Attachment 20170620165109-480.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20071016-00424 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Mikelle Morra

From:                             Daniels, Douglas []
Sent:                             Thursday, November 08, 2007 9:53 AM
To:                               Daniels, Douglas; George Li; Susan OConnell; Mikelle Morra; Joann Ekblad; David Krech
Co:                               Doyle, Thomas; James Ball
Subject:                          Re: [TT]   FCC application status for week of 11/05/07

Good morning:

Please be advised that DHS,                  DOJ and FBI have received updated information from the
applicant and now have NO COMMENT on the following application:

1) .    HELIO LLC    /    SK Telecom USA Holdings,            Inc.    ——    ITC—T/C—20071010—00420

Thank you.      Please call me if you have any questions.

— D. Daniels, DHS OGC
Sent from blackberry wireless phone 202—684—5153

————— Original Message —————
From: ttwg— <ttwg—>
To: George Li <>; Susan OConnell <Susan.O0‘>;                             Mikelle Morra
<Mikelle.Morra®>; Joann Ekblad <>; David Krech
Cc: Doyle, Thomas «<>; James Ball <>
Sent: Wed Nov 07 16:50:41 2007
Subject: [TT]   FCC application status for week of 11/05/07

Good Afternoon:

Please be advised that DOJ,                  FBI and DHS request that the following applications be REMOVED
from streamline:

1)     HELIO LLC / SK telecom USA Holdings,                 Inc.     ——    ITC—T/C—20071010—00420

Please be advised that DOJ,                  FBI and DHS have NO COMMENT on the following applic¢ation:

1)     Sunycell Inc.       ——    ITC—T/C—20070801—00315

Doug Daniels
Office of the General Counsel
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
(202)     282—9740       (office)
(202)     447—3111       (fax)
douglas.daniels@hq.dhs .gov

                                                                                                               Page 1 of 1

  Mikelle Morra

  From:             Susan OConnell
  Sent:            Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:56 PM
  To:               Mikelle Morra; David Krech; George Li
  Subject:          FW: Pacifictel International, Inc.
  Attachments: Pacifictel — 214 Application Amendment — ITC—214—20071016—00424 — 11—14—07.pdf

ALL: Attached is an amendment to the Pacifictel S.A. 214 application, ITC—214—20071016—00424. We sent this to the Ex.
Br. and they asked us not to streamline. We also asked the applicant to amend to agree to dominant carrier classification
on U.S.—Ecuador route. As it turns out, they also inadvertently put the parent‘s name as the applicant (the applicant
is listed in this amendment as Pacifictel International Inc., a U.S. sub of Pacifictel S.A). They also made some other
errors. They (Joel Winnik) have listed the corrections in the attached letter and attached to the letter new Attachments 1
and 2. | would upload the attached letter into IBFS as an Attachment and delete the Attachments (1& 2) they originally
filed. We probably should send the letter to the Ex.Br. as an informational. As a reminder, Joel asked us not to placethis
on affpn until Ex. Br. has cleared. Please let me know if Joel needs to do anything else (like completely re—file!).

From: Winnik, Joel S. []
Sent: Mon 11/26/2007 3:02 PM
To: Susan OConnell
Subject: Pacifictel International, Inc.

I hope you had a good holiday.


 Columbia Square, 555 Thirteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004
 direct +1.202.637.5857 | tel +1.202.637.5600 | fax +1.202.637.5910 | http:/

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                                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Pinto, Greg []
  Sent:     Monday, November 26, 2007 6:02 PM
  To:       Daniels, Douglas K; George Li; Susan OConnell; Mikelle Morra; Joann Ekblad; David Krech
  Co:       Shannon Culbertson; Williams, Brian <CTR>; Daniels, Douglas
  Subject: [DHS] FCC applications status for the week of 11/26

Good evening,

DHS has NO COMMENT on the following applications:

