Attachment 20170713113548-347.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20080912-00429 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                           E—mail: James.Ball@fec.goy
                                                                              (202) 418—1462
                                                                              (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                              September 19, 2008
                                                                              Ref: 2008—42

Hillary Morgan             (703) 607—6092              Steven W. Lett                  (202) 647—5835
Stephen Heifetz            (202) 282—8973              Alex Darman                     (202) 282—9940
Josephine Amnold           (202) 482—5461              Edward T. Hand                  (202) 514—2464
Jonathan McHale            (202) 395—5656              Sally S. Wentworth              (202) 456—6085
John Connors               (202) 305—4218              Douglas A. Klein                (202) 324—0853

Re:         Section 214 applications

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national security,
law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by C.0O.B. Oct. 8, 2008, because we are
preparedto take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are able to
beviewed by accessing and searching by the file number.

 Ogi Telecom Corporation‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale
 services betweenthe United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 100%
 owned by a citizen of Brazil.

 ITC—214—20080916—00431 (e—file)
 EGLA Corp‘s application for authority to provide resale services betweenthe United States and
 permissible international points. Three citizens of Honduras, each of whom owns 20%, 60%,
 and 20% of the applicant, respectively.

 ITC—T/C—20080913—00428 (e—file)
 Application for consent to the transfer control of international section 214 authorization, ITC—
 214—19990927—00607, held by CM Tel (USA) LLC, (Applicant), from China Motion Telecom
 International Limited to Pacific Networks Corp.                                       j

 Pacific Networks Corp. holds a section 214 authorization (ITC—214—20070907—00368) to provide
 international resold services with condition on Pacific Network Corp. abiding by the
 commitments and undertakings contained in its September 2, 2008 letter to DHS and DOJ. (See
 Public Notice DA 08—2037, released September 4, 2008.)

 Through numerous intervening foreign—organized holding companies, the Chinese Government
 would hold a 14% indirect ownership (29% attributable interest) in the Applicant, and therefore
 the Applicant would be affiliated with Chinese carriers owned or controlled by the Chinese
 Government, including China Telecom. The Applicant will offer resale service between the
 United States and Hong Kong and the United States and China solely through the resale of
 unaffiliated U.S. facilities—based carriers‘ international switched services. Therefore the Applicant
 would also be affiliated with CITIC Telecom 1616 Limited, a foreign carrier in Hong Kong.

         If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. Oct. 8, 2008, we will assume that you do not have any
         conserns vrith the above listed applications.


                                                             creenigh— f _—_—L——
                                                                  George I i, Deputy Ch ef Policy Division
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                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

 George Li

 From:           Janeese Parker
 Sent:           Friday, September 19, 2008 10:25 AM
 To:             ‘‘; ‘edward.hand‘; hi                  lary.Mo‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘vbarrish@:‘; ‘rnayd :              ); ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘Christ »pher. Siefke 1@) i.c           ov‘; ‘sw‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘shannon.culbertson(De ssoc iat                  as.dhis.jovw‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘CarrolID@s ‘ate.geyv‘; ‘Eriz n.               villiains‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘TTelecom@usdoj gov‘; "Thoma: .L                   oyle(@D:‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘Siobhan.D 1puy@usidoj.¢ 0‘                   ‘; ‘alex.‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘John.Connurs@ussdij.gor‘;          ‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘ ‘Ftic 1a     ‘;
 Co:             James Ball; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Criboff; George L ; Susiar OConnell; David Krech;
                 JoAnn Sutton
 Subject:        Cover Letter Reference 2008—42 (Commi »nts due: Octobir 8, 2008)
 Attachments: Executive Branch 2008—42.doc

Good Afternoon,

Attached is Cover Letter Reference 2008—42 (Comments due: October 8, 2008)

Janeese Parker
FederalCommunications Commission
InternationalBureau/Policy Division
Phone: (202) 418—0707

                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
   |                                                                      E—mail:
                                                                                    (202) 418—1462
                                                                                    (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                    July 10, 2009
                                                                                    Ref: EB 2009—27

Hillary Morgan            (703) 607—6092              Steven W. Lett                (202) 647—5835
Greg Pinto                (202) 282—8592              Alex Daman                    (202) 282—9940
Josephine Arnold          (202) 482—5461              Edward T. Hand                (202) 514—2464
Jonathan McHale           (202) 395—5656              Richard Sofield               (202) 514—0945
Douglas A. Klein          (202) 324—0853

Re:         Section 214

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national security,
law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon July 29, 2009, because we are
preparedto take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are able to
be viewed by accessing and searching by the file number.

ITC—214—20090706—00312 (e—file)
GreenTalk Networks‘ application for authority to prov1defacilities—based and resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Three citizens of
Philippines, each of whom owns 10% or greater of the applicant.

ITC—214—20090706—00315 (e—file)
Curbia Technologies LLC‘s application for authority to provide resale services between
the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 99% owned by a
citizen of Ireland.

