Attachment 20170627104520-413.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20080114-00012 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                  Initial Questions FCC Applicants

Place of birth (City/Province/Country):
Social security number:
Alien number:                                    Not Applicable. A Corporate Entity
Passport number and issuing state:               Not Applicable. A Corporate Entity
Job location including phone number:             1802 North University Drive
                                                 Plantation, FL 33322
Home address:                                    Not Applicable. A Corporate Entity
% Ownership of Tycoon Oil Company                100%

Ownership Data on Universal L. T. Inc (100% Owner of Tycoon Oil Company)
Name:                                            Mahboub Benchimol
Date of birth:
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):          Casablanca, Moroceo
Social security number:                          591—21—5339
Alien number:                                    WAGC—08—014—50044 Class E2
Passport number and issuing state:               O4AE75717
Job location including phone number:             801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131
Home address:                                    801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131
% Ownership of Universal L.T. Inc                100%

General Description — Provide a complete description ofall regulated and unregulated services
that the applicant(s) currently provide, including an approximation of the number of customers
for each category of service. Reselling of VoIP based telecommunications services as a packaged
telemedicine video service. Since this is applicant‘s initial year of operations, it expects to have
about a minimum of 50 retail consumers.

1) Revenue & Customer Base
   a) Provide total annual revenue for the preceding fiscal year: Applicant did not have
        revenues in the prior year from any telecom operations
   b) Provide, for each general type of customer (e.g. enterprise, residential, carrier, etc.)
        i)   —Total number: Applicant did not have any telecom wholesale or retail customers in
             the preceding year
        11) Percentage of total revenue 100% of applicant‘s revenues will come from retail
             customers for foreseeable future.
   c) Include a list of all expected and actual federal, state, and local government customers,
      describing all services to be provided to such customers. Applicant will not have any
        government customers
   d) Identify any classified contracts. Applicant will not have any such contracts

2) Ownership — Identify each individual or entity holding or controlling greater thana 5%equity
   stake in the applicant company (whether voting or non—voting), highlighting any foreign
   government entities and explain clearly the nature and extent ofeach individual‘s or entity‘s
   involvement in the company:
Applicant will not have any foreign government entities as owners or manages. Please see below
for data on ownership and control of applicant. Essentially, Mr. Mahboub Benchimol will have
100% ownership of the applicant.
   a) provide all necessary identifying information.
        i) For individuals, provide name, citizenship, date and place of birth, U.S. alien number
           (if applicable), passport identifying information, (including number and country), all
           residence addresses, all business addresses and all phone numbers.
Name:                                         Mahboub Benchimol (100% owner of applicant via
                                              100% ownership of Universal L.T. Inc (100%
                                              Owner of Tycoon Oil ~ mpany)
Management Position in Applicant:             Secretary and Director    ‘applicant
Citizenship:                                  France
Date of birth:                                02/02/1962
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):       Casablanca,Morocco
Social security number:                       591—21—5339
Alien number:                                 WAC—08—014—50044 Cla      z2
Passport number and issuing state:            O4AE75717
Job location including phone number:          801 Brickell Avenue,)     ami, FL 33131
Home address:                                 801 Brickell Avenue,)     ami, FL 33131
% Ownership of Universal LT. Inc              100%

        ii) For entities, provide country of incorporation/main place   fbusiness, general
           business type (e.g. holding company, investment firm, e ;, all business addresses
           and related phone numbers.
           Name of Entity:            Universal L.T. Inc (100% owner of applicant)
           Type of Entity:            Private Sector US corporation
           Place of Incorporation:    Tallahassee, Florida
           Purpose of Business:       Reselling of VoIP based telecommunications services as a
                                      packaged telemedicine video service
           Telephone:                 (305) 789—6603
           Address:                   801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131

3) Management — For each member of the applicant‘s senior management team, including
   without limit the CEO, President, CFO, CIO, CTO, COO, Senior VPs, and any other
   positions involved in exercising day—to—day management responsibilities:
   a) explain clearly the nature and extent of each senior manager‘s involvement in the
       company; and:
   b) provide each senior manager‘s name, citizenship, date and place of birth, U.S. alien
       number (if applicable), passport identifying information (including number and country),
       all residence addresses, all business addresses and all phone numbers.
Name:                                         MahboubBenchimol
Title:                                        SecretaryandDirector
Nature & extent of involvement in applicant: Overall control of applicant in terms of duties held
                                              By CFO, CIO, CTO, COO and other major duties
                                              due to Mr. Benchimol‘s technical duties and control
                                              via 100% ownership of applicant
Citizen    p:                                 France
Date of    rth:                               02/02/1962
Place o    irth (City/Province/Country):      Casablanca,Morocco
Social :   urity number:                      591—21—5339
Alien n     iber:                             WAC—08—014—50044 Class E2
Passpor     iumber and issuing state: _       O4AE75717.
Job loc.   n including phone number:          801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131
Home:      ress:                              801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131
% Own      ship of Universal L.T. Inc         100%

4) Lavy     nforcement Point of Contact — Identify an individual who will be the applicant point of
   con     t for law enforcement concerns, including responding to requests or compulsory
    pro    s from U.S. law enforcement or other U.S. government agencies. For this individual,
    ples provide his/her name, citizenship, date and place of birth, U.S. alien number (if
    applicable), all passport identifying information (including number and country), all
    residence addresses, all business addresses and all phone numbers.
Name:                                         Mahboub Benchimol
Title:                                        Secretary and Director
Nature & extent of involvement in applicant: Overall control of applicant in terms of duties held
                                            By CFO, CIO, CTO, COO and other major duties
                                            due to Mr. Benchimol‘s technical duties and control
                                            via 100% ownership of applicant
Citizenship:                                  France
Date of birth:                                02/02/1962
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):       Casablanca, Moroceo
Social security number:                       591—21—5339
Alien number:                                 WAC—08—014—50044 Class E2
Passport number and issuing state:            O4AE75717
Job location including phone number:          801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131
Home address:                                 801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131
% Ownership of Universal .T. Inc              100%

