Attachment 20170905101601-007.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20060727-00370 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                              (202) 418—1462
                                                                              (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                              July 28, 2006
                                                                              Ref: 2006—46

Hillary Morgan               (703) 607—6092            Monique Roth                  (202) 353—6200
Steven W. Lett               (202) 647—5835            Regina Hart                   (202) 205—0497
Eric Werner                  (202) 772—0908            Louis Brenner                 (202) 692—4235
Edward T. Hand               (202) 514—2464            Josephine Scarlett            (202) 482—5461
Tina Gabbrelli               (202) 282—8582            Kenneth Schagrin              (202) 395—5663
Helen Domenici               (202) 456—6085            Myla S. Trotter               (202) 324—1730
Dominic Pastore              (202) 514—5607
Laura Parsky                 (202) 616—3928

                       Re:   Section 214 applications

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by C.O.B. August 16, 2006,
because we are prepared to take action on these applications. KElectronic filed (e—file)
applications are able to be viewed by accessing and searching by
the file number.

ITC—214—20060711—00339 (e—file)                             .
iLink3 Pakistan (PVT) Ltd.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—based
and resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Three
citizens of Pakistan own 30%, 30%, and 10% of the applicant, respectively.

ITC—214—20060724—00363 (e—file)
Cinthex, LLC‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 88%
owned by Genie, LLC, which in turn is 50% each owned by two citizens of Canada.

ITC—T/C—20060620—00326 (e—file)
SES—T/C—20060620—01038 (e—file)
DataPath, Inc. has filed applications for consent to transfer control of international
section 214 authority and non—common carrier earth station licenses from DPI Holdings,
LLC (DPI) to DataPath, Inc. (Post—Offering). DataPath also filed applications for special
temporary authority to consummate the transaction prior to Commission action on the
underlying transfer of control applications. The Commission granted the section 214 and
earth station STA applications on July 19 and July 18, 2006, respectively, for a period of
60 days (ITC—STA—20060620—00327; SES—STA—20060620—01032; SES—STA—20060620—
01033; SES—STA—20060620—01034; and SES—STA—20060620—01035). While DataPath
filed its STA applications prior to closing, it consummated the transaction before the
Commission granted the STA applications. Staff had requested that DataPath submit
certain additional information, which we did not receive until after closing. We acted on

the STA applications after receipt of the information, and after the applicar* had already

The transaction involved the elimination of DataPath‘s parent holding con        ny and a
private offering of stock directly in DataPath. As a result of the transactio;
approximately 20% of DataPath shares are held by individuals or entities t       : are citizens
of, organized in, or primarily do business in foreign countries. According       DataPath, no
individual or entity, whether U.S. or foreign, holds as much as 10% of the       ares of the
company. With respect to foreign citizens and entities, only two such shat       olders have
acquired interests greater than one percent. Applicant also states that no it    vidual, or
group of individuals, has acquired de facto control DataPath as a result of      transaction.
It states that senior executive management has not changed, and it does no       aticipate
senior management will change during the pendency of the transfer applic         ms.

DataPath requests confidential treatment of the identities of its foreign inv    ors (Exhibit
1 to its July 14, 2006 Letter to the Secretary, FCC).

D1v1ne Telecom Inc   “ pphcatlon for authority to provide global fac1            ss—based and
resale services between the United States and permissible international p«       ts. Applicant
is 100% owned by a citizen of Bangladesh.

If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. August 16, 2006, we will assume tt          you do not
have any concerns with these applications.


                                                       George L1, Deputy C1
                                                       Policy Division

Document Created: 2019-05-22 11:21:10
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 11:21:10

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