Attachment 20170615153536-320.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20070807-00319 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                                          Washington, D.C. 20554

Inte: nati nal Bui eau

                                                                                       E— nail: ;
                                                                                             (202) — 18—1452
                                                                                             (202) — 18—28:24 (fax)
                                                                                             Au us 17, 2007
                                                                                             Rel: 2 )07—3%

Hil   ary Morg in               (70.;   )   6   )7—5092            £   tes en W. Let:                 (202)   647—5835
Ste   she i A ifi tz             (20;    )   2   32—3973            I   ou s Brenner                   (202)   692—4.235
Ale   x C am in                 (20;    )   2   32—09940           J   »se phine Scai leti            (202)   482—5 461
Ed    sarlT Hind                (20;    )   5   14—:464            F   enaeth Scha; rin               (202)   395—15 663
My    a & . T otter             (20;    )   3   24— .730           ©   igal Mandelksr                 (202)   616—0573
Jon ithin I renkel              (20; ) 2 32—i}478                  © ally Shipman                     (202) 456—6085
Do: ninic I astore              (20; ) 5 14—i607

           Fe:           Sectim 21 1 / pplication

Dear sir or Madam:

Please re view the followiig ipr lications a1 d ; dvise us whethei y                                u have any national
security, law enfore ment, f:reign policy c ¢ t ade concerns y C.                                   ).B. September 5,
20()7, be :ause we ars pref ar d i0 take acticn n these application                                 . Electronic filed (e—
‘il) a pp lications are abl : to b: viewed b / a :cessing wivw.feoc.s                               ov/ibfs and searching
y the file number.

           20070807 00.:319(e —file)
isu rycell Inc s appication 1 or iuthority to pr »vide resale service . between the United
Stc tes ar d permissible intern ational points. A aplicant is 100% ov.ned by a citizen of |
South Korea.

ITC—T/C—20070808—00321 (e—file)
Application for consent to transfer control of international section 214 authorization,
ITC—214—20010717—00392, held by WorldPoint Communications, Inc. from Mr. Charles
Hage to XOL Holding Company, a corporation incorporated and located in Lebanon.
Lebanon is a non—WTO member country. A citizen of Lebanon owns over 90% of XOL
Holding. On November 25, 2002, Mr. Charles Hage, a U.S. citizen, sold his 100%
interest in WorldPoint to XOL Holding.

ITC—STA—20070806—00320 (e—file)
Application for Special Temporary Authority (STA) to transfer control of international
section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20010717—00392, held by WorldPoint
Communications, Inc. from Mr. Charles Hage to XOL Holding Company, a corporation
incorporated and located in Lebanon. Lebanon is a non—WTO member country. A

        citizeai of Lebanon owns over 90% of XOL Holding. On November 25, 2002, Mr
        Charlss Hage, a U.S. citizen, sold his 100% interest in WorldPoinj[ to XOL Holdlng
        The applicants scknowledge that grant of the STA will not prejudice any action the
        Comuinission might take on the uard srlyi 1g application l:IT(3-T/C-20070808-0032'1) and
        the STA can be revoked by the Coramis sion uponis own motion without a hearing.

        If we do not heer fom y>u by C.O.B. S eptember 5, 2007, we will assume that you
        not have any concerns with the sbeve listed applications.


                                                                 George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                                 Policy Division

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

 George Li
                                           en mm

  From:           Veronica Garcia-UIIoa_
  Sent:           Friday, August 1°", 2007 10:2:8 AM
  To:             ‘robert.eImen@ic . v‘; ‘paul.kozak(@¥‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘Dominic.Pastore@usdpj.go‘"; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘hillary.Morgan@disa.niil‘; ‘js‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘ v‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘joseph.springstesn@usdoj.qjov‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘lettsw@state.go‘r‘; ‘De 1ise.pontacoloni@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV‘;
                  ‘alane.kochems@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Kishiyama,
                  Lonnie"; ‘‘; ‘douglas.daniels@DHS.GOV‘                         f
  Co:             George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Veronica Garcia—
                  Ulloa; James Ball; Sumita Mukhoty                                j
  Subject:        Cover Letter Reference 2007—32 (C.O.B. September 5, 2007) _
  Attachments: Executive Branch 2007—32(b).doc

Good Afternoon,

Attached is cover letter 2007—32 C.O.B. September 5, 2007.

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/Policy Division
immn\ 140 nao4d

Document Created: 2019-05-24 07:28:55
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 07:28:55

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