Attachment 20170822155350-830.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20061004-00452 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Message                                                                                                              Page 1 of 3

  Mikelle Morra

  From:       David Krech
  Sent:       Friday,October13,2006 10:39 AV
  To:         Mikelle Morra
  Subject: FW: T—Mobile Section 214 Application

-----Original Message—————
Frce : Kiechel, Doane F. [mailto:DKi       ielé¢|]
Seit     Thursday, October 12, 2006 5      . PI
To:     avid Krech
Ce:     zal, Joan E.; Kostyu, Jennifer
Sul ict: T—Mobile Section 214 Appli         :ion

Da\      —I made a correction to the ea    r ei    il in the first paragraph to the cite, otherwise I‘ve made no changes.
The     s.


               We would like to amen:      ie :    lication for licensing or other authority of T—Mobile USA, Inc. to add two
               international Section 2*     aut!    ization routes (in Macedonia and Uzbekistan) (ITC21420061004—00452) (the
               "Application") to include   rec     st that the FCCcondition the grant of the Appllcat|on on compliance with the
               January 12, 2001 agree      ent     th DOUJ/FBI. (See VoiceStream Wireless Corporation, Powertel, Inc.,
               Transferors, and Deuts      3T      kom AG, Transferee, for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and
               Authorizations Pursuar      > Se    ions 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act, IB Docket No 00—187, FCC
               01—142, 16 FCC Red 9.       ),9     3—76 (2001)).

               Specifically, please ade    e ft    iwing language to the Application:

               T—Mobile respectfullh       2qu     ts that the FCC condition the grant of this Application on compliance
               with the provisions o       ie J    uary 12, 2001, Agreement with the Department of Justice ("DOJ")
               and the Federal Bure:       of:     restigation ("FBI") ("DOJ/FBI Agreement") upon which the approval
               of the merger betwee        "—V      sile and DTwas based. The requirements of the DOJ/FBI Agreement
               are binding on DT an        T       subsidiaries, including T—Mobile. Section 7.2 of the DOJ/FBI
               Agreement provides:

                                     D] gre      that in its applications or petitions to the FCC for licensing or other
                                     aw orit    iled with the FCC after the Effective Date, except with respect to pro
                                     forma assignments or pro forma transfers of control, it shall request that the FCC
                                     condition the grant of such licensing or other authority on DT‘s compliance with
                                     the terms of this Agreement .. ..

               Exhibit A to the DOJ/FBI Agreement prescribes specific language for the conditional grant of FCC
               licenses at Exhibit A to the DOJ/FBI Agreement:

                                     It is further ordered, that the authorizations and the licenses related thereto are
                                     subject to compliance with the provisions of the Agreement attached hereto
                                     between Deutsche Telekom AG, VoiceStream Wireless Corporation,
                                     VoiceStream Wireless Holding Corporation on the one hand, and the
                                     Department of Justice (the "DOJ") and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (the
                                     "FBI") on the other, dated January 12, 2001, which Agreement is designed to


Message                                                                                               Page 2 of 3

                                address national security, law enforcement, and public safety issues of the FBI
                                and the DOJ regarding the authority granted herein. Nothing in the Agreement
                                is intended to limit any obligation imposed by Federal law or regulation
                                including, but not limited to, 47 U.S.C. § 222(a) and (c)(1) and the FCC‘s
                                implementing regulations.

             Thank you.

             Doane F. Kiechel
             Morrison & Foerster LLP
             2000 Pennsylvania Avenue
             Washington, DC 20006
             202—887—8726 Direct Dial
             202—887—0763 Fax

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     To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, Morrison & Foerster LLP informs you that,
     if any advice concerning one or more U.S. Federal tax issues is contained in this communication
     (including any attachments), such advice is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the
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                                                                                                               Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:         Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [Myla.Saldivar—]
  Sent:         Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:18 AM
  To:           David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
  Co:           James Ball
  Subject: FCC Status update for week of 10/23/2006

Hi George, Joann, Mikelle, David and Susan,

        Please be advised of the statuses of the following applications:

        Please REMOVE from streamline the following applications:

        1.         Global Telesat Corp. — ITC—214—20061003—00449

          2.         T—MobileUSA—ITC—214—200610

          Please be advised that the statuses of the non—streamlined applications under review remains unchanged.

          Myla Saldivar—Trotter


  Message                                                                                                          Page 1 of 1

   Mikelle Morra

    From:     Mikelle Morra
    Sent:     Friday, October 27, 2006 12:09 PM
    To:       ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘dan.menser@t—
    Co:       Mikelle Morra; David Krech; George Li; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; ‘‘;
              ‘‘; ‘Jabloner, Amy‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
    Subject: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

  Global Telestat Corp

 T—Mobile USA, Inc. f/k/a Voice Stream Wireless Corporation

 VoiceStream PCS I lowa Corporation

 The above referenced applications were placed on Public Notice on October 13, 2006 for streamlined processing. Since
 the Public Notice was released, the Commission has been requested by the Executive Branch agencies of the United
 States that we remove the subject applications from streamlined processing because of foreign ownership issues.
 Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, we have removed these appllc:atlonsfrom
 streamlined processing.

