Attachment 20170706142008-933.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20080715-00321 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

  Interma ion: 1 Bi rea)

                                                                                     E—mail: J mes.Ball(@fc :gcy
                                                                                                 Georgee.Li Ofi e.s w
                                                                                        (2(2) 18—1462
                                                                                        (2(2) 18—2824 (fax)
                                                                                        July 1 ‘, 2008
                                                                                        Re‘: 21008—33

  Hi lar M org in                  (70; ) 6)7—5092               Steve 1 V ‘. Lett               (202) 647. 58: 5
  Ste phon Fleil tz                (20% ) 2 $2—3973              Alex Dainat                     (202) 282991 0
  Josepl ine A1 101 |              (20% ) 4 42—5461              Edws ‘d‘‘. Hand                 (202) 14— 24¢ 4
  Ke inc th {ich gri i             (20% ) 305—5663               Sally S. ‘Ventworth             (202) 4156— 606 5
  Jol n Con i0r                    (20% ) 305—4218               Doug as A. Klein                (202) 24— 081 3

  Re:          Mad of Ssubcable, S sction 214 anc. 310(b)(4) ipplications

  Dear Si 0| N ad im:

 Plcase r:vi        sw th : following     applications and advise us v hether you have any nationgl s :curity,
 laivy enfore       :m :ni, fore gn pc    licy or trad: c ancerns by C..J.B. Augu: t ¢, 2008, bec au: e vve are
 prepired t«         take actior: on tl   es: applicatioas. Klectrcni: filed (e—fie) applications iire able to
 be view ed         by accessing ‘xy      w.; and searc hinig by the file : umber.

  ITC—21 +—2 00 3015 —003% 0 | eile)
  Global—‘Teh Jo:ani, ic.‘s ; p; lication for authority t o provide resale s srvices tetvecn : he United
  States a id 3e missiole inver iat .onal points. A citizen of Dominicar Rspublic anda cit zen of
  Cubii, eac io ‘w ho n ow is 10‘%6 of the applicant.

 ITC.—21 +—2 00 30 14 —003% 1 . eile)
  Essy Phon : C on m micatior s, Sorp.‘s application for au hority to priov ide resale service s between
  the U nited St te: and permiisi jle international points A.pplicant is 10 )% owned by a c itizen of

  ITC—21 1+—200 30‘0¢—0031 2 _e—file)
  psyoupt one‘s applicatior. for authority to provide res. le services betw:en the United States and
  permiss.ble international points. Applicant is 100% owned by a citizeu of Brazil.

_ An application to modify the authorization to construct, land and operate the Trans—Pacific
  Express Cable Network (TPE), SCL—LIC—20070222—00002. The TPE Consortium seeks FCC
  approval to add NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), a Japanese Corporation, as an
  additional licensee of the TPE cable and to extend the cable to add a landing station in
  Shinmaruyama, Japan. NTT Com will join the TPE Consortium and acquire a—13.11% interest in
  the international waters segments of the TPE cable. With the addition of NTT Com, all parties
  except for AT&T Corp. (ATTC) will hold a 13.11% interest in the international waters segments,
  and ATTC will hold a 8.20% interest in the international waters segment of the cable. The
  addition of NTT Com as a licensee/owner will not affect ownership in any of the existing landing
  stations. NTT Com is a direct, wholly—owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
  Corporation ("NTT"). As of September 30, 2007, the Japanese Minister of Finance held
  33.72% of issued shares in NITT. NTT Com agrees to accept and abide by the reporting

         requirem »nts contained in Section 1.767(1)of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(I) for
         the U.S.—Japan route.

