Attachment 20170824102339-970.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20061027-00493 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                          Federal Communications Commission
                                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

 International Bu

                                                                                 (202) 418—1462
                                                                                 (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                               _ November 3, 2006
                                                                                 Ref: 2006—62

 Hillary Morg                   (70   07—6092             Steven W. Lett                (202) 647—5835
 Regina Hart                    (20   05—0497             Louis Brenner                 (202) 692—4235
 Eric Werner                    (20   172—0908            Josephine Scarlett            (202) 482—5461
 Edward T. H        |           (20   142464              Kenneth Schagrin              (202) 395—5663
 Helen Dome:                    (20   156—6085            Myla S. Trotter               (202) 324—1730
 Sigal Mande                    (20   116—0573            Jonathan Frenkel              (202) 282—8478
 Dominic Pas                    (20   14—5607
 Stephen Heil                   (20   ‘82—8973

            Re:         Section 21«   pplications

 Dear Sir or        dam:

 Please revic       the followin,     pplications and advise us whether you have any national security,>
 law enforce        nt, foreign ¢     :y. or trade concerns by C.O.B. November 22, 2006, because we
 are prepare(       ) take action     these applications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are. able
 to be viewe        1y accessing and searching by the file number.

 ITC—214—2   61027—0048 ‘e—file)
 KDDI Glo     LLC‘s app ition for authority to provide facilities—based and global resale
 services bs reen the Ur d States and permissible international points. Applicant is
 55.7% ow 1 by KDDI nerica, Inc. which, in turn, is 100% owned by a Japanese
 Corporatio   Applicant  also 44.3% owned by Asia Access Telecom, Inc. which, in
 turn, is 26 / owned b     Hong Kong Entity located in the United Kingdom, and
 14.7% owned by a Hong Kong Corporation located in Singapore.

 m&nmam&mmm (e-file)
                              Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based:
 and global resaleservices
                         betwe the United States and permissible international points.
 Applicant is 100% owned by a Bermuda limited company.

 ITC—214—20061102—00497 (e—file)
—Tuscali Technology Ltd.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—based and
 resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
 is 32.5% owned by a citizen of Nigeria, and 25% owned by a Nigerian corporation.
 Two British citizens, each of whom owns 32.5% and 10% of the applicant, respectively.

 If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. November 22, 2006, we will assume that you do
—not have anyconcerns with the—above applications.


                                                  iéeorge 11; Depr\/\
                                                  Policy Division

                                                                 Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker uur
 PaUI HastingS                                                   875 15th Street, N.W. » Washington, DC 20005
                                                                 telephone 202 551 1700 = facsimile 202 551 1705 *

gfl;_ma           (202) 55¢.—1 791
Eucss            taragiunta@ paulias tinzs. :oin
Frankfurt            j    61
Hong Kong        April 2, 200 )
Los Angeles
Milan            Tyrone Eroya
gf;‘;:’éoumy     National Secutity D: vis ic_m
Palo Alto        U.S. Depart nent of Justice
Paris                               :
sanbegs          tyrone.brow n@usd« j.g ov
San Francisco
Tolyo            Shawn B. Cj woley
Washington, DC   Assistant Director
                 Foreign Inv :stment & Tr:ide Policy
                 U.S. Depart nent of Hom sla ad Se urity
                 shawn.coole y@dhs. :o

                 Re:     Met oORED Te ecom Servizes, Lic.

                 Dear Sits:

                 We are in rezseipt of yo it Marcl . 24, 2009 l sttix requesting confirmation that Telecom
                 Services, Inc. ("MetioF El)", is not oblisated under the April 12, 2007 Letter of Assurance
                 to provide a Iditional it fo mation :o the USG parties. (Attachment 1).

                 Please note ‘hat, on Deceinker 18, 2007, w r otified the Department of Homeland
                 Security (DHS) that M»troR3L. his decided 10 surrender its international Section 214
                 authorizatio 1 to the FCC. (utt:ckment2) As noted therein, MetroRED never
                 commenced service: requ ting : n : nternati on; l 214 authorization and decided to sell the
                 business to (3tupo Cable ‘TV, (‘n December 19, 2007, MetroRED surrendered its
                 internationa . 214 authorization to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
                 (Attachmen. 3).

