Attachment 20170824112452-483.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20061108-00509 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                          Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                         (202) 418—1462
                                                                         (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                         February 8, 2008
                                                                         Ref: 2008—5

Hillary Morgan           (703) 607—6092            Steven W. Lett                (202)   647—5835
Stephen Heifetz          (202) 282—8973            Alex Daman                    (202)   282—9940
Josephine Arnold         (202) 482—5461            Edward T. Hand                (202)   514—2464
Kenneth Schagrin         (202) 395—5663            Sally Shipman                 (202)   456—6085
John Connors             (202) 305—4218            Jon D. Pifer                  (202)   324—8124

Re:        Section 214 Applications

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by C.0O.B. February 27,
2008, because we are preparedto take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—
file) applications are able to be viewed by accessing www.{ and searching
by the file number.

Arbinet Carrier Services., Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and
resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
is indirectly 13.61% owned by INVESCO Ltd., a Bermuda corporation. INVESCO
holds its ownership interest through two wholly—owned subsidiaries, INVESCO Asset
Management Ltd. (British Corporation) and INVESCO Asset Management Ireland Ltd.
(Ireland Corporation).

Isan Telecom, Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale services
between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 100%
owned by a citizen of Eceuador.

If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. February 27, 2008, we will assume that you do
not have any concerns with the above listed applications.

For Information:
Dismissal of ITC—214—20060207—00086

         w e aismissed datdmducs, 1IC. 5 applIcauof1, 1 1 U—214—2U0U000U0—2U /—UUU80, per 1ts 1ETICT OI
        January 31, 2008 as attached. Team Telecom cleared ITC—214—20060207—00086 under
        Myla Saldiver—Trotter‘s e—mail of May 3, 2006 11:05 a.m.

        Dismissal of ITC—214—20060209—00091
        We dismissed SkyWave Mobile Commun:ca ions, Inc.‘s applicationi, I [C—214—2006( 20 23—
        00091, per its letter of January 31, 2008 as at ac aiecd. Team Te ecom cluared ITC—214—
        20060209—00091 under Myla Saldiver—Trcotte s e—1na 1 of May 3, 2006 11:05 a.m.

        Dismiss 11 of : S:>— I‘R—200 70531—00009
        Wecisa is sed S.ty V avs Mcobile Communica ions, Ccrp.‘s applicati n, ISP—PDR—
        20079521—00009, 3e i1s let       :er of February 1, 2008 as attached. Conse juently, we ar:
        taking acti n on th 3 jro fon    na transier of cor trol of it s blanke: mob le sarth terninal
        license (S1.8— [/C— 2( 07053     .—( 0738} in its provisioacf Inmar:at D4 se rvice; howeve;,
        SkyWave‘ ; ar read m :n : upc    at ng ovmership 10 its ""it e III apyr lication 0 use the Itim airs it
        4F2 catelli e (SE.S:— A UMD—2(   0 0531—00738) r smair s ; ending.. Tsaia l elecom cleare d
        these applisat ons in Jer De     iise Pontacoloat‘ ; e—miiil of Sept. 5, 0(7 :05 p.m.

        Dismiss al of ; TC—214—2( 04 1111—00462
        On FEsbriay (, :008 vrie diimissed TELCHIL N Corp.‘s applic:ticn, [T—214—200511 11—
        00462, £u sus at to S scion ..19.:0(b)(3) of th: Corim ission‘s Rules, d ie to its failure tc
        pay is dal nqient leots to t ie Commission (1 df DA )8—298 attache d) This applicaton
        has been p :nc in z 1 nder your rsview.

        Disnmiss iof: TC—214—2(0(1103—00509
        On FEsbria y (, :008 we di imissed Hello Te ecommi nications Co. s & pplication, IT:%—
        214—:00 5110( —C 0 0U, jprusiiant to Section 1.; 910(I))(}) of the Cem: nis sion‘s Rules, lue
        to its fai w e to pay its celin juent debts to the Conr ni; sion (pdf, 1J¥ 0{ —299 attached ».
        This applic ati n hi s »e :n pinding under you review.

        Name chaage ofIT‘—214—:0071212—00497
        By letter filed Jim aay 14, 2 908, Applicant nc tified th: Commissior th it it changed i s
        COMIMUT C A‘TINTS GROUP, LLC, effect ve imm diately. Tkis ipj lication was
        removed f on stre in liie 1 process per Joann: Cnagmsn‘s e—mail of . an 1ary 8, 2008 2:5:
        p.m., and is st 11 penc ing in ler your review.