5)   Business Records — Will all business records, whether in physical or electronic form, and
     including any Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI), be stored in the U.S.?
     All Customer Proprietary Network Information will be stored in the U.S mostly in electronic

     a) Will you inform Team Telecom if you intend to store any suchrecords outside the U.S.? :
     b) Provide all addresses of locations where such records are stored.
        801 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131

6)   Section 310(b)(4) Applications — If applicant is seeking a ruling authorizing an increase in
     foreign ownership of a wireless licensee under Section 310(b)(4): Not Applicable. Applicant
     is not seeking any such ruling authorizing an increase in foreign ownership of a wireless

     a) provide a list of wireless services that the licensee is currently authorized to provide: is
        not seeking any such ruling authorizing an increase in foreign ownership of a wireless
     b) if the applicant company is proposing to acquire additional licenses, name the service that
        the licenses would authorize. is not seeking any such ruling authorizing an increase in
        foreign ownership of a wireless licensee

                                                                                          _Page1of 1.

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Mikelle Morra
  Sent:     Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:00 PM
  To:       ‘‘; ‘Regnum Filings‘
  Subject: Incomplete Section 214 Application

We received an application for Tycoon Oil Company, ITC—214—20080114—00012. We need to confirm if
there are any 10% or greater owners for Universal I.T. Inc?

If you could provide me with this information, we should be able to begin processing the application.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
International Bureau/ Policy Division


                                                                                                Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:      Mikelle Morra
  Sent:      Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:48 PM
  To:        Mikelle Morra; ‘‘; ‘Regnum Filings‘
  Co:        Joann Ekblad
  Subject: RE: Incomplete Section 214 Application

Hi Alonzo,
We have not received a response from you regarding my inquiry below. If we do not hear back from you
by COB, Tuesday, February 26, 2008, we will dismiss the application. Please feel free to contact me with
any questions.

Thank you,


 From: Mikelle Morra
 Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:00 PM
 To: ‘‘; ‘Regnum Filings‘
 Subject: Incomplete Section 214 Application

 We received an application for Tycoon Oil Company, ITC—214—20080114—00012. We need to confirm if
 there are any 10% or greater owners for Universal I.T. Inc?

 If you could provide me with this information, we should be able to begin processing the application.
 Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

 Thank you,

 Mikelle Morra
 International Bureau/ Policy Division


                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 2

     Mikelle Morra

     From:        RegnumAssist []
     Sent:        Wednesday, February 20, 2008 10:33 AM
     To:          Mikelle Morra
     Co:          Joann Ekblad;
     Subject:     Tycoon Oil Company — AB Reply to FCC — RE: Incomplete Section 214 Application
     Attachments: Tycoon Oil Company — FCC 214 — Answers to Standard Team Telecom Questions.pdf

Ms. Moora,

My apologies, I did not receive your email until today. Per your request, attached are the requested answers to standard
team telecom questions in PDF format.
To your question, 100% of Universal 1.T. Inc (100% owner of Tycoon Oil Company) is owned by Mahboub Benchimol (a
citizen of Francshwrill call you to follow up.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me as listed below.
I will call you to make sure that you have received this email.

Best Regards,


Anteneh "Alonzo" T. Beyene
Regulatory Consultant
7999 NW 53 Street
Miami, Florida 33166
Office:(305) 468—1645 ext 203

Fax: (305) 468—8509

The information in this e—mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you
are not the intended recipient please delete. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Regnum Group, Inc.

From: Mikelle Morra []
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:48 PM
To: Mikelle Morra;; Regnum Filings
Coe: Joann Ekblad
Subject: RE: Incomplete Section 214 Application

Hi Alonzo,
We have not received a response from you regarding my inquiry below. If we do not hear back from you by COB,
Tuesday, February 26, 2008, we will dismiss the application. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you,



                                                                                                               Page 2 of 2

 From: Mikelle Morra
 Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:00 PM
 To: ‘‘; ‘Regnum Filings‘
 Subject: Incomplete Section 214 Application

 We received an application for Tycoon Oil Company, ITC—214—20080114—00012. We need to confirm if there are any
 10% or greater owners for Universal I.T. Inc?

 If you could provide me with this information, we should be able to begin processing the application. Please feel free to
 contact me with any questions.

 Thank you,

 Mikelle Morra
 International Bureau/ Policy Division


[TT] FCC application status for the week of March 10, 2008; FCC EB 2008—7                                 Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Ongman, Joanne []
  Sent:     Wednesday, March 12, 2008 11:48 AM
  To:       Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Janeese
            Parker; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Griboff; Jodi Cooper; TTelecom
  Co:       James Ball
  Subject: [TT] FCC application status for the week of March 10, 2008; FCC EB 2008—7

Good morning:
Please be advised that DOUJ/FBI/DHS have NO COMMENT on the following applications:
Virtual American Companies, LLC, ITC—214—20071227—00532
GMPCS Personal Communications, ITC—T/C—20071219—00513
Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ISP—PDR—20080212—00003
Tycoon Oil Company, ITC—214—2008114—00012

Please be advised that DOUJ/FBI/DHS request that the following applications be REMOVED from streamline:
General Telecard LLC — ITC—214—20080215—00061
Virtual Communications, LLC — ITC—214—20080221—00085

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Joanne Ongman


Document Created: 2019-10-08 13:58:01
Document Modified: 2019-10-08 13:58:01

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