Attachment 20170905105313-357.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20060809-00381 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


James Ball

From:                        James Ball
Sent:                        Monday, February 05, 2007 3:58 PM
To:                          ‘‘; ‘‘
Co:                          Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra
Subject:                     Choudhury Group, Inc. International 214 Application Fee

Attachments:                 Choudhury Group.pdf

Good afternoon,

On August 9, 2006, Choudhury Group, Inc. filed an application for an International Section 214
Authorization (ITC—214—20060809—00381). On September 26, 2006, we received notification from our
Revenue and Receivables Operations Group that your company has an outstanding balance of $280.97*
owed to the Commission (see attachment). Our records indicate that this debt is still showing as unpaid
status. Your application is subject to dismissal due to a failure to pay delinquent Commission debts. If
the debt is not paid or payment arrangements are not made within 15 days of this email, we must dismiss
your application.

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact our Financial Operations
Group Help Desk at 1—877—480—3201 (option 4). You can also contact them by email at If you have questions regarding debts or red—light status, you can access our Red
Light Frequently Asked Questions webpage at collection/faq.html. Please
contact Mikelle Morra directly at if you are able to satisfactorily handle your
delinguent debt within 15 days of this e—mail.                                           +

Thank you.

Group.pdf (201 KB)

*Additional debt owed ($135.68 and $100.41) has occurred since initial letter sent; please contact Financial Operations
Groups Help Desk directly for details.
*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***

Joann Ekblad

From:                        Joann Ekblad
Sent:                        Tuesday, April 24, 2007 2:19 PM
To:                          ‘‘; ‘‘
Co:                          James Ball
Subject:                     Dismissal Notice

Attachments:                 choudhury.dismissal.0407.pdf

   0407. pdf (...

Re: ITC—214—20060809—00381

Mr. Choudhury,

This e—mail advises you that your application for an International Section 214 Authorization filed on August 9, 2006 was
dismissed today without prejudice to refiling because of Choudhury Group, Inc.s‘ failure to pay its delinquent debts to the
Commission. Attached is a copy of the official dismissal letter. We have mailed the original letter to you.

JoAnn Ekblad
Assistant Division Chief
Policy Division, 1B

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***

Joann Ekblad

From:                        Joann Ekblad
Sent:                        Monday, February 05, 2007 2:36 PM
To:                          James Ball
Subject:                     Choudhury Group, Inc. International 214 Application Fee

Attachments:                 Choudhury Group.pdf

Good afternoon,

On August 9, 2006, Choudhury Group, Inc. filed an application for an International Section 214
Authorization (ITC—214—20060809—00381). On September 26, 2006, we received notification from our
Revenue and Receivables Operations Group that your company has an outstanding balance,.of         $44.8       3€
owed to the Commission (see attachment). Our records indicate that this debt is still show       R :l'n*p'-aardii
status. Your application is subject to dismissal due to a failure to pay delinquent Commission debts. If
the debt is not paid or payment arrangements are not made within 15 days of this email, we must dismiss
your application.

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact our Financial Operations
Group Help Desk at 1—877—480—3201 (option 4). You can also contact them by email at If you have questions regarding debts or red—light status, you can access our Red
Light Frequently Asked Questions webpage at collection/fag.html. Please
contact Mikelle Morra directly at if you are able to satisfactorily handle your
delingquent debt within 15 days of this e—mail.

Thank you.
      ds 5-

Group.pdf (201 KB)

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***

                                                                                                          Page 1 of 1

  Joann Ekblad

  From:       Regnum Filings []
  Sent:       Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:35 PM
  To:         Joann Ekblad
  Subject: Choudhury Group, Inc. — AB Email to FCC — Company is No Longer In Operations

Ms. Ekblad,

Per our telephone conversation, Choudhury Group, Inc..isnolonger in operations.
They folded their telecom operations in the latter period of 2006 due to financial hardships and are now in the
grocery business.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me as listed below.
Best Regards,


Anteneh "Alonzo" T. Beyene
Regulatory Consultant
7999 NW 53 Street
Miami, Florida 33166
Office:(305) 468—1645 ext 201
Fax: (305) 675—7711

The information in this e—mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee.
If you are not the
intended recipient please delete. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except
where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Regnum Group, Inc.


Mikelle Morra

From:                    Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [Myla.Saldivar—]
Sent:                    Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:06 AM
To:                      George Li;; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Mikelle Morra
Co:                      James Ball
Subject:                 FCC status update for week of 08/268/2006

Hi George,   Joann,   Susan,   David,   and Mikelle,

        Please be advised of the statuses for the following applications :

        Please REMOVE from streamline the following applications:

        Colon Communications LLC — ITC—214—20060802—00378

        vistula USA —   ITC—214—20060804—0037

        MultiASP Corp. — ITC—214—20060809—00382
        VoiceSat, LLC — ITC—214—20060810—00383
        eKit.Com.Inc. — ITC—214—20060810—00384
      Please be advised that the statuses of previously non—streamlined applications
remain unchanged.

        Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Myla Saldivar—Trotter

Message                                                                                                     Page 1 of 2

 Mikelle Morra

  From:    Mikelle Morra
  Sent:    Friday, September 01, 2006 11:24 AM
  To:      ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘"; ‘‘;
           ‘‘; ‘jbarrios@mastertech—‘
  Co:      George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Joann Ekblad; ‘Myla Saldivar—Trotter‘; ‘agmrsald@ic.‘;
           ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
           ‘‘; Mikelle Morra
  Subject: FCC Section 214 RemovedfromStreamlined

Clon Communications LLC

Vistula USA, Inc.


MultiASP Corp. dba

VoiceSat, LLC
ITC—214—20060810—00383, Inc.

The above referenced applications were placed on Public Notice on August 18, 2006 for streamlined
processing. Since the Public Notice was released, the Commission has been requested by the
Executive Branch agencies of the United States that we remove the subject applications from
streamlined processing becauseof foreign ownership issues. Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.12
(c)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, we have removed these applications from streamlined processing.

Please be advised that your company may not commence operations until the Section 214
authorization is granted. See Section 63.12(d) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.12(d). The
Executive Branch will contact you or the "Contact" listed on your application directly for further
information. You can be assured that your application will be processed expeditiously upon
completion of Executive Branch‘s review. We will notify you by e—mail when your application is

The Public Notice Report No. TEL—01063S (released September 1, 2006), is attached. If you have
any questions, please email:, JoAnn.Ekblad@®,
Susan.Oconnell@®,, and George.Li@® or fax to 202—418—2824.

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division



Document Created: 2019-05-31 19:19:00
Document Modified: 2019-05-31 19:19:00

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