Attachment 20170613140427-100.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20070612-00227 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                       Page 3 of 3

Attached are (1) an e—mail from the applicant with its updated section 214 application and its response to the
Executive Branch questionnaire, and (2) the e—mail from the Department of Justice bringing this matter to our
attention and citing the Teleplus web—site.

If you need any further information regarding this, please contact David Krech (418—7443) in the IB Policy



*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


                          Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                            March 31, 2008

Mr. Eric Thomas
Call Catchers Inc.
169 Saxony Road
Encinitas, CA 92024

Re:    File No. ITC—214—20070612—00227

Dear Mr. Thomas:

Our records indicate that your international 214 application (File No. ITC—214—20070612—00227)
remains pending at the Commission awaiting completion of review by the Executive Branch.
We forwarded the application to Executive Branch agencies on June 15, 2007. You should have
been contacted by the Executive Branch requesting information about your application and
provided to them all necessary and requested information. Please inform us no later than April
21, 2008 of the status of the application in the Executive Branch review process and confirm that
you continue to seek Commission action onthe application.

Failure to respond to this information request will subject your application to dismissal without
prejudice under Sections 1.748(a) and 63.51(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 CFR §§ 1.748(a),
63.51(b). Thank you.

                                                             ,       e{{"?
                                                        es L. Ball
                                                    Chief, Policy Division
                                                    International Bureau

go:    Alonzo Beyene
       Regnum Group
       7999 NW 53 Street
       Miami, FL 33166

Dear Client,

It is anticipated that DHS (Department of Homeland & Security) will want additional
data regarding; the owners and officers of Call Catchers Inc. To the extent applicable,
please provide the following information for each owner of" the company:

Name:                                        AlinPrice
Citizenship:                                 _UnitedKingdom
Date of birth:                               _Sicptember12. 1959
Place ofbith (City,Province/Country):          Halton, UK
                                             _LL 2222 f L.

Social security number (if applicable):      UK,. Citizer. Not applicable
Alien number (if applicable):
Passport number and issuing state:             500317111
Job location including phone number:         (800)477—1477Ext.86
Business address:                             169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206

Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:            124%

Name:                                        JohnChiplin
Citizenship:                                 _UnitedKingdom          ____
Date of birth:                               _November 8, 1958
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):      _Cardiff, Wales, UK
Social security number (if applicable):      606—28—4031
Alien number (if applicable):                 070—158—187
Passport number and issuing state:             761002380 — CA
Job location including phone number:         (800) 477—1477 Ext. 86
Business address:                            169 Saxony Rd.,Suite 206
                                             Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:            4.95%

Name:                                        John Newsam
Citizenship:                                  United States
Date of birth:                                January 1, 1954
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):        Edinburgh, Scotland
Social security number (if applicable):       140—74—7529
Alien number (if applicable):                  N/A
Passport number and issuing state:             500217863 USA (California)
Job location including phone number:         477—1477
Business address:                            169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206
                                             Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:            22.88%

Name:                                       KliausMay
Citizenship:                                _Germmany__
Date of sirth:                              _Arly 27,1957_
Place of biith (City/Province/C ountry):    _Murich,Germany
Social security number (if applicable):
Alien number (if applicable):
Passport: numlser and issuing state:        _9,31557725, Germany _
Job location including phone namber:        (800) 477—1477 Ext. 85
Business address:                           169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206
                                            Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:           1.24%

Name:                                       Jim Schumacher
Citizenship:                                _United States
Dite of birth:                              _Fabruary 9, 2007
Pl:iice of birth (City/Province/Country):    New Brunswick, NJ
Social security number (if applicable):     _151—58—2304 _______
Alien number (if‘app]i«.able)               «22— ___________

Passport number and issuing state:          __A1 CaéeslU"2s

Jo > location including phone number:
Bisiness address:                           16‘)
                                                        Suite 205
                                                      A 92024
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:           18.44% — in the name ¢fthe Anita Schwalte