 Please be:advised that: your:company may not commence operations until the Section 214 authorization is granted.> See
 Section 63.:12(d) of therules,; 47 C.F.R. Section—63.:12(d)." The Executive Branch will contact you or the "Contact" listed on
  your application directly for further information. You can be assured that your application will be prc:cessed expedltlously ‘
;_upon completion of Executive Branch‘s review. We will notify you by e—mail when your application is granted.: :

 The Public Notice Report No. TEL—01082S (released October 27, 2006), is attached. If you have any questions, please
 email:,, Susan.Oconnel{,, and

 Thank you,

 Mikelle Morra
 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau/ Policy Division

 *** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:      Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [Myla.Saldivar—]
  Sent:      Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:07 AM
  To:        David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
  Co:        James Ball
  Subject: FCC application status update for week of 12/11/2006

Hi George, Joann, David, Susan, and Mikelle,

        Please be advised of the statuses of the following non—streamlined applications:

      Please be advised that based upon the information in their applications and discussions with the company, the FBI, DOJ,
and DHS have COMMENT on the following applications:

  1.    Deutsche Telekom (T—Mobile USA, Inc.)/ lowa Wireless Services Holding Corp., ITC—T/C—20060922—00441, ISP—PDR—
        20060522—00009 and Deutsche Telekom (T—Mobile USA, Inc.) ITC—T/C—20061004—00452

   2.     Miron Enterprises LLC., ITC—214—20060816—00394

   3. Aspen Communication, Inc. ITC—214—20061020—00477

   4.     Meridian International Telecom, ITC—214—20061023—00482

  5.    Caribbean Cable Communications Ltd., ITC—214—20061011—00463

          Please be advised the it is requested that the following applications be REMOVED from streamline:

  1. Ouro Preto Inc. — ITC—214—20061120—00526

  2. Reliance Communication, Inc. (RCI)/Reliance Communications Ventures Limited (RCVL) —

          ITC—214—20021107—00535, ITC—T/C—20061109—00517

  3. FLAG Telecom Group Limited (FLAG)/Reliance Communications Ventures Limited (RCVL) — SCL—T/C—
     20061109—00008, SCL—LIC—19990301—00005

          Please let me know if you have any questions.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter


                                                                                                                    Page 1 of2

 Mikelle Morra

  From:        David Krech
  Sent:        Friday, December 15, 2006 10:06 AM
  To:          George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
  Subject: RE: Please grant in IBFS today . . .


Please grant the DT/owa Wireless applications in IBFS today. They will go on PN next Thursday.

Please also grant the AST Telecom PDR in IBFS effective today —— ISP—PDR— 20081004—00014.


*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***

From: Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [mailto:Myla.Saldivar—]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:07 AM
To: David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
Co: James Ball
Subject: FCC application status update for week of 12/11/2006

Hi George, Joann, David, Susan, and Mikelle,

           Please be advised of the statuses of the following non—streamlined applications:

      Please be advised that based upon the information in their applications and discussions with the company, the FBI, DOUJ,
and DHS have NO COMMENT on the following applications:

  1.     Deutsche Telekom (T—Mobile USA, Inc.)/ lowa Wireless Services Holding Corp., ITC—T/C—20060922—00441, ISP—PDR—
         20060522—00009 and Deutsche Telekom (T—Mobile USA, Inc.) ITC—T/C—20061004—00452

    2.     Miron Enterprises LLC., ITC—214—20060816—00394

    3.     Aspen Communication, Inc. ITC—214—20061020—00477

    4.      Meridian International Telecom, ITC—214—20061023—00482

  5.     Caribbean Cable Communications Ltd., ITC—214—20061011—00463

           Please be advised the it is requested that the following applications be REMOVED from streamline:

  1.     Ouro Preto Inc. — ITC—214—20061120—00526

  2. Reliance Communication, Inc. (RCI)/Reliance Communications Ventures Limited (RCVL) —

           ITC—214—20021107—00535, ITC—T/C—20061109—00517

  3. FLAG Telecom Group Limited (FLAG)/Reliance Communications Ventures Limited (RCVL) — SCL—T/C—
     20061109—00008, SCL—LIC—19990301—00005

                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:           Mikelle Morra
  Sent:           Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:29 PM
  To:             ‘‘; ‘jtroup@mecguirewoods.comn‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:             George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘Jabloner, Amy‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
  Subject:        FCC Section 214 Granted
  Attachments: DA—06—2567A1.pdf

ITowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation

AST Telecom, LLC

T—Mobile USA, Inc. f/k/a VoiceStream Wireless

VoiceStream PCS I Towa Corporation

The above listed: applications have been granted by Public Notice released December—21,;,2006; Report No. TEL-R
01098, DA 06—2567 (attached).

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
International Bureau/ Policy Division

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


Document Created: 2019-11-08 06:09:00
Document Modified: 2019-11-08 06:09:00

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