
EXHIBIT submitted by Intraco Traders, Inc.

Supplemental Infromation


This document pretains to ITC-214-20090817-00385 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
Policy Division
445 12th Street, SW
Washington D.C. 20554

Re: Supplemental Information to ITC-214-20090817-00385

                                                     September 11, 2009

Dear International Bureau Staff,

Intraco Traders, Inc. (“Intraco Traders”) is a US carrier that applied for a 214 authorization under
the above-captioned file name. Intraco Traders is affiliated with Citraco Sprl (“Citraco”), a
carrier in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”). Intraco Traders wishes to provide
international services to the DRC.

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 63.18(m), any applicant that is affiliated with a foreign carrier in a country
it wishes to serve and that desires to be classified as non-dominant, for the provision of services
to that country, should provide information to demonstrate that it qualifies as non-dominant.

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 63.10(a)(3), a carrier that seeks to be classified as non-dominant must
submit to the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) information sufficient to
demonstrate that its foreign affiliate lacks market power on the foreign end. If the US carrier
demonstrates that the foreign affiliate lacks 50% market share in the foreign end of the route, the
US carrier shall presumptively be classified as non-dominant.

In the instant case, Intraco Traders should be classified as non-dominant because its foreign
affiliate, Citraco, lacks 50% market share in the DRC. Citraco is a carrier duly licensed by the
DRC PTT ministry (See license in Appendix A). Citraco operates a wireless broadband and
satellite network to offer voice, data, and video services over the Internet Protocol. Citraco owns
two sites equipped with 3.8m antennas complete wth VoIP/ISDN PRI platforms. These sites
interconnect with local PSTN and GSM networks. Citraco owns and controls its own facilities
as opposed to leasing. Citraco started offering retail origination traffic in 2004 and wholesale
VoIP termination in 2006.

The telecommunications environment in DRC is majority controlled by non-DRC carriers. The
largest being Belacom and Gateway. In fact, 80% of the telecom industry in DRC is owned and
controlled by foreign carriers. It is presumed that annual revenue produced by the DRC telecom
market is 1 billion U.S. dollars. Over the last two years, Citraco has averaged 1 million dollars
per year in revenue. Appendix B shows a letter from ProCredit Bank, Congo, certifying as to
Citraco’s average turn over for the last two years. Hence, Citraco’s market share in DRC is well
below 50% and Intraco Traders should be classified as non-dominant.


                                                    /s/ Raul Magallanes
                                                    Raul Magallanes,

                                                    Counsel to Intraco Traders

Appendix A

            REPUBLI_ JE D   )CRATIQUE    NGO

                                                    Kinshasa,lef) 2   2001
                                      N° MIN/PTT/G/2030/DRTAO3ICTGR/CM/2000.—

                                        copie information & :
                                 +    Son Excellence Monsieurle Ministre des
                                 +    Monsieur le Directeur de I‘nspection du
                                      Ministére des P.T.T.
                                 *    Monsieur le Directeur de la Réglementa—
                                      tion des Télécommunications du
                                      Ministére des P.T.T.

                                       (TOUS)   a       KINSHASA/GOMBE—

Obijct : Votre demande d‘auto—       l/A la Société CITRACO SPRL
        risation.—                      Building du 30 Juin, local n° 8
        mc                              KINSHASA/GOMBE—


                                      J‘ai Vhonneur de vous informer que
Nexamen de votre dossier de demande d‘autorisation d‘exploitation de votre
réseau des télécommunications en République Démocratique du Congo s‘est
avéré concluant.

                                   En outre, mes services ont enregistré les
paiements que vous avez effectués pour le compte du Trésor Public, relatifs a
la rémunération des titres A obtenir— suivant les notes de perceptions ci—

   *   Licence de Concession Wireless Local Area Network
       (Pop Multi—Services)   :    Us $ 100.000
       N.P. : N° 450367 du 23/05/2001.

   *   Licence de Concession de Publiphone : US $ 50.000
       N.P. : N° 450366 du 23/05/2001.


   *   Licence d‘exploitation d‘une Station Terrienne de type
       VsAT : US $ 30.000.
       N.P. : N° 450.369 du 23/05/2001.

   *   Licence d‘exploitation de Faisceau Hertziens : US $10.000
       N.P. : N° 450368 du 23/05/2001.

                                     De ce fait, en attendant la délivrance de
vos titres dexploitation, vous étes autorisé     & exploiter votre réseau de
télécommunications pour une durée de 90 jours.

                                  Par ailleurs, je vous demande de vous
mettre en contact avec Fopérateur public OCPT en vue de finaliser certains
aspects techniques.

                                     Veuillez agréer, Messicurs, Texpression
de mes sentiments distingués.

                                            J. Ph. MOKONZI MQ‘AMBA—M.—
                                        i         &      P CA               ~



                                      Copy for Information transmitted to:

                                      —the minister of PTT
                                      The Director in change of Inspections for the
                                      PTT Ministry

                                      The Director in change of regulations for the
                                      PTT ministry

Subject: Your Application for Authorization

                                      Attention to:
                                      CITRACO sprl
                                      Building du 30 juin suite # 8


                                 I am pleased to inform that you the
examination of your Application for Authorization to deploy and am your
Telecommunication network in Democratic Republic of Congo has been conclusive
                                       Besides,   my services        have registered
payments that you have made for the public treasury account related to the
remuneration for the licenses to obtain according to the receipts stated below:

*Concession License Wireless local Area Network (POP Multi—service) USD 100.000

Receipt # 450367 Dated May 23 2001
*Concession de License of public phone: USD 50.000

                                                                }    (C_ProCredit Bank

                                                                       Kinshasa, 18"of August 2009

                                LETTER OF REFERENCE

To whom it may concern

On the request of CITRACO SPRL customerofour Bank, we are pleased to confirm that this
Company hold accounts with our banking institution since 24"" October 2005 maintaining an
average turnover of1.000 000(one million US Dollars) during the last two years.

The accounts have been managed properly

This letter is delivered on the bearer‘s request in orderto grant himthe rights arising from it.
Without any responsibility or endorsement from the bank

Celestin Muk      g¥@@g
Deputy Gcl
ProCredit   Hgtr@
Phone: (+2:

Document Created: 2009-09-11 16:06:52
Document Modified: 2009-09-11 16:06:52

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