Attachment Attachment 2

This document pretains to ITC-214-20110415-00103 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                     Sonic Telecom, LLC
                                                            International 214 Application
                                                                            Attachment 2

                                       Attachment 2

Response to Question 14

        Sonic Telecom, LLC (“Sonic” or “Applicant”) is a wholly-owned direct
subsidiary of Sonic is a limited liability corporation organized under the laws
of the State of California. Sonic’s principal place of business is 2260 Apollo Way, Santa
Rosa, CA 95407. Sonic is a facilities-based switchless CLEC. It provides data and voice
services., Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California.’s principal place of business is 2260 Apollo Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95407. is a traditional internet service provider. purchases and resells
wholesale DSL service. is a privately held corporation. Dane Jasper, a United
States citizen, is the majority shareholder, with 66 2/3% of the stock. Scott C. Doty, a
United States citizen, holds 26 2/3% of the stock.

      Neither Sonic Telecom nor has any cognizable direct or indirect foreign
ownership interests or any interlocking directorates with any foreign carrier.

Response to Question 15

        Response to Section 63.18(d): Applicant has not previously received international
authority under Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended.

       Response to Section 63.18(e)(3): Applicant seeks global resale authority pursuant
to 63.18(e)(2) and does not seek other authority under Section 63.18(e)(3).

       Response to Section 63.18(g): Applicant is not seeking facilities-based authority
under Section 63.18(e)(1).

Document Created: 2011-06-02 11:22:45
Document Modified: 2011-06-02 11:22:45

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