Air Channel FCC Term

LETTER submitted by US Department of Justice

Letter Requesting Termination of Authority


This document pretains to ITC-214-20070611-00223 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                     U.S. Department of Justice

                                                                     National Security Division

         Foreign Investment Review Staff                             Washington, D.C. 20004

                                                                    July 17, 2018

       By E-File

       Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 l2th St. SW, Room TW-B204
       Washington, DC 20554

       Re:       Air Channel Communications, Inc. ITC-214-20070611-00223

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

              The Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
       with the concurrence of the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) (collectively, the
       “Agencies”), hereby requests that the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”)
       terminate, declare null and void, and no longer in effect FCC File number ITC-214-
       20070611-00223 granted to Air Channel Communications, Inc. (“Air Channel”) on October
       15, 2007, and the corresponding Letter of Assurance (“LOA”) for reasons stated below.

               Prior to Air Channel receiving the aforementioned authorization, the Agencies issued
       their non-objection to the application on the condition that Air Channel will abide by the
       commitments and undertakings contained in its LOA dated July 31, 2007 to Sigal P.
       Mandelker, Stewart A. Baker, and Elaine N. Lammert.

               The Agencies assess that Air Channel is no longer in business based on attempted
       contact with the company, evidence acquired through open source, and information provided
       by a former point of contact. First, the Agencies have made repeated efforts to contact the
       applicant, none of which have been successful since the LOA was signed. Specifically, on
       July 31, 2012, DHS contacted Terri Firestein, the point of contact provided by Air Channel
       in its FCC application. Ms. Firestein informed DHS that she had not had any contact with
       the company since completing the application process and concluded that the business never
       got off the ground. 1 During that exchange, Ms. Firestein provided the last known contact
       number for Air Channel. DHS thereafter confirmed that the number provided is no longer
       in service.

    See attached email from Terri Firestein dated July 31, 2012

            Second, DOJ also recently contacted Air Channel’s law enforcement point of contact
    (“LEPOC”) for purposes of verifying compliance with the Communications Assistance for
    Law Enforcement Act, Ms. Terri Firestein. She indicated by electronic mail dated July 5,
    2017, that she did not know she had been named to that role and did not normally serve in
    that capacity for clients. 2

            Third, DOJ sent on July 3, 2017 a certified letter to Richard Taiwo, the owner of Air
    Channel and the person who made representations as part of the application process in 2007.
    That letter was returned as not deliverable. 3 On August 27, 2017, DOJ sent another letter to
    Mr. Taiwo to an address in Evanston, Illinois, which was received by an individual who
    signed for the letter. However, neither Mr. Taiwo nor anyone from Air Channel have
    contacted DOJ or DHS. Since the date of the LOA, the Agencies have had no contact with
    Mr. Taiwo or Air Channel.

            Finally, based on open source research, DHS assesses that Air Channel is no longer
    in existence. A search of corporate listings maintained by the Office of the Illinois Secretary
    of State reflects Air Channel’s business status as “revoked.” 4 Additionally, Air Channel has
    never filed any report of its international traffic and revenue with the FCC. 5

           In light of these developments, the Agencies request the FCC to terminate, declare
    null and void, and no longer in effect the international Section 214 authorization issued to
    Air Channel (File number ITC-214-200720070611-00223) and its corresponding LOA
    because: (1) Air Channel is no longer in business; and (2) Air Channel’s inability to provide
    evidence that it complies with the commitments and undertakings contained in the LOA, a
    condition of its international section 214 authorization. 6

             Should you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact me.


                                                                    Richard Sofield, Principal Deputy Chief
                                                                    Foreign Investment Review Staff
                                                                    National Security Division
                                                                    U.S. Department of Justice

  See attached email from Terri Firestein dated July 5, 2017.
  See attached.
  A search of the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State lists Air Channel’s status as “revoked.” accessed December 12, 2016.
  See International Telecommunications Data, Carriers Filing International Traffic Data for 2007-2012 (Air Channel not
  FCC International Bureau, International Authorizations Granted, Report No. TEL-01197, Public Notice, 22 FCC Rcd
18581 (IB 2007).

 From:               Figueroa, Melissa (CTR)
 To:        ‘       Figuerca,
 Subject:            Air Ch§nnel LOA Update
 Date:               Monday, Au_gust §, 2012 4126:52 PM

From: Terri Firestein _
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:21 PM
To: Hagar, Richard
Ce: 1
Subject: Re: Air Channel LOA Update


CCG Consulting, LLC has not had any contact from Mr Taiwo since just after we completed the 214
authority for him.
He is not a current client. Since we have not been able to contact him we concluded he was not able to
get his
business off the ground. The last address we can find.comes from the yellow pages website, it is listed
1601 Sherman Ave.
Ste. 240
Evanston, IL. 60201

t do not do any work on behalf of Mr Taiwo or Air Channel Communications and therefore can not confirm
that there has been no material change to the facts as presented in 2007. As a result | am not able to
confirm that there have been no unauthorized disclosures of, or access to, U.S. Records.