N: me:                                      Eric Thomas
Ci:izenship:                                 United States
D: te of ‘sirth:                             June 15, 1962        o
Pliice of birth (City/Province/Country):     Plainfield, NJ, USA__
Social security number (if applicable):       150—54—6561
Alien number (if applicable):                N/A
Passport number and issuing state:           200390270            C
Job location including phone number:        (800) 477—1477 Ext. 86
Business address:                           169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206
                                            Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:           48.71%

Name:                                       Adam Gould
Citizenship:                                 Canada
Date of birth:                               July 20, 1965
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):        Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Social security number (if applicable):        023—62—8638
Alien number (if applicable):                  A24580122
Passport number and issuing state:             BC263262 — IssuingOffice: Hull
Job location including phone number:          (800) 477—1477 Ext. 86
Business address:                      169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206, Encinitas, CA 92024

Ovwnership% in Call Catchers Inc.:        0.71%
Name:                                     Julie Bryant
Citizenship:                              _United Kingdom__
Date of birth:                            __3/29,1964,
Place of birth (City/Province/Cauntry):   _Cleethorpes,Lincolnshite,|JK,
Social security number (if applicable):   ~615—50—4387         ______
Alien numbter (if applicable):            _A9373776
Passport number and issuing state:        _7622467451_____
Job location iricluding phone number:     (800) 477—1477 Ext. 86
Business acldress:                        168 Siaxony Rd., Suite 206
                                          Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownerstip% in Call Catchers Inc.:         0.71%
Name:                                     Christopher Nikkel
Citizenship:                              United States
Date ofbirth:                              July 6, 1977
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):    San Francisco,CA___.
Social security number (if applicalle):   _246—73—8227_______
Alien number (if applicable):             N/A___
Passport number and issuing state:
Jot location including »hone numijser:    (800)47°/—1477 Ext. 86
Busin@ss address:                         169Saxcny Rd., Suite 206
                                          Encinitas, CA 92024
Ovxnership% in Call Catchers Inc.:        0.02%

Name:                                     Lowell
Citizenship:                               United States
Date ofbirth:                              February 8, 1949
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):   _Glendale.CA_____
Social security number (if applicable):    529—72—2971
Alien number (if applicable):              N/A
Passport number and issuing state:
Job location including phone number:      (800) 477—1477 Ext. 86
Business address:                         169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206
                                          Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:         1.06%

Name:                                     Jeremiah Gowdy
Citizenship:                               United States
Date of birth:                            _October19.1979_
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):    Escondido, CA
Social security number (if applicable):    619—05—6070
Alien number (if applicable):              N/A
Passport number and issuing state:         500569823, CA
Job location including phone number:      (800)} 477—1477 Ext. 86
Business address:                         169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206,

Ovwnership% in Call Catchers Inc.:              0.02%)
Name:                                           Jamilia Cullen
Ciltizens iip:                                  _United States_____
Date of bhirth:                                 _August 11,19278____
Place of birth (City/Province/Country):         _Topoeka, KS___
Socia! security number (if applicable):          509—84 4575
                                                _m_LZE_L C um Es _

Alien number (if applicable):
Passport number and issuing state:                    sn nEA _

Job) lceation including phone numbe::
Busines:: address:                              169 Saxony: R1., Suite 206
                                                Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership % in Call Catchers Inc.:              0.02%

1. JIf ohn Chiplin of Newstar VenturesL ‘d. and Jim Schulmacher ofAirita Barbaia
Schw all e {‘rust are nut the respective_10U% owners ofthose two entities, then you will
have !o ideitify who are the owners of Newstar Ventures Ltd. and Anita Barbara

Specific illv‘, data that would be required on each o wner of tho se two eiitities:
Name:                                           _Aniti Schwalbe_____
Citizens aigp:                                  __Caneda _____
Date of lirth:                                  _May 19, 1957
Place of biith (City/Province/Country):         _Montreal,Canada
Social! security number (if applicable):        _589—43—7783
Alien number (if applicable):                   _A044493424
Passport ni mber and issuing state:              JW551933
Job loca ioi including phone number:            (800) 477—1477 Ext. 86
Busines:: acidress:                             169 Saxony Rd., Suite 206,
                                                Encinitas, CA 92024
Ownership‘% in Anita Barbara Schwalbe Trust.: _It‘s a trust, so it‘s not really "owned",
but she and Jim Schumacher have joint control of it.
Ownership% in Call Catchers Inc.:                 18.44% — Shared with Jim Schumacher

John Chiplin is the 100% owner of Newstar Ventures, Ltd.

