Attachment 20170824102355-980.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20061027-00493 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


| Paul Hastings

                  Matlene H. Dortch
                  December 17, 2007
                  Page 2

                  In the event that the Commission or its staff should have any questions concerning this
                  notification, kindly refer them to either me (202—551—1791) or Stever. Rich (202—551—1798).

                       .       7

                  Tard K. Ghnilta               |
                  for PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & WALKER LLP

                  cc.      J. Steven Rich, Esq.

                  LEGAL_US_E # 77632684.1

PaulHastings                                                               Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Lur
                                                                           875 15th Street, N.W. « Washington, DC 20005
                                                                           telephone 202 551 1700 = facsimile 202 551 1705 «

                                                                         DEC 1 9 2007
                                                                 Federal Communi
                                                                           _ _ 0o cations
                                                                                      Pauuts Commiss : gn
                 02) 551—1791                                           Office of the Secretary       3

                 ecember 17, 2007                                                                                     58980.00

                 atlene H. Dortch
                 »deral Communications Cor              ission                                              ‘QECb,
                 )6 Massachusetts Avenue, N        _.                                                            /'/5
                 1ite 110                                                                                   (a”                 D
                 ‘ashington, D.C. 20002                                                                           2qU
                 ttention: International Bure                                                        w

                 3#      MetroRED Telecom i         vices, Inc.

                         Surrender of Internati    al Section 214 Authorization
                         (File No. ITC—214—20(     :027—00493)

                 ear Madame Secretary:

                 ‘e represent MetroRED ‘           ecom Services, Inc. ("‘MetroRED"), which holds an
                 ternational Section 214 autt       ization from the Commission to provide global or limited
                 obal facilities—based service :   1 global or limited global resale service.

                 etroRED had obtained an           ternational Section 214 authorization eatlier this year in
                 det to allow the company :         expand its service offerings, which currently include only
                 ivate carrier and Internet        cess services (neither of which requires a Section 214
                 ithorization). However, the       »mpany did not commence the provision of other services
                     it had hoped to do; rathet    _: owners decided to sell the business to Grupo Cable TV,
                 A. de C.V. ("Grupo Cable T        ").

               Inasmuch as MetroRED does not currently provide international common catrrier
               telecommunications services and has no immediate plan to provide such services, on
               behalf of MetroRED we hereby respectfully surrender to the Commission for cancellation
               a copy of MetroRED‘s Section 214 certificate in File No. ITC—214—20061027—00493. In
               the event that Grupo Cable TV decides to expand MetroRED‘s service offerings in the
               future to include international common carrier services, we understand that it will seek a
               new international Section 214 authorization.

               LEGAL_US_E # 77632684.1


               Marlene H. Dortch
               December 17, 2007
               Page 2

               In the event that the Commission or its staff should have any questions concerning this
               notification, kindly refer them to either me (202—551—1791) or Steven Rich (202—551—1798).




               €C.      J. Steven Rich, Esq.

               LEGAL_US_E # 77632684.1

                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

     Mikelle Morra

     From:      Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [Myla.Saldivar—]
     Sent:      Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:41 AM
     To:        David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
     Co:        James Ball
     Subject: FCC Status update for Week of 11/20/2006

Hi George, Joanne, Susan, David and Mikelle,

           Please be advised of the statuses of the following applications:

           Please REMOVE from streamline the following applications:

1.         KDDI Global LLC —ITC—214—20061027—00492
2.         MetroRED Telecom Services, Inc. — ITC—214—20061027—00493
3.           Tuscali Technology Ltd. — ITC—214—20061102—00497

             Please let me know if you have any questions.

             P.S. Please enjoy a very safe, happy, and delicious Holiday.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter


Message                                                                                                             Page 1 of 1

  Mikelle Morra

  From:     Mikelle Morra
  Sent:     Friday, November 24, 2006 2:30 PM
  To:       ‘"‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
  Co:       George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; ‘‘; ‘Jabloner, Amy‘; ‘‘;
            ‘‘; ‘‘; Mikelle Morra
  Subject: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

KDDI Global L.L.C.