ITC—214—20090708—00317 (e—file)
IPSITA Telecom Services Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and
resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
is 25% indirectly owned by a citizen of India.

ITC—214—20090708—00319 (e—file)
iTel Communications Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and
resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
is 100% owned by a citizen of Mexico.

ITC—214—20090709—00321 (e—file)
VCONEXION, Inc.‘s application for authority to provide resale services between the
United States and permissible international points. Two citizens of the Dominican
Republic, each of whom owns 23.75% of the applicant.

WVyw rmemmags

              f ITC—214—20090709—00322 (e—file)
                American Data Networks, S.A.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and
                resale services between the United States and permissible international points except
                Costa Rica. Applicant is 100% owned by a citizen of Dominican Republic and located
                in San Jose, Costa Rica.

                If we do not hear from you by Noon July 29, 2009, we will assume that you do not have
                any concerns with these applications.

                ][SPPI)R—ZO'OS.O?ZS)00004 TerreStar Networks Inc.
                The supplements filed by TerreStar Networks on July 7, 2009 is attached. Per Joanne
                Ongman‘s email of April 1, 2008 12:42pm, the underlying application has been removed
                from streamline andstill under your review.

                ITC—214—20090501—00194 Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.
                The request for additional condition to the license filed by Inmarsat Hawaii on July 2,
                2009 is attached. Per Richard Sofield‘s email of June 4, 2009 3:28 pm, the underlying
                application has been removed from streamline and still under your review.

                Dismissal                             3
                Pursuant to sections 1.748(a) and 63.51(b) of the Commission‘s rule, 47 CFR 1.748(a)
                and 47 CFR 63.51(b), the following two applications were dismissed on June 30, 2009 by
                DA 09—1486 and DA 09—1488, respectively.

                ;.-l..l.!-l! Communications, LLC
                ITC—214—20080912—00429 OGI Telecom Corp.

                On June 25, 2009, MTS Telco, LLC withdrew its application, ITC—214—20090327—00136.

                                                                 MZ %/"}'—-m
                      EuiB aiecedualoaeL 110.   semo on comeds pcce_Creqroe. 1. 1. LNeputv.Chief..Policy Division
                        Janeese Parker
                        Friday, July 10, 2009 3:30 PM
                        ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘;‘;
                        "‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘Jennifer.‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘;
                        ‘‘; ‘‘
        Co:              George Li; David Krech; JoAnn Sutton; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball
        Subject:         Cover Letter Reference EB 2009—27 (comments due by July 29, 2009)
        Attachments: Executive Branch 2009—27.doc; INMARSAT 214 LETTER .pdf; TERRESTAR SUPPLEMENT
                         7 7 09.pdf

     : Attached is on one letter and two pdf documents for your review and comment by July 29, 2009.

     Janeese Parker

FCC 214—20080912—00429 OGI TELECOM CORPORATION                                                     Page 1 of 2

  JoAnn Sutton

  From:      Dupuy, Siobhan []
  Sent:      Monday, June 29, 2009 4:23 PM
  To:        JoAnin Sutton; Wheaton, Mary (NSD)
  Co:        George Li; James Ball
  Subject: RE: FCC 214—20080912—00429 OGI TELECOM CORPORATION

Hi JoAnn,

Thanks for your email.InotheardfromOGIrecently. _


From: JoAnn Sutton []
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 3:27 PM
To: Wheaton, Mary (NSD); Rockoff, Jennifer
Co: Dupuy, Siobhan; George Li; James Ball; JoAnn Sutton
Subject: RE: FCC 214—20080912—00429 OGI TELECOM CORPORATION

Good afternoon,

We‘d like to release the dismissal letter for OCI Telecom Corporation tomorrow, 6/30/09. Please confirm whether
they have contacted you recently.

Thank you!


From: JoAnn Sutton
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:10 PM
To: ‘Wheaton, Mary (NSD)‘
Cc: ‘Dupuy, Siobhan‘; George Li; James Ball
Subject: RE: FCC 214—20080912—00429 OGI TELECOM CORPORATION


We have not heard from the applicant either so we‘ll begin the dismissal process.


From: Wheaton, Mary (NSD) []
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:30 AM
To: JoAnn Sutton
Ceo: Dupuy, Siobhan; George Li; James Ball; Wheaton, Mary (NSD)
Subject: FCC 214—20080912—00429 OGI TELECOM CORPORATION

Good Afternoon,

We have an application for which we (DHS and DOJ) never received responses from the Applicant, even after our


FCC 214—20080912—00429 OGI TELECOM CORPORATION                                                       Page 2 of 2

notification to them that we intended to request FCC dismissal if we did not hear back from them. We would like to
confirm first that the Applicant has not communicated with you, and then to request that this application be
dismissed for lack of any response.

Ogi Telecom Corporation — ITC—214—20080912—00429
Point of Contact is Siobhan Dupuy at 202 — 353—2041.

Thanking you in advance,
Mary Wheaton
(202) 514—5098


Document Created: 2019-05-30 13:41:30
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 13:41:30

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