Attachment 20170706142400-720.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20080709-00322 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

  Interna ion 1B rea‘1

                                                                                     (202) 18—2824 (fax )
                                                                                     July 17, 2008
                                                                                     Ref 2003—33

  Hillar ; V org an          (70: ) 6 17—5092                  Steven V". Lett                (202) 647 5835
 ‘Stoph n 1 [eil etz         ( 202 ) 2 }12—3973               Alex Da nai                     (202) 2282 9940
  Josepliine Ainol1          (202) 4 32—5461                   Edwird °. Hand                 (202) 514 24054
  Kenncth ichagrin           ( 202 ) 3 )5—5663                 Sally S. Neaxtwortt            (202) 4156 6035
  Jo in Cor 1013             (202) 3 )5—4218                   Douglas A. Klein               (202) 24 0853

  Re:        M>d of Su cz ble, Secion 214 an. 310(b)(4) ap »lications

  Dsar Si~ o NV ad im :

  Please 13v.ew th: follow:      ng ar plicatior s &    ad advise us v ‘hether you have any nati mal s scurity,
  law enf rcsmenm, fore gn        pclicy or trade c     ncerns by C. J.B. Auguit ¢, 2008, bec ause ‘ve are
  prepiire 1 to tzke ac ion 0:   i thes : applic: tic   ais. KElectromi: filed (e—fi e) applicationis are able to
  bevien ed by acce sing         x¥y w.     ; and searchiig by the file iumber.

  ITC.21 141008071‘ —0)3; 0 ‘e— ile)
  Global— Tesh Zo un i, lac.‘s :ipf lication for authority to p rovide resae ssrvices bet veen ‘he United
  States a 1d pemissi le in emiat onal po:nt:. A citizen of Dominican Republic an| a citizen of
  Cubii, cac i of w ho n »w is 50‘ 46 of the ap»licant.

  ITC.21 121008071‘ —0)3; 1 (e— ile)
  Easy PI ons Conim micatiors, Sorp.‘s gpf lication for au thority to provide resale s srvice s between
  the U ni ed Stite: ; a id >e1 missi »le internat onal points. +.wpplicant is 10)% owned y a citizen of

  ITC. 21 1—20083070‘ —003; 2 (e—file)
  psyoupl ione‘: applcation for authority to provide res ile services betwwen the United States and
  permissible international points. Applicant is 100% owned by a citizen of Brazil.

_ An application to modify the authorization to construct, land and operate the Trans—Pacific
  Express Cable Network (TPE), SCL—LIC—20070222—00002. The TPE Consortium seeks FCC
  approval to add NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), a Japanese Corporation, as an
  additional licensee of the TPE cable and to extend the cable to add a landing station in
  Shinmaruyama, Japan. NTT Com will join the TPE Consortium and acquire a 13.11% interest in
  the international waters segments of the TPE cable. With the addition of NTT Com, all parties
  except for AT&T Corp. (ATTC) will hold a 13.11% interest in the international waters segments,
  and ATTC will hold a 8.20% interest in the international waters segment of the cable. The
  addition of NTT Com as a licensee/owner will not affect ownership in any of the existing landing
  stations. NTT Com is a direct, wholly—owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
  Corporation ("NTT"). As of September 30, 2007, the Japanese Minister of Finance held
  33.72% of issued shares in NTT. NTT Com agrees to accept and abide by the reporting

         requirenients contained in Section 1.767(1)of the Commissior‘s rules, 47 C.F.T.. ® 1 767(MN, fxr
         the U.S. Japan route.

         ISP—PD.?—20080620—00014 (e—file)
         Cellco Partn rst ip d/b/a Ve izor Wirsless ("Verizon Wireleess" ) request ; th e Cor in iss io: tc
         extend its cumer t { ectior 3                 .0. b)(4) autt ori y to hold interests in commor.cirrir icons :s in(
         authorizitions t« erco ngas                    the license: thit are proposed to e assigned to Vi ita (V irror 2) 2C S
         License Holding, 1 .L.Z. 0                   4i rer 2 Sub‘), ind to Mirror 2 Sub which, ur on co is m na io 1 oftl e
         proposed tra isa ti ms, w 11                 »e ovmed 10 ) p:rcent by Verizon W:reless.