                 Therefore, MetroRED is no longer a U.S. licensee and, as a result, the Letter of Assurance
                 should be extinguished.


               Tyrone Brown
               Shawn B. Cooley
               April 2, 2009
               Page 2

               Please let me know if you have any questions with regard to the foregoing.


               Tara K. Giunta

               cc:     Assistant Attorney General for National Security
                       National Security Division
                       U.S. Department of Justice
                       Richard Sofield
                       Director, Foreign Investment Review Staff
                       National Security Division
                       U.S. Department ofJustice

                       Douglas Klein
                       Attorney, Federal Buteau of Investigation
                       Ditector of Foreign Investment and Trade Policy
                       U% De%:}almnent of Homeland Security

                                                                                     ATTACHMENT 1

  IV etroRED®
  a O FA @A y commy

April 12 200%

Viz. E sn aeth 1. Weinstein
Asiis an      Atto mey General
‘Na #o ial   Secu ity Division
.. De        ar mont of Justice
 350 P »m    isy Ive nia Avenue, N.W,
Wish ng tor:, D.C. 20530

‘VMs. S gs l Mar delker
Je puy . issist int Attorney (General
—rimira D vidon
J.8, Dep armunt of Justice
 250 P m isy Ive nia Avenue, N.JW.
W:sh ng tot,, D.C. 20530

Vir. S ev ar A Baker
Asiis an Scerstary for Policy
J.S. Dej arment ofHomelend Security
8101 Ye xrask:| Avenue, NN.
Wish ns tor, D.C. 20528

 Mis. Elai ie N. Lammert
Jesuwy CGieneril Counsel
Fecdet il | sm1 ea 1 of Investigation
?3;) P :m isy Ivs nia Avenue, N.W,
Washington, D.C. 20530

        Re:        Pending Appiication by MetroRED Telecom Services, Inc. for
                   international guthorization under Section 214 of the Communications Act
                   of 1934, as amended.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

        This letter outlines the commitments made by MetroRED Telecom Services, Inc.
{"MetroRED") to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal Bureau
of Investigation ("FBIE‘), and to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS"), in
order to address national security, law enforcement, andpublic safety concerns raised
with regard to the MetroRED application to the Federal Communications Commission
("FCC") for an international authorization for authority to provide international facilities—

LEGAL_US_W # 55491192.1

based and resold services to all finternational pomts under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

        McefroRED is a U.S, corporation seeking an international authorization for
authority to provide international facilities—based and resold services to all international
points under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Its indirect
parent company is FMR Corp., a U.S. Corporation. MetroRED intends to provide leased
ling, telephony, virtual private network ("VPN"), Ethernet, and Internet access services in
the United States to enterprise and corporate customers.

       MetroRED agrees that, for all MetroRED customer billing records, subscriber
information, and any other related information used, processed, or maintained in the
ordinary course of business relating to communications services offered in the United
States ("U.8. Records"), MetroRED will make such U.S. Records available in the United
States in response to lawful U.S. process. For these purposes, U.S, Records shall include
information subject to disclosure to a U.S. Federal or state governmental entity under the
procedures specified in Sections 2703(c) and (d) and Section 2709 of Title 18 of the
United States Code, MetroRED agrees to ensure that U.S. Records are not made sub_]ect
to mandatory destruction under any foreign laws.

        We understand that, upon execution of this letter by an authorized representative
or attorney for MetroRED, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS shall notify the FCC that the DOJ,
FBI, and DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant of the MetroRED application filed
with the FCC,



DATED: March 12, 2007

co: Ms,. Tara K, Giunta, Esq.
    Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
    875 15th Street, NW.
    Washington, D.C. 20005
    T: (202) 551—1791/F. (202) 551—0191

LEGAL_US_W # 55491192.1

                                                                                                             ATTACHMENT 2

 From: Giunta, Tara K.
 Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 3:46 PM
 Co: Rich, J. Steven
 Subject: Thank you and MetroRE /(Grupo Cable TV

 Dear Greg:

 I hope you are well —— and that you heve recovered from the r ultiple c:all:. from us re gard ng the porior ransact on
 We are relieved that that transaction mas closed, and very mt ch appreci ite your ite ady : uj purt thiou ghout th s