Terri K. Firestein
Sr. Director
CCG Consulting, LL

Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 18:42:08 +0000

Ms. Firestein,

According to our records, you were listed as the point of contact for Air Channel Communications, Inc.(Air Channel)
for its application for international Section 214 authorization. Pursuantto the July 31, 2007 Letter of Assurance
(LOA, attached here) between Air Channel and the U.S. Departmentof Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FB!) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (jointly, the USG Parties}, Air Channel is
required to maintain a designated point of contact in the United States with the authority and responsibility for
accepting and overseeing compliance with a wiretap order, pen/trap order, subpoena or otherlawful demand by

 From:               Figueroa, Melissa (CTR)
 To:                 Eigueroa,
 Subject:            Air Channel LOA Update
 Date:               Monday, August 6, 2012 4:26:52 PM

From: Terri Firestein [
Sent: Tuesday, July 3
To: Hagar, Richard
Subject: Re: Air Channel LOA Update


CCG Consulting, LLC has not had any contact from Mr Taiwo since just after we completed the 214
authority for him.
He is not a current client. Since we have not been able to contact him we concluded he was not able to
get his
business off the ground. The last address we can find comes from the yellow pages website, it is listed
1601 Sherman Ave.
Ste. 240
Evanston, IL 60201

I do not do any work on behalf of Mr Taiwo or Air Channel Communications and therefore can not confirm
that there has been no material change to the facts as presented in 2007. As a result | am not able to
confirm that there have been no unauthorized disclosures of, or access to, U.S. Records.


Terri K. Firestein
Sr. Director
CCG Consulting, LLC

From: Hagar, Rios i
 0: "

Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 18:42:08 +0000

Ms. Firestein,

According to our records, you were listed as the point of contact for Air Channel Communications, Inc.(Air Channel)
forits application for international Section 214 authorization. Pursuant to the July 31, 2007 Letter of Assurance
{(LOA, attached here) between Air Channel and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FB1) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) {jointly, the USG Parties), Air Channel is
required to maintain a designated point of contact in the United States with the authority and responsibility for
accepting and overseeing compliance with a wiretap order, pen/trap order, subpoena or other lawful demand by

From:                Terri Firestein
To:                  Poteat, Elisabeth (NSD)
Subject:             RE: Air Channel
Date:                Wednesday, July 5, 2017 10:58:26 AM

I was not aware I was designated as the law enforcement contact, that is not normally a role I play on
behalf of my clients.
My last contact was when I sent them a copy of what I had filed on their behalf back in 2007.

Terri K. Firestein
Sr. Director
CCG Consulting

Confidentiality Notice for Electronic Transmittal: This email, including any attachments, is for the sole use
of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
communication in error, please immediately notify the sender.

--- wrote:

From: "Poteat, Elisabeth (NSD)"
Subject: RE: Air Channel
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 14:05:12 +0000


When did you last have contact with the company or the owner?

Are you aware they designated you the law enforcement point of contact?


Foreign Investment Review Staff

From: Terri Firestein                                      ]
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2017 3:18 PM
To: Poteat, Elisabeth (NSD)

Subject: Re: Air Channel


this is the only address I have ever been provided for this company:

1. Applicant’s Name(including d/b/a, if any)                                       FEIN # 20-4479210      

Air Channel Communications, Inc.                                                      

Address: Street           10 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1800                     

City   Chicago                                                        State/Zip IL 60606

My responses to your other questions are noted in red type below. Let me know if I can do anything else.


Terri K. Firestein
Sr. Director
CCG Consulting

Confidentiality Notice for Electronic Transmittal: This email, including any attachments, is for the sole use
of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
communication in error, please immediately notify the sender.

---                                   wrote:

From: "Poteat, Elisabeth (NSD)"
To: "
Subject: Air Channel
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2017 14:41:25 +0000

Ms. Firestein:

When the FCC granted a telecommunications license to Air Channel in 2007 and an agreement was
entered into between multiple federal agencies and Air Channel, you were listed as the point of contact
for all law enforcement matters.

Are you presently the point of contact? No

Please provide all of the following information no later than July 11, 2017:

Your residence address. let me know if you still need my personal contact information

Your contact telephone number(s).

Your work address.

Your current relationship to Air Channel. None, after the filing of the application I have had no further
contact with this company.

This work came to us as a referral so I had very little direct contact and have no information beyond what
was provided for purposes of

filing the application.

Your last contact with the owner of Air Channel. After the filing of the application I have had no further
contact with this company.

Thank you.

Elisa Poteat


Foreign Investment Review Staff


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                                                          T. is ealivary address different from Item 19 L1 Yes        1
                                                     «—               nter delivery address below:    Z2 No
Mr. Richard Taiwo                                                                                                     1

Air Channel Communications, Inc.

10 South Riverside Plaza, Sui[te 1800                                                                                 1

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Chicago, IL 60606                 Z1 Certified Mall                              CJ Express Mail                      ;
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         m Complete Iterns 1, 2, and 8. Also complete                                                    &
           item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.                                                               ) Agent
         M Print your name and address on the reverse                                                           WBL] Addressoe
    i      so that we can return the card to you.                   .                                        C. Date of Del
    | ® Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece,                                              ’                         very
    3      or on the front if space permits.
                                                                   D. is delivery address different from ttem 19 L1 Yes
        | ~ Mr. Richard Taiwo                                           ~****~~ enter delivery address below;    JZl‘No

          Air Channe! Communications, Inc.‘
          515 Main Street, #903E                               L
          ‘Evanston, illinois 60202                                 Je—Cortified Mall       C] Express Mall
                                                                     C1 Registered         Z1 Retum Receipt for Merchandise
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Document Created: 2018-07-18 09:58:55
Document Modified: 2018-07-18 09:58:55

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