IL. If any of the owners ofNewstar Ventures Ltd. and Anita Barbara Schwalbe Trust
are institutional owners as opposed to individual owners, then you would have to
continue the identification process until all of the individuals that have direct and
indirect ownership in Call Catchers Inc. are identified.

1. We unde         ind from the application that Applicant seeks authority to provide vari«
(a). Please d      :ribe:
(i) The servi      s that are the subject of the application
The ability 1      nake local andlong distance calls from VoIP phones that are part of a
Hosted PB3         ffering.

(ii) any othe      ervices the Applicant intends to provide that are not encompassed in tI
We have a 1        iety of services currently that are enhanced telco services that are not
encompasse         :g internet fax, virtual office, and real estate call capture services.

(b) If partici     r countries are the target market for Applicant‘s services., please list the
specific cou       ies. and state whether the Applicant has present or future plans to offe:
service to ar      other countries not listed,
Currently w        ntend to offer services described in 1, a, i to the US — 48 contiguous st:
AK. HI, PR         d US Virgin Islands.

2. With regar      > each of the services to be offered by the Applicant, please describe in a ge    ‘al
way the man         in which such services will be delivered (from a technical standpoint), includ
how voice an       lata will flow into and out of yourinfrastructure, whether owned or leased.

    a)   Fort      ie entities operating physical telecommunications infrastructure. whether owrt
         or le:    d, please include, to the extent relevant:

         i)      »scription of the Applicant‘s network equipment and infrastructure, (e.g., swit

                 ers, other equipment, fiber routes);

         i)      »twork map

         i)    . »xplanation of what parts of the infrastructure are owned or leased;

         Iv) collocation sites;
         v) interconnecting carriers and/or peering relationships; and
         vi) service coverage areas.

All equipment is owned. None of our equipment is leased. All of our equipment is
collocated at Castle Access in San Diego, connected to a Cisco Catalyst 6509 switch
which we own. We are connected with our customers and providers across the public
internet, our connection to which is fully managed by our collocation facility.

Each customer will have a phone or other device (the Device) which is connected to the
public internet. Each Device will have at least one distinct Direct Inward Dial (DID)
telephone—number, so it can be specifically reached from the PSTN. The Device will
register with our central registration server (the Registrar) in order to authenticate itself to
send and receive calls through our service. All audio and call setup information for every
customer call will pass through our servers via the Registrar. Every call will send its

audio stream through our servers, which are redundant PC—based servers running Asterisk
on Linux.

PSTN calls currently are terminated through NobelBiz across the public internet in
SIP/G.711u format. We have a direct PRI connection to the FreedomVOICE IVR system,
and calls between that system and our Customers will use those PRI channels instead of
the PSTN.

We have origination agreements with both NobelBiz and XO to originate local numbers
nation—wide, with those numbers being used as the DIDs for our customers® Devices. All
PSTN call origination arrives over the public internet in SIP/G.71 1u format from our
providers. Our Customers® Devices will communicate with us via SIP using one of
several audio encodings (G.711, G.726, G.729, GSM, others) depending on their
bandwidth limitations. All calls. including audio, between two Customer Devices will
pass from the originating Device, through our servers, to the terminating Device.

    b)   State if the Applicant does not own or lease physical telecommunications infrastructure,
         whether the applicant is wholly or partly a reseller of others‘ services, whose services the
         applicant resells, and the nature of all resale services.