   1      Ekofon, Inc.—ITC—214—20071013—00427
   2)     VoIP TEL, L.P.—ITC—214—20060718—00356
   3)     MPINGI, Inc.—ITC—214—20070918—00389
          SISCOM International Corp .—ITC—214—20070911—00378
          Atlantic Crossing Ltd—ITC—214—20071004—00411
          Cascabel Networks LLC—ITC—214—20070425—00160
          Onchannel Communications, Corp.—ITC—214—20071023—00433
          RDTEL Inc.—ITC—214—20071002—00406
          Mitelco LLC—ITC2142007092400388

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Gregory Pinto
Regulatory Coordination
Department of Homeland Security
Tel: 202.282.8592
Cel: 202.631.0671


Pacifictel International, Inc., ITC—214—20071016—00424 — Request for Comment                            Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Connors, John []
  Sent:     Thursday, December 27, 2007 11:33 AM
  To:; Susan OConnell; Mikelle Morra; Joann Ekblad; David Krech
  Co:       TTelecom;;; Eltringham, Scott; Ongman, Joanne; Springsteen, Joseph;
            Pinto, Greg (DHS)
  Subject: Pacifictel International, Inc., ITC—214—20071016—00424 — Request for Comment

Happy Holidays:

Please be advised that DOJ and the FBI have no comment regarding the above—captioned matter. Please contact me if
you have any questions. Thank you.

John J. Connors
Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for National Security
U.S. Department of Justice


                                                                                                          Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:         Mikelle Morra
  Sent:         Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:14 PM
  To:           ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                ‘‘; ‘Conway, Melissa S.‘
  Co:           George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; James Ball; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Janeese
                Parker; ‘Daman, Alex (DHS); ‘Pinto, Greg (DHS)‘; Mikelle Morra; ‘Pifer, Jon (LEO); ‘Connors, John‘;
                ‘Daniels, Douglas K; ‘Daniels, Douglas‘; ‘Underriner, Jennifer‘; ‘‘; ‘Thomas‘;
                ‘Ongman, Joanne‘
  Subject:      FCC Section 214 Granted
  Attachments: TELO1230.pdf

Pacifictel S.A.

Mabuhay Telecom, Inc.

Skyhigh Communications LLC

Global Telecom Enterprises, LLC

The above listed applications have been granted by Public Notice released January 31, 2008; Report No.
TEL—O01230, DA 08—266 (attached).

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
International Bureau/ Policy Division


                             PacificTel S.A. Section 214 Application

                                       ATTACHMENT 1

Question 11

§63.18()      PacificTel S.A. ("the Applicant") hereby certifies that it is a foreign carrier and is

              affiliated with a foreign carrier. The country in which it is a foreign carrier and in

              which it has an affiliation with a foreign carrier is Ecuador.

§63.18(k)     Ecuador is a member of the World Trade Organization.

§63.18()      The Applicant will file the traffic reports required by §43.61(c) of the FCC


§63.18(m)     Not applicable.

Question 12

§63.18(J)     The Applicant hereby certifies that it seeks to provide international

              telecommunications services to Ecuador, where the Applicant is a foreign carrier

              and where the applicant is affiliated with a foreign carrier, by virute of common

              ownership of the Applicant and the other foreign carrier, Andinatel.

                            PacificTel S.A. Section 214 Application

                                        ATTACHMENT 2

Question 14

The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the applicant‘s ten percent or greater

direct and indirect shareholders or other equity holders, and any interlockingdirectorates with

other telecommunications service companies are as follows:

Fondo de Solidaridad, an autonomous entity created under section 250 of the Ecuador

Constituiton: 100% (also controls Andinatel).

Question 15

§63.18(d)      The Applicant has not previously received authority under section 214 of the

               Communications Act of 1934.

§63.18(e)(3)   Not applicable.

§63.18(g)      Not applicable.

Document Created: 2019-05-31 19:40:42
Document Modified: 2019-05-31 19:40:42

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