         ISP—PDF.—20080630—00014 (e—file)
         Cellco Pirtnersh p I/b/a Veiizon Wireless (‘Verizon Wireleess") requests             th : C on    m: ss: on to
         extend its curen: S :ction 310(3)(4) authority to hold interests in common           ca: rier 1   ceases a nd
         authorization s to er cor ip; ss the 1 .censes that are proposed to be assigned      0 is a i     M rror ) ICii
         License Hold ing, L L.C. ( " litror 2 Sub""), and to Mirror 2 Sub which, up:         n cor su     nniat or of th :
         proposed trar sac io 1s, wi l te owned 100 percent by Verizon Wireless.

         Verizon ‘Nireless is a Del in ar : gon=sral partaership that is indirectly owne d ty /e: iz n
         Communicat ons, L ic. : "\V erizon‘ ) ind Vodafone Group Plc ("Vcdafone". e izcn, a Del aw ire
         corporati on, ~wns i5 parc en : cf Verizon Wireless; Vodafone, a public lim tel c »r pa 1y
         organized un ler ‘he lawss f ‘he U nited Kingdom, owns 45 percent. Cont s po ar go isl y, /is ta
         License Hold ing:, 1..L.C. (© Zista License") is filing an application (the "A pp lic iticn‘ ) s sel in;;
         Commission :sonsei t tc aisi; n, to NV irror 2 Sub, a wholly—owned subsidiar y c f Vis a (M: mcr2)
         PCS, LLC (" Zista 1 in or 2 ), six commen carrier broadband personal cor im in ca i0 is ser zic :
         ("PCS") licen ses "he ap jli:a ion also seeks Commission consent to the t ar sfircf en ro. on er
         Mirror 2 Sub imine liatsly f( llow ng:; the proposed license assignments.. Spmec ficall y, orc mith
         after assignm snt of the lic n ies to: NMit—or 2 Sub, Verizon Wireless will ac: uie O( pore :nt
         ownership of Vista Miro: 2 and threrefore 100 percent indirect ownership of M rror i S ib As:
         result, the pre posed tra 1s: ct on contempl ites Vodafone, a foreign corpora ioni, : cq 1ir ng a 15
         percent indire ct ow ier: hi) 1 itere: t ia Muror 2 Sub, and in the cormmon ca tur l ce ise s 1411 ro1 2
         Sub proposes to iicc uir : £f or 1 Vista Licer se, as a consequence of its indire :t ow ie sh p i ateres t i a
         Verizon Wirt les:.

         If we do not liear from vo 1 ty C..9.83. At gust 6, 2008, we will assume thi t y u de nc t avy : a 1y
         concerns wit] i the: a »ove 1 st d ap »lications.

                             ie     wing    4                            ianosintx      ons     5 es mes mals Lek ts mige   Loh this   mums

 From:            Veronica G arcia—! Jlla
 Sent:            Thursday, . uly 17 , £ 008 :2:41 PM
 To:              ‘Douglas.K sin@i :f )‘; ‘‘; ‘hillary.Mor jan@dis‘;
                  "jarnold@ntia.doc.g« v‘; ‘ksct‘; ‘; ''; ,
                  ‘‘; ‘alane. kochems@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV! ‘‘;
                —‘‘; ‘ ; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘;          _
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Williams, Brian <CTR»"; ‘Pinto, Greg (DHS);
                  ‘Daman, Alex‘; ‘Daniels, Douglas‘; ‘Connors, John‘; ‘TTelecom‘; ‘Thomas Doyle"; ‘Ongman,
                  Joanne‘; ‘Rockoff, Jennifer‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
 Co:              James Ball; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Griboff; George Li; Susan OConnelI;' Dayid Krech;
                  JoAnn Sutton; Mikelle Morra; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Janeese Parker; Imani Ellis
 Subject:         Cover Letter Reference 2008—33 (Comments due: July August 6, 2008).
 Attachments: Executive Branch 2008—33.doc

Good Afternoon,

Attached is Cover Letter Reference 2008—33 (Comments due: August 6, 2008).

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Veronica. Garcia—
Federal Communications Commission

Document Created: 2019-10-09 06:36:34
Document Modified: 2019-10-09 06:36:34

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