beach Blvd.
                 State, City, Zip Code:              Hallandale, FL 33023
                 Ownership Percentage:               50% (There are no interlocking directorates.)
                 Citizenship:                        Canadian Citizen2
                 Business:                           Telecommunications

47 CFR § 63.18(i): Teledirek Global Corp. certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign facilities-
based carriers or US dominant carriers.

    Mr.Paul Ruddy Mentor, is a Hatian national and director of the Applicant. For purposes of this Application,
and consideration of Mr. Mentor therein, Canada is a member of the WTO since January 30, 1996. In
furtherance of this Application, Mr. Mentor has executed an Affidavit of Assurances as to the Commission and/or
Team Telecom (herein incorporated by reference under Attachment III), in relation to CALEA, lawful requests,
customer billing records, subscriber information, and any other related information used, processed, or that may be
maintained in the ordinary course of business relating to future telecommunications services of the Applicant offered
in the U.S. after grant of the Commission’s Authorization of International Section 214 Authority under this

  Mr. Charles Patrick Eveillard, is a Canadian national and director of the Applicant. For purposes of this
application, and consideration of Mr. Eveillard therein, Canada is a member of the WTO since January 1,
1995 and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

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47 CFR § 63.18(j): certifies that it does not seek to provide international telecommunication services to
any destination country for which any of the following are true:

    1. Teledirek Global Corp. is a foreign carrier in that country; or

    2. Teledirek Global Corp. controls a foreign carrier in that country; or

    3. Any entity that owns more than twenty-five percent (25%) of Teledirek Global Corp., or that
        controls Teledirek Global Corp., controls a foreign carrier in that country.

47 CFR § 63.18(k):       Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.

47 CFR § 63.18(l):       Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.

47 CFR § 63.18(m):       Not Applicable to Teledirek Global Corp.

47 CFR § 63.18(n): Teledirek Global Corp. herein certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in
the future to accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with
regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign countries the company is
authorized to serve.

47 CFR § 63.18(o): Teledirek Global Corp. herein certifies that no party to this application has been
denied federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

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                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                   )
Teledirek Global Corp.                                             )
Application for authority pursuant                                 )     File No.: ITC-214__________
to Section 214 of the                                              )
Communications Act of 1934,                                        )
as amended, for global authority                                   )
to operate as an international                                     )
facilities-based and resale carrier                                )
                                Application Attachment III.
                                         (Affidavit of Assurances)

I, Paul Ruddy Mentor, Director and 50% shareholder of Teledirek Global Corp. make the following
assurances to the Federal Communication Commission and to the United States Department of Justice to
address any concerns of national security, law enforcement, and public safety with regard to this
application to the Federal Communications Commission for authority to provide global facilities-based
and resale services to all international points, not excluded by the Commission, pursuant to Section 214 of
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

Teledirek Global Corp. is a Florida corporation that herein seeks authorization from the Commission to
provide international global or limited global facilities-based authority, and global or limited global resale
authority (47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1) and § 63.18(e)(2)) to all international points under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended. As a part of this application, Teledirek Global Corp. herein
agrees that:

    1. Teledirek Global Corp. shall comply with all applicable lawful interception statutes, regulations,
       and requirements, including the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
       and underlying regulations, and to all lawful court orders or other lawful process(es) for
       authorized electronic surveillance.

    2. To the extent required, Teledirek Global Corp. shall implement a solution that meets the
       capability requirements of CALEA and its implementing regulations, and will provide the
       Department of Justice with a report on the status of such implementation within sixty (60) days of
       the grant of its International Section 214 Authority.

    3. Teledirek Global Corp. shall designate a lawful United States Citizen residing in the United
       States as its point of contact for any and all law enforcement agencies.

    4. Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that, for all customer billing records, subscriber
       information, and any other related information used, processed, or maintained in the ordinary
       course of business relating to telecommunications services offered in the United States,
       Teledirek Global Corp. shall store either originals or copies of originals (Records) within the
       United States and make such records available in response to any lawful U.S. process.

    5. Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that such Records shall include information subject to
       disclosure to a U.S. Federal or state governmental entity under the procedures specified in
       Sections 2703(c) and (d) and Section 2709 of Title 18 of the United States Code.

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   6. Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees to ensure that such Records are not made subject to
      mandatory destruction under any foreign laws and that the location of the U.S. Records storage
      location will be provided to Department of Justice.

   7. Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit
      disclosure of or access to such Records or domestic communications or any information
      (inclusive of communication content) pertaining to a wiretap order or electronic surveillance
      order, pen/trap order, subpoena or other lawful demand by a U.S. law enforcement agency for
      such Records or lawfully authorized electronic surveillance, to any person if the purpose of such
      disclosure or access is to respond to the legal process or request on behalf of a non-US
      government without first satisfying the requirements of U.S. law and obtaining the express
      written consent of Department of Justice, or the authorization of a court of competent jurisdiction
      in the United States.

   8. Teledirek Global Corp. further agrees that the term “non-US government” shall include any
      government, agent, component or subdivision thereof, that is not a local, state or federal
      government in the United States or of the United States, and, any such requests of legal process
      submitted by a non-US government to Teledirek Global Corp. shall be referred to the
      Department of Justice no later than five (5) business days after such request or legal process is
      received by or known to Teledirek Global Corp., unless the disclosure of the request or legal
      process would be in violation of U.S. law or an Court Order of a court of competent jurisdiction
      within the United States.

I declare under the penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct:

       By: ___/s/ Paul Ruddy Mentor _/s/_______                 Date: July 17, 2012

       Name Mr. Paul Ruddy Mentor

       Title: Director of Teledirek Global Corp.

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In conclusion of the foregoing Application Teledirek Global Corp. herein certifies that all of the
information in this application is accurate and correct. For these reasons, respectfully requests that the
Commission grant this application.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Teledirek Global Corp.

                        By: /s/ Paul Ruddy Mentor /s/
                        Name Mr. Paul Ruddy Mentor
                        Title: Director of Teledirek Global Corp.

By and through their attorney:

                                     /s/_ Edward A. Maldonado__/s/
                                     Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
                                     MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                     815 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 304, Coral Gables FL 33134
                                     Tel: 305-477-7580 Fax: 305-477-7504 Toll-Free: 1+ (877) 245-6326

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Document Created: 2012-07-17 10:45:55
Document Modified: 2012-07-17 10:45:55

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