3. Do the services or facilities under the Applicant‘s control afford direct access to the
public switched telephone network (PSTN)?
Yes through the hosted PBX service we will be offering we will allow customers to send
and receive calls to and from the PSTN via premise equipment associated with the

Do the services or facilities under the Applicant‘s control afford direct access to the
Most customers will not need internet connection from us at this stage but in the future
we may offer data connection as part of a bundle with the hosted PBX service. In that
case we will resell data connection from a licensed carrier.

4. What is the extent of involvement and/or control by foreign (non—U.S. citizens or non—
U.S. country of organization) individuals, governments. or other entities in each of the
following activities:
(a) exercising voting or other ownership rights of the Applicant:   voting rights
(b) overall corporate policy decisions of the Applicant;            advisory
(c) responding to requests or compulsory process from U.S. law enforcement or other
U.S. government agencies;                                           Not involved
(d) operation of the Applicant‘s day to day business?               Not involved

To what extent will that involvement or control change, if at all, when the application is
granted? No change

5. (a) Can any ofthe Applicant‘s communications network facilities, equipment, or data
(including customer billing or call detail records) be accessed or controlled fromoutside
the United States, or by foreign persons (non—U.S. citizens) within the United States?

(b) If so, please provide the names, job locations, and country of origin of any foreign
persons (non—U.S. citizens) authorized to exercise such access or control.

6. What types of customers is the Applicant targeting — residential consumers, carriers,
enterprise or corporate customers. government agencies?
Home business, very small (<10 people) and small business.

Can the Applicant provide a rough estimate of how each category is expected to break
down, in terms of percentages ofeither revenue or customer "headcount"?
Currently 90+ is home business but with the hosted PBX and the services described
under 1, a, i it should change to mostly be very small businesses.

7. Please identify any customers ofthe Applicant that are U.S. federal, state, or local
government agencies, the nature ofthe services provided under each contract, and
whether the contract is classified. We have some gov‘t agencies eg Air Force Reserve
and Coast Guard using our enhanced telco services. None are classified to my

   Mikelle Morra

  From:                       Kishiyama, Lonnie []
  Sent:                       Tuesday, July 03, 2007 11:50 AM
  To:                         Kishiyama, Lonnie; George Li; Susan OConnell; Mikelle Morra; Joann Ekblad; David Krech
  Co:                         James Ball
  Subject:                     FCC application status for week of 6/3/07

  Good afternoon,

  Please be advised that DOJ,           FBI and DHS request that the following applications be REMOVED
  from streamline:

          Air Channel Communications,            Inc.      —   ITC—214—20070611—00223
is w N

          Apptix   Inc.   —   ITC—214—20070612—0023226
          QQ.M_G@."E\,LLCLD     TPo—2 e   @904 QrGr   lt   t ht 7

          Global Crossings—STT Telem — ISP—PDR—20070605—00008                   (Subject to discussions — As per
  Joe Springsteen‘s voicemail to Mikelle)

  Please let me know if you have any questions.

  Lonnie Kishiyama

                                                                                                       Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:          Janeese Parker
  Sent:          Friday, July 06, 2007 10:33 AM
  To:            ‘‘; ‘jsm@commlawgroup.comn‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:            David Krech; Susan OConnell; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; ‘‘;
                 ‘"‘; ‘Louis.‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Subject:       FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined
  Attachments: Public Notice TEL—O01166S.pdf

Air Channel Communications, Inc.

Apptix, Inc.


The above referenced applications were placed on Public Notice on June 22, 2007 for streamlined processing.
Since the Public Notice was released, the Commission has been requested bythe Executive Branch agencies of
the United States that we remove the subject applications from streamlined processing because of foreign
ownership issues. Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, we have removed
these applications from streamlined processing.

Please be advised that your company may not commence operations until the Section 214 authorization is
granted. See Section 63.12(d) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.12(d). The Executive Branch will contact you
or the "Contact" listed on your application directly for further information. You can be assured that your
application will be processed expeditiously upon completion of Executive Branch‘s review. We will notify you
by e—mail when your application is granted.

