Attachment 20170718162046-087.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20090114-00016 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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  JoAnn Sutton

  From:       Rockoff, Jennifer [
  Sent:       Monday, March 16, 2009 9:28 AM
  To:         JoAnn Sutton; Ongman, Joanne; Brown, Tyrone
  Co:         Susan OConnell; David Krech; George Li
  Subject: RE: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

Surely. Should you need it, by the way, Ty Brownis handling this case.

Ty ——please see below.

From: JoAnn Sutton []
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:25 AM
To: Rockoff, Jennifer; Ongman, Joanne
CC: Susan OConnell; David Krech; George Li
Subject: RE: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined


Could you please forward this e—mail to whoever is handlinmcase? Thanks!!

From: Carl M.R. van der Zandt [mailto:cz@cz—]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 8:52 AM
To: JoAnn Sutton; Susan OConnell; David Krech; George Li
Subject: RE: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

Dear Sir, Madam,

On February 13, 2009, we have received notice that the 214 application for IKappa has been removed from the
streamlined process, see email below. Could you kindly inform us if and what additional information you need to
finalize and grant this application? Furthermore, could you provide us with an indication how long it may take to
obtain your decision?

Thank you very much.


Carl M.R. van der Zandt
Attorney at Law

 Van der Zandt, PLLC | New York
 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1410                          P.O. Box 1052
 New york. New York 10110                              New York, New York 10163
 Direct office: + 1(212) 789 8196                      Fax: + 1 (646) 536 8154
 Cell phone: + 1(646) 334 8561               —


                                                                                                                      Page 2 of 2

The information contained in this err ail is confidential, may ve attorney—c ient piivilege d, «nd is i 1te ided only for the use of
the intended recipient. Unauthorizea use, disclosure or copy: 1g of this meisaje ur any part th ere of is strict‘y prohibited. If
you have received this communicaticn it error, please no‘‘ify us by seturn »—m ail and delets this communication and all
copies thereof, including all attachments. Thank you.

From: Janeese Parker [mailto:Janeese.Parker@fac.ciov |
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:27 PM
To:; cz@cz—
Co: George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; JoAnn Su ton; . ames Ba 1; Veronica Saicie —Ul oa; Daman, Alex
(DHS); Pinto, Greg (DHS); Daniels, Douglas; TTelecom Thormas Deyle; Rockofl, Jinr ife ; Ongman, Joanne;
Dupuy, Siobhan;; douglas. dein@ ic. ‘bi. jov‘; C hristir a.s aa 1@ as:
Subject: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

iKappa LLC

Bras Am Alliance, LLC
The above referenced application was placed on Public No ic: 0: 1 J inuary 30, 20                      )9 for streamlined
processing. Since the Public Notice was released, ‘he Commission has b:en requ                         ested by the Executive
Branch agencies of the United States that we remo ve the sit bject apolicat or fron                     st:eamlined
processing because of foreign ownership issues. T herefore, p irsua it to Secticn t                    3. .2(c)(3) of the
Commission‘s Rules, we have removed this applic; tion : ro n : treanilined procsss                     ing.

Please be advised that your company may not com nence ope:ation s unti. tke section 214 authorization
is granted. See Section 63.12(d) of the rules, 47 C F.R. Secticn ©3.12(d) The E::ecutive Branch will
contact you or the "Contact" listed on your applica ion directl ; for ‘urther inform atin. You can be
assured that your application will be processed exr editiously ipon :omp etion of Ex:ecutive Branch‘s
review. We will notify you by e—mail when your a oplication :s grainted.

The Public Notice Report No. TEL—01344S (releas sd Februar y 13, 2009), is attache 1. If you have any
questions, please email:, S isan.Oconi ell @ ‘, Davi .K, and or fax to 202—418—2824.

Thank you.

Janeese Parker
FederalCommunications Commission
InternationalBureau/Policy Division
Phone: (202) 418—0707
E—mail: Janeese.Parker@fcc,gov


Document Created: 2019-05-24 21:01:20
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 21:01:20

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