         Verizon Wircsles s is a De ay                are ;rer         e1al par nership that is indirectly own :d ay Ve     riz on
         Commuication ;, : nc. ("*/e                  izon")           ind ‘odafone Group Plc (‘V »dafone‘ ). Veriz         m a Delavar:
         corporat on, owiis 35 perce:                 t of Ve          izor W reless; Vodafone, a public lit it d : or      ip; ny
         organized ur der th : laws oi                the \Jn          ted ‘ingdom, owns 45 percent. Cor teripera           iecus y, Vista
         License Holidings, LL.C (°                   Vistu L          cense") is filing an application (the " \p »lic at   on °) : ee «ir g
         Commission cor se at to ass:                 3n, to N         [itro 2 |sub, a wholly—owned subsidiary of /i:       ta Mirror:!)
         PCS, LLC (° Vis :ta Miro: 2                  ‘), sic c        mimon carrier broadband personal co nr im ic         ticns se vice
         ("PCS") licease; . The ap pl                 cstion ;         Iso seeks Commussion consent to the tra ist :r       of cor trcl ove
         Mirror 2 Sut im n diatel ; 1                 »llov in         z; the proposed license assigninents. Spe if sa      ly, prom ptly
         after assignnient 0: ‘the: li:ei             ses to 1         {iror 2 Sub, Verizon Wireless will ac qu re 10       ) ; eorc en :
         ownership 0:‘ Viste Mirrcr‘                  , snc. tk        srefore 100 percent indirect ownershi ) o °N in      or 2 {ut . 1is 1
         result, the propo sel triins ac              io 1 con         :emmg lates Vodafone, a foreign corpor; ticn, ic     ui in; a 45
         percent indirset »wnersh p                   atcrest          n M rror 2 Sub, and in the common cirrer ic          nsss UMirmcr 2
         Sub propose; to ac jut::ro                   n Vista          License, as a consequence of its indir sct ov ne     ‘st ip int srest :n
         Verizon Wircsless.

         If we do not hea ‘ f om you 1y C.O B. August 6, 2008, we will assume t at z01. d i not iave ; ny
         concerns with tk 2 ; bove is 2d appl caticns.

                                                                                              liammment as   s      in Ham Mn talk imle ul Wite Wols   m rggs t uce i.
                            winks esblsints madh. HMWL nnrnintaiie uies citii Pss

 From:            Veronica Garcia— UI »a
 Sent:            Thursday, July 1 ", 2008 2: 4 PM
 To:               ‘Douglas.klein@ c.‘; ‘‘; ‘hillary.Mo—‘;
                   "jarnold@ntia.doc.g w‘; ‘‘; ‘"; '’;
                   ‘‘; ‘alane. kochems@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV ‘‘;
                 — ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                   ‘‘; ‘‘;            _
                   ‘‘;     ‘CarrollD@sta‘; ‘Williams, Brian <CTR»"; ‘Pinto, Greg (DHS);
                   ‘Daman, Alex"; ‘Daniels, Douglas‘; ‘Connors, John‘; ‘TTelecom‘; ‘Thomas Doyle"; ‘Ongman,
                   Joanne!‘; ‘Rockoff, Jennifer; ‘‘; ‘‘
 Co:               James Ball; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Griboff; George Li; Susan OConneII;. Dayid Krech;
                   JoAnn Sutton; Mikelle Morra; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Janeese Parker; Imani Ellis
 Subject:          Cover Letter Reference 2008—33 (Comments due: July August 6, 2008).
 Attachments: Executive Branch 2008—33.doc

Good Afternoon,

Attached is Cover Letter Reference 2008—33 (Comments due: August 6, 2008).

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Veronica. Garcia—Ulloa@®
Federal Communications Commission

Gatevox Clearance                                                                                        Page 1 of 2

  JoAnn Sutton

  From:      Sofield, Richard[]
  Sent:      Friday, January 23, 2009 3:47 PM
  To:        Sofield, Richard; George Li; David Krech; Francis Gutierrez; Howa      Griboff; James Ball; Janeese
             Parker; JoAnn Sutton; Jodi Cooper; Susan OConnell
  Subject: RE: [TT] Psyouphone Clearance

In my prior email I gave the wrongcase number for Psyouphone. The correctnumberisITC—214—20080709— _


Richard C. Sofield
Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division
United States Department of Justice

W—(202) 514—0945
M—(202) 598—3134
P—(877) 481—4512
F—(202) 353—3364

From: Sofield, Richard
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 2:53 PM
To: Sofield, Richard; ‘George Li‘; ‘David Krech‘; ‘Francis Gutierrez‘; ‘Howard Griboff; ‘James Ball‘; ‘Janeese
Parker‘; ‘JoAnn Sutton‘; ‘Jodi Cooper‘; ‘Susan OConnell‘
Subject: [TT] Psyouphone Clearance

Telecom has no.commanmn@@@néa@phmmmumbewflm#zoo80725-00346Y’P’s’?’@u&h@r@_

If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you.

Richard C. Sofield
Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division
United States Department of Justice

W—(202) 514—0945
M—(202) 598—3134
P—(877) 481—4512
F—(202) 353—3364


Gatevox Clearance   Page 2 of 2


Document Created: 2019-05-23 00:33:33
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 00:33:33

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