MetroRED Telecom Services, Inc.
ITC—214—20061027—00493 .

Tuscali Technology Ltd

The above referenced applications were placed on Public Notice on Novemmber 13, 2006 for streamlined
processing. Since the Public Notice was released, the Commission has been requested by the Executive Branch
agencies of the United States that we remove the subject applications from streamlined processing because of
foreign ownership issues. Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, we have
removed these applications from streamlined processing.

Please be advised that your company may not commence operations until the Section 214 authorization is
granted. See Section 63.12(d) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.12(d). The Executive Branch will contact you or
the "Contact" listed on your application directly for further information.. You can be assured that your application
will be processed expeditiously upon completion of Executive Branch‘s review. We will notify you by e—mail when
your application is granted.

The Public Notice Report No. TEL—O01091S (released November 24, 2006), is attached. If you have any questions,
please email:,,,, and
George.Li®fce.govor fax to 202—418—2824.

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


Mikelle Morra

From:                   Kishiyama, Lonnie [}
Sent:                   Tuesday, April 17, 2007 4:30 PM
To:                     Kishiyama, Lonnie; George Li; Susan OConnell; Mikelle Morra; Joann Ekblad; David Krech
Co:                     James Ball
Subject:                FCC application status update for week of 4/17/07

Good afternoon,

Please be advised that based on the information in its FCC application and discussions
with the companies, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS haveNOCOMMENTon the following applications:

L>    «MetroRedTelecom—Svs————ILTC—214—20061027—00493.
2.     Envios de Valores La Nacional — ITC—214—20070213—00069

Please be advised that DOJ,       FBI and DHS request that the following applications be REMOVED
from streamline:

L :                Bondtel,   Inc.    —   ITC—214—20070323—00119
2 .                Waverly Hall      Telephones,   LLC   —   ITC—20070328—00125

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Lonnie Kishiyama

                                                                                                       Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:        Mikelle Morra
  Sent:        Thursday, April 19, 2007 1:11 PM
  To:          ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:          George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Janeese Parker; ‘Kishiyama,
               Lonnie‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
  Subject:     FCC Section 214 Granted
 Attachments: DA—07—1777A1[1].pdf

MetroRED Telecom Services, Inc.

Envios de Valores La Nacional, Corp.

The above listed applications have been granted by Public Notice released April 19, 2007; Report No. TEL—
01138, DA 07—1777 (attached).

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Mikelle. Morra®
International Bureau/ Policy Division


FW: MetroRed surrender of license                                                                              Page 1 of 1

  JoAnn Sutton

      From:      Susan OConnell
  Sent:         Wednesday, April 08, 2009 6:20 PM
  To:            Joanne.
  Co:           JoAnn Sutton
  Subject: RE: MetroRed surrender of license

Hi Joanne. JoAnn Sutton asked me to respond in David‘s absence. Our records in IBFS and emails
from Team Telecom indicate that Ex. Br. did not file a Petition to Adopt Conditions for the MetroRed
application. So, you don‘t need to file anything with us regarding the letter of assurance. We will in a1
event send to the Ex. Br. any new application that MetroRed may file so you‘re covered on that score.
Let me know if you have any questions. I‘ll be telecommuting tomorrow. Phone is 301—320—3935. I‘ll
also be on email.

From: Ongman, Joanne []
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 9:50 AM
To: JoAnn Sutton
Subject: FW: MetroRed surrender of license

Are you able to help in David‘s absence?

From:    Ongman, Joanne
Sent:   Tuesday, April 07, 2009 9:49 AM
To:     ‘David Krech‘
Subject:        MetroRed surrender of license

<<Ltr stating surrender.pdf>>
Hi David
Please see the attached regarding surrender of license by MetroRed — Should we file somthing saying LOA is
terminated but we want to look at them again if they come back?

Also, I couldn‘t find a petition to adopt in the FCC database — it is there somewhere?
Thanks again for the tutorial last week — it was very helpful — sorry I still cant find this petition to adopt — so I am
wondering if it is in fact stored electronically..........

Best regards,



Document Created: 2019-05-25 19:22:07
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 19:22:07

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