The Public Notice Report No. TEL—O011668 (released July 6, 2007), is attached. If you have any questions,
                              --------, and or fax to 202—418—2824.

Thank you.

Janeese Parker
FederalCommunications Commission
InternationalBureau/Policy Division
Phone: (202)418—0707


                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 2

  Mikelle Morra

  From:      Daniels, Douglas []
  Sent:     Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:30 PM
  To:       Mikelle Morra
  Co:       David Krech; James Ball; Joann Ekblad; George Li
  Subject: RE: [TT] FW: Pending Section 214 Applications


Per your e—mail below, FCC sent letters to ten applicants notifying them that they must advise FCC on the status of their
applications with the Executive Branch agencies. | believe the deadline expired on March 18 — can we expect some(if
not all) of these applications to be dismissed via public notice in the near future?

Also, according to our records, the Executive Bra       gencieshavenot
                                                                     receivedresponsesfrom several other applicants
— would FCC be willing to send similar letters to the below listed applicants? It would be helpful for us to be able to clear
our docket of these relatively older, non—responsive applications:

  BT Fifty—Three Limited                                           ITC—214—20060404—00180

  VoiceGlobal, Inc.                                                ITC—214—20060601—00296

  Metropy Global Networks, LLC                                     ITC—214—20060601—00297

  iLink3 PAKISTAN (PVT) LIMITED                                    ITC—214—20060711—00339

  Vistula USA, Inc.                                                ITC—214—20060804—00379

  MultiASP Corp. d/b/a                            ITC—214—20060809—00382

  VoiceSat, LLC                                                    ITC—214—20060810—00383

  Broadband System Group, Inc.                                     ITC—214—20060815—00390

  Broadband Solution Communication Inc. d/b/a BSComm               ITC—214—20060815—00392

  Color Phone                                                      ITC—214—20060816—00398

  Eymol Corp. d/b/a Voinline Telecommunications Group              ITC—214—20061013—00470

  Quro Preto Inc.                                                  ITC—214—20061120—00526

  ABH Communications. Corp.                                        ITC—214—20061212—00552

  Morris Pacific Telecommunications                                ITC—214—20070207—00058

  New World Brands Inc                                             ITC—214—20070226—00086

  Nonametel Corporation                                            ITC—214—20070316—00112

  Netvox Corp.                                                     ITC—214—20070423—00154

 CallCatchersInc.                                                  ITC—214—20070612—00227


                                                                                                         Page 1 of 1

  Mikelle Morra

  From:          Mikelle Morra
  Sent:         Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:50 PM
  To:           ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Regnum Filings‘; ‘RegnumAssist‘
  Co:           George Li; David Krech; Sumita Mukhoty; Joann Ekblad; James Ball; Mikelle Morra; ‘Daniels,
                Douglas‘; ‘Rockoff, Jennifer‘
  Subject:       Pending Section 214 Application for‘CaNGateheraimmenm
  Attachments: call catchers.pdf

Re: ITC—214—20070612—00227

Mr. Thomas,
Attached is a letter requesting that you notify us by April 21, 2008 the status of your pending application
in the Executive Branch review process, plus confirmation that you still wish to seek Commission action on
the application. If we do not hear from you by this date, it will subject your application to dismissal
without prejudice.

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Industry Analyst
Mil          ra®
           mmunications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division


                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 2

  Mikelle Morra

  From:           RegnumAssist [|]
  Sent:           Thursday,April03,11:42AM_
  To:             Mikelle Morra
  Co:             George Li; David Krech; Sumita Mukhoty; Joann Ekblad; James Ball; ‘Daniels, Douglas‘; ‘Rockoff,
                  Jennifer‘;; ‘Ed Maldonado‘
  Subject:        Call Catchers Inc. (ITC—214—20070612—00227) — AB Reply to FCC — RE: Pending Section 214
                  Application for Call Catchers Inc.
  Attachments: CallCatchers,Inc.FCC214DOJ—Answersto DOJ Questionss.p«

Ms. Moora,

Per our telephone conversation, my apologies since our records had showed that the following attached item that had
been requested by Team Telecom was submitted and that it was pending DOJ Approval.
Pleaselet us know if anything else will be required.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me as listed below.
I will call you to make sure that you have received this email.

