Attachment 20170824094941-410.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20061023-00483 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Federal Communications Commission
                                                Washington, D.C 20554

Inte mat onal Bureau

                                                                               (2)2) 418—1462
                                                                               (2)2) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                               Octoler 27, 2006
                                                                               Ref: 2006—60

Hilar Morgan                  (703) 607. 6002            Steven W. Lett                 (202) 647—5335
Re zin Hart                   (202) 205— 0407            Louis E rerner                 (202) 692—4235
Eric V‘emer                   (202) 772. 0908            Josephine iScarleit            (202) 482—5461
Ed ward T. Hand               (202) 514. 2404            Ker net i Schagrin             (202) 395—5563
Helen Domenici                (202) 456. 6015            My.a S Trotter                 (202) 324—1730
Sig al 1 Aandelker            (202) 616053               Jon: itha n Frenkel            (202) 282—8478
Deminic Pastore               (202) 514— 5607
Ste phe n Heifetz             (202) 282. 89‘3

           Re:         Secti on 214 Applicaions

Dear sir or Madari:

Plcase review the following appl caior s and advise us whether you have any national security,
laww e aforcement, for:ign policy or ‘race concerns y C.0.B. November 15, 2006, because we
are: prepared to tal:e s ction on these mpplications. KE ecironic filed (e—fil>) applications are able
to be viewed by accessing www. ce go;/ibfs and searching by the file aumber.

ITC—214—20061020—00477 (e—file)
Aspea Commun:caions Inc.‘s application for autkority to provide global resale services
between the Unitel States and pemissible international points      Applicant is 100%
ovned by a citizen of Japan.

ITC—214—20061023—00482 (e—file)
Meridian International Telecom, LLC‘s application for authority to provide global resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
50% owned by a Cyprus Corporation which, in turn, is 100% owned by a citizen of
Bosnia & Herzegovina.

ITC—214—20061024—00485 (e—file)
Stella Communications Inc.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—based
and resale services between the United States and permissible international points.
Applicant is 100% owned by a citizen of the United Kingdom.

                ny Services Inc.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—
based and resaleservices between the United States and permissible international points.
Applicant is 100% owned by a citizen of Mexico.

If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. November 15, 2006, we will assume that you do
not have any concerns with the above applications.

                                                mm o              [Z       C
                                                       qss —f ...
                                               weeaeasy    )
                                                 George L1, Deputy Chief
                                                 Policy Division

                                        Federal Communications Commission
                                               Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                            E—mail: ,JamLsBa]l&ii‘

                                                                              (202) 418
                                                                              (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                              March 30, 2007
                                                                              Ref: 2007—14

Hillary Morgan                (703) 607—6092            Steven W. Lett                (202) 647—5835
Stephen Heifetz               (202) 282—8973            Louis Brenner                 (202) 692—4235
Lonnie Kishiyama              (202) 282—9740            Josephine Scarlett            (202) 482—5461
Edward T. Hand                (202) 514—2464            Kenneth Schagrin              (202) 395—5663
Myla S. Trotter               (202) 324—1730            Sigal Mandelker               (202) 616—0573
Jonathan Frenkel              (202) 282—8478
Dominic Pastore               (202) 514—5607

          Re:          Section 214 Application

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following application             nd advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign polic             or trade concerns by C.O.B. April 18, 2007;:
because we are prepared to take action <              these applications. Electronic filed (e—file):
applications are able to be viewed by               cessing and searching by
the file number.                                                                                  +s

Bondtel, Inc.‘s application for authority provide global facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and , missible international points. A citizen of
Egypt owns 12.5% of the applicant. Further, applicantis 60% owned by a Egyptian
company which, in turn, is 46%, 18.34%, and 16.83% owned by three Egyptian
companies, respectively.

Waverly Hall Telephones, LLC‘s application for authority to prov1de global resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
indirectly 12.25% (52% x 0.2356) owned by a French company.

If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. April 18, 2007, we will assume that you do not
have any concerns with the above listed applications.

         For Information
         TV CABLE S.A. withdrew its application on March 26, 2007.

              .          —00483
         Pifi“@psalad Telephony ServicesInc. withdrewits application on February 27, 2007.


                                                              George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                              Policy Division    _

                                                                                                 Page 1 of 1

 George Li

 From:           Mikelle Morra
 Sent:           Frlday, March 30, 2\007 2:45 PM
 To:             ‘robert.eImen@ic.fbigov ‘paul.kozak@ic.fbi. gov' ‘Amy. Jabloner@ustJ gov
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘Kishiyama, Lonnie‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘Denise.pontacoloni@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV‘; ‘alane.kochems@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘ennifer.‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘
 Co:             George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Janeese Parker;
                 Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; James Ball
 Subject:        Cover Letter 2007—14 (Comments due by C.O.B. April 18, 2007)
 Attachments: Executive Branch 2007—14.doc

Good Afternoon,
Attached is Cover Letter 2007—14 (Comments due by C.O0.B. April 18, 2007).

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Mikelle.Morra@fcc. gov
International Bureau/ Policy D|V|S|on

Document Created: 2019-05-27 18:29:19
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 18:29:19

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