©Further, as a follow—up to the e—meils that Steve Rich and I se nt you on h ovembe 27 iinc| 2 3, re ipect vely, we a e
 writing to advise you that MetroRED ‘Telecom Services, Inc. (‘MetroRI:D ‘) has de citc ecl tors in er der its
 international Section 214 authoriz:ition to the FCC and that F 3C approvi I is no Ie ng ar re ju re 1 1 ar the: sale of
 MetroRED to Grupo Cable TV. MetroRED had obtained an i1            ternational Section 21      4 aut 1c iz ati   on ec rlier this
 year in order to allow the company to expand its service offer     ngs, which currentlhy ir    cludo cih p       ivate carrier an i
 Internet access services (neither ¢f which requires a Section      214 authori zation}. . 4¢   wewver, thoe c    onipiiny did r ot
 commence the provision of other semices as it had hoped to         Jo; rather tie owners <     ecid sd to se     f{ the busines s 1>
 Grupo Cable TV. In the event that Gr 1po Cable TV decides to expand its service off sring s 11 t ie fucurs to incluido
 international common carrier telecommunications services, w s understaiid that it wivsse<: naw in ternational
 Section 214 authorization.

 In light of the foregoing, no action is needed at this time with espect to tie Team T¢le:o n jussionn: lire and
 other documents that Steve and I previously sent you, Please do not} es itate to cor :actine if yo i t ee d anyth ng

 I hope you and yours have a very Happy Holiday and wish yc u all healith happiness ard st ccss s i12008.

 Best regards,


 Tara K. Giunta, Partner | Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP | 875 15th Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 200056 |
 direct: 202 551 1791 | main: 202 551 1700 | direct fax: 202 551 0191 | |


                                                                                                                     ATTACHMENT 3

_‘ PaulHastings                                                            Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker uur
                                                                           875 15th Street, N.W, » Washington, DC 20005
                                                                           telephone 202 551 1700 > facsimile 202 551 1705 >

                                                                                 DC 19 2007
                                                                               deral Co nmunications Cominisslors:
                                                                                    Office of the S zeretary
                   (202) . 1—1 1
                  taragit  ta@ vall as ings.con

                  Decel     2Ct       2J                                                                              £8980.30002

                  Matle               Jor cl
                  Feder           _   munik abions C onimissi
                  236 N               se ts Avenue NE
                  Wash                D«:2. 20002
                  Atten               itet na ional Pn re i

                  Re:                 RIL Telecoi 1 {errice       Tac.
                                      ndorcf Internstion: 4 8     tion 214     ithorization
                                      No T °C—214—:0( 61021       10493.

                  Dear      ada       e S zo1 stary:

                  We 1      wes       it MetroREBE Velsco           Serice      Inc. (MetoRED"), which holds an
                  int_cm    ion:      Secitic n 214 a ithor zat   2 from t     Commission to provide global or limited
                  global    1cii      :s—Las :d service nc gk     al or limi   d global resale service.

                  ‘Metrc  ED md o              tained in in erf   on 214 authorization earlier this year in
                                                                  ional Set
                   order  ) all x tie          compat y to ixp    e offerings, which currently include only
                                                                  d its serm
                   privat car t oiinc.          Internct accest   cither of which requires a Section 214
                  _autho atic ) 4c   wever, tre comp iy did no ‘ommence the provision of other services
                  as it had hoped to do; rather the owners decided to sell the business to Grupo Cable TV,
                  S.A. de C.V, ("Grupo Cable TV").

                  Inasmuch as MetroRED does not cutrently provide international common cartiet
                  telecommunications services and has no immediate plan to provide such services, on
                  behalf of MettoRED we hereby respectfully surrender to the Commission for cancellation
                  a copy of MettoRED‘s Section 214 certificate in File No. ITTC—214—20061027—00493. In
                  the event that Grupo Cable TV decides to expand MetroRED‘s service offerings in the
                  future to include international common cartier setvices, we understand that it will seek a
                  new international Section 214 authorization.

                  LEGAL_US_B # 77632684.1

Document Created: 2019-05-23 00:28:23
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 00:28:23

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