Best Regards,


Anteneh "Alonzo" T. Beyene
Regulatory Consultant
7999 NW 53 Street
Miami, Florida 33166
Office:{(305) 468—1645 ext 203

Fax: (305) 468—8509

The information in this e—mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you
are not the intended recipient please delete. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Regnum Group, Inc.

From: Mikelle Morra [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:50 PM
To:;; Regnum Filings; RegnumAssist
Co: George Li; David Krech; Sumita Mukhoty; Joann Ekblad; James Ball; Mikelle Morra; Daniels, Douglas; Rockoff,
Subject: Pending Section 214 Application for Call Catchers Inc.

Re: ITC—214—20070612—00227

Mr. Thomas,
Attached is a letter requesting that you notify us by April 21, 2008 the status of your pending application in the Executive
Branch review process, plus confirmation that you still wish to seek Commission action on the application. If we do not


                                                                                               Page 2 of 2
hear from you by this date, it will subject your application to dismissal without prejudice.

Thank you,


Mikelle Morra
Industry Analyst
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division


                                                                                                      Page 1 of 3

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Rockoff, Jennifer []
  Sent:     Friday, April 25, 2008 8:05 AM
  To:       Mikelle Morra; Daniels, Douglas; Daman, Alex (DHS); Pasco, Brandt (DHS)
  Co:       David Krech; James Ball; Joann Ekblad; George Li
  Subject: RE: [TT] FW: Pending Section 214 Applications

Hello Mikelle,

      JOJ showrec    A      sesfor the belowcompanies. We have not heard anything recently from the others.
Doug: haveyouai at DHE: re=ce!ved any responses from the others?

  BT Fifty—Three Limited                                       ITC—214—20060404—00180

  Metropy Global Networks, LLC                                 ITC—214—20060601—00297

  Broadband Solution Communication Inc. d/b/a BSComm           ITC—214—20060815—00392

  New World Brands Inc                                         ITC—214—20070226—00086


  MultiASP Corp. d/b/a                        ITC—214—20060809—00382

  VoiceSat, LLC                                                ITC—214—20060810—00383

From: Mikelle Morra [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:21 PM
To: Daniels, Douglas; Rockoff, Jennifer; Daman, Alex (DHS); Pinto, Greg (DHS)
Ca: David Krech; James Ball; Joann Ekblad; George Li
Subject: RE: [TT] FW: Pending Section 214 Applications

Hi Jennifer & Doug,
Can you let me know who you have received responses back from the list below? We are in the process of
drafting dismissal letters for the below companies. Thanks!

Mikelle Morra
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division

 From: Daniels, Douglas []
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:30 PM


                                                                                                                 Page 2 of 3

 To: Mikelle Morra
 Ce: David Krech; James Ball; Joann Ekblad; George Li
 Subject: RE: [TT] FW: Pending Section 214 Applications


 Per your e—mail below, FCC sent letters to ten applicants notifying them that they must advise FCC on the status of their
 applications with the Executive Branch agencies. | believe the deadline expired on March 18 —— can we expect some (if
 not all) of these applications to be dismissed via public notice in the near future?