 — Sent:————Frday, Fekruary08,20081:05PM
  To:             'pg.ul.kozak@ic.‘’; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  'hll!ary.Mqrgan@disa.miI'; ‘‘; ‘kschagrin@ustr.
                  ‘‘; ‘Springsteen, Joseph"; ‘vbarris
                  '‘; ‘‘; 'alane.kochems@associates.HQ.DHS.GO
                  ''; ‘Underriner, Jennifer‘; ‘Christopher.Siefken@ic.
                                                                                    ‘; "Pifer Jon
                  (LEO)®; ‘Pinto, Qreg (DHS); ‘‘; ‘Erica.Bomsey@
                                                                                 ‘; 'bamafi
                  Alex (DHS)®; ‘Pinto, Greg (DHS)‘; ‘Daniels, Douglas‘; ‘Connors, John‘;
                                                                                          'ttelecom@usdoj go;/"
        ’; 'shannon.culbertson@associates.dhs.
                                                                                                gov"       .    ‘
        ‘; ‘‘; 'Sanaz.
  Co:             George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Joann Ekblad: Mikelle Morra; James
                            1   L        .     >             >                                       Ball;
                  Parker; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Griboff
                                                                             1              1          a”l   J

  Subject:        Cover Letter Reference 2008—5 and five PDF attachments (Comments Due:
                                                                                        February 27
  Attachments: Executive Branch 2008—5 (c).doc; DA—08—298A1.pdf; DA—08—29941.pdf;
                                                                                   SkyWave PDR
               214Notificati9n ProForma Withdrawal 2 1 08.pdf; SkyWaveDismissalRe
                                                                                  quest 1 31 08.pdf;
               SatamaticsDismissalRequest 1 31 08.pdf

Good Afternoon,

Attached are cover letter Ref: 2008—5 and five PDF attachments (Comme
                                                                      nts Due: February 27. 2008).

                                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

International Burean

                                                                                 E—mail: Ja
                                                                                    (£02) 41 8—1462
                                                                                   (202) 41 8—2824 (fax)
                                                                                   Novermt er 17, 2006
                                                                                   Ref: 20 )6—63

Hillary Morgan                (703)   607.    92              Steven W Lett                 (202)   647—5835
Regina Hart                   (202)   205.    97              Louis )3renner                (202)   692—4235
Eric Werner                   (202)   772     08              Joseph ine Scarlett           (202)   482—5461
Edward T. Hand                (202)   514.    64              Kemmne h Schagrin             (202)   395—5663
Helen Domenici                (202)   456.    85              Myla © . Trotter              (202)   324—1730
Sigal Mandelker               (202)   616.    73              Jor ath in Frenke..           (202)   282—8§478
Dominic Pastore               (202)   514.    07
Stephen Heifetz               (202)   282     73

          Re:          Sect on 214 Appl        itions

Dear Sir or Madan:

Please review the following appl               tions and advise us whether you hsve any national security,
law enforcement, foreign policy ¢              rade concerr:s ty C.O.B. Decemher 6, 2006, because we are
prepared to take i:ction on these :           olications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are able to
be viewed by accessing www.fec                »w/ibfs and search ing by the file number.

ITC—214—20061 )1""—00476 (e1                  ;)
TAT Cablevision, Inc.‘s app                   ation for author ty to provide global resale services
between the United States anc                 ermissible international points. Applicant is indirectly
60% owned by a U.S. corpe                     tion which, in turn, is 23. 56% owned by a French

ITC—214—20061 10{}—00509 (e—fu.x)
Hello Telecommunications Co.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—
based and resale services between the United States and permissible international points.
Applicant is 50% owned by a citizen of Haiti and 50% owned by a citizen of Argentina.

ITC—214—20061108—00516 (e—file)
Potosi‘s Inc.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Two citizens of
Mexico, each of whom owns 50% of the applicant.

If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. December 6, 2006, we will assume that you do not
have any concerns with the above applications.

                                                   m          .   "/“{     fi;”‘“fiw .

                                                 George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                 Policy Division

Document Created: 2019-05-24 17:56:29
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 17:56:29

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