 Also, according to our records, the Executive Branch agencies have not received responses from several other
 applicants — would FCC be willing to send similar letters to the below listed applicants? It would be helpful for us to be
 able to clear our docket of these relatively older, non—responsive applications:

   BT Fifty—Three Limited                                           ITC—214—20060404—00180

   VoiceGlobal, Inc.                                                ITC—214—20060601—00296

   Metropy Global Networks, LLC                                     ITC—214—20060601—00297

   iLink3 PAKISTAN (PVT) LIMITED                                    ITC—214—20060711—00339

   Vistula USA, Inc.                                                ITC—214—20060804—00379

   MultiASP Corp. d/b/a                            ITC—214—20060809—00382

   VoiceSat, LLC                                                    ITC—214—20060810—00383

   Broadband System Group, Inc.                                     ITC—214—20060815—00390

   Broadband Solution Communication Inc. d/b/a BSComm               ITC—214—20060815—00392

   Color Phone                                                      ITC—214—20060816—00398

   Eymol Corp. d/b/a Voinline Telecommunications Group              ITC—214—20061013—00470

   Ouro Preto Inc.                                                  ITC—214—20061120—00526

   ABH Communications. Corp.                                        ITC—214—20061212—00552

   Morris Pacific Telecommunications                                ITC—214—20070207—00058

   New World Brands Inc                                             ITC—214—20070226—00086

   Nonametel Corporation                                            ITC—214—20070316—00112

   Netvox Corp.                                                     ITC—214—20070423—00154

   Call Catchers Inc.                                               ITC—214—20070612—00227

 Thanks — please call me if you have any questions or concerns.

 Doug Daniels
 Office of the General Counsel
 Department of Homeland Security
 Washington, D.C. 20528
 (202) 282—9740 (office)


                                                                                                     Page 3 of 3
 (202) 447—3111 (fax)

 This communication,    along with any attachments,   is covered by federal and state        ronic
 communications ard may contain confidential and legally privileged information.             is message is not
 the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribut           ; of thi     sage
 is strictly prohibited.    If you have received this in error, please reply immedic    ly    and delete this

 message .

 From: Mikelle Morra [mailto:]
 Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:49 PM
 To: Ongman, Joanne; Pifer, Jon (LEO); Daman, Alex (DHS)
 Cc: Joann Ekblad; David Krech; James Ball; George Li; Sumita Mukhoty; Mikelle Morra
 Subject: Pending Section 214 Applications

 Joanne, Alex & Jon,
 This email is to inform you that we have sent the attached letters to the companies below. The
 applications are currently in review with the Executive Branch. These applications are over two years old
 and still pending before the Commission. We will begin the dismissal process if we do not hear back
 from these companies by March 18, 2008.

 ITC—214—20041210—00480             United Telecommunication Services, Inc. dba UTS
 ITC—214—20050815—00323              Unified Communications, Inc.
 ITC—214—20050822—00339              Syner IP Telecom, LLC
 ITC—214—20050831—00359              Harris Telecommunications Corp.
 ITC—214—20050923—00379             GeoNet Communications Group, Inc.
 ITC—214—20051028—00439             Centelon Corporation
 ITC—214—20060131—00069             Talk IP, LLC
 ITC—214—20060213—00093             Budget Telecomm, Inc.
 ITC—214—20060217—00098             Bridge Water Telecom LLC
 ITC—214—20060217—00099             Teleplus, LLC

 Thank you,

 Mikelle Morra
 Industry Analyst
 International Bureau/ Policy Division


Gatevox Clearance                                                                                 Page 1 of 1

 JoAnn Sutton

  From:            Sofield, Richard []
  Sent:            Tuesday, December 02, 2008 4:51 PM
  To:              George Li; David Krech; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Gripoff; Jamss Ball; Janeese Parker;
                   JoAnn Sutton; Jodi Cooper; Susan OConnell
  oo:              Rockoff, Jennifer
  Subject:         [TT] Call Catchers Clearance
  Follow Up Flag: Follow up
  Flag Status:     Red

DOJ has no comment on FCC Application number ttc—214—20070612—002

If you have any question please let me know.

Thank you.

Richard C. Sofield
Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division
United States Department of Justice

W—(202) 514—0945
M—(202) 598—3134
P—(877) 481—4512


Document Created: 2019-06-04 08:59:59
Document Modified: 2019-06-